"Who are you?"

The sudden voice speaking to him was of unknown origin. When Guang Wang Lei spoke, his voice was full of malice. The body of the child in his hands withered away like a pile of dust. All that was left right now was pitch blackness with him standing all alone in this hell painted with darkness.

"The portal." The unknown voice spoke. "I have established the gateway for you to pass through. If you wish to meet me, pass through that void you were investigating."

A red haired man covered in blood entered the void. The next moment he found himself in a very strange place. A large room filled with strange things he has never seen before. The structure of the house he was in right now was very peculiar. When Guang Wang Lei looked outside the window he saw strange pillars with windows standing upright and strange wheeled boxes running on the road. The people walking by the road were all dressed in strange clothes, with vibrant colours of all shades.

"You really came....." A figure greeted Guang Wang Lei.

"Who are you?" This voice. He knew it belonged to the unknown person. Before him, was a frail sickly woman. She looked in her late thirties. Dressed in strange clothes like the people outside, she held a book in her hand. Then she walked closer to him.

"I am the one who created you. My son of fate, Guang Wang Lei. Welcome to earth." She spoke welcoming him mildly.

My son of fate?

The strange force binding him....the fate like encounters he had in his journey.....the subtle feeling of the world being aganist him almost as if it was punishing him....the strange red threads encrypted with familiar names...

Guang Wang Lei was able to connect the dots in an instant.

Is this skinny woman standing before him the one who created that world? Then, did this mean this strange world was the realm of gods? But aren't gods immortals? This woman claiming to have created him was dying slowly. He could see the remaining life left in this sickly woman and the time she has to live.

He saw the woman hand over a book to him.

"Have a look. And you will understand the situation more clearly." She said as she nudged the book forward urging him to take it.

Guang Wang Lei took it.

"THE DARKENED PROTAGONIST GOD." Read the cover of the book. Guang Wang Lei flipped through the pages. His eyes flashed with a little bit of shock when he ran through the pages of the book.

"He became the supreme ruler of all the realms and had a harem full of 3000 beauties. Thus, the world that was against him since his birth became his and his alone, his authority ruling over the world with his very own existence."

These were the ending lines of the book. The book where Guang Wang Lei was the son of fate, the main character of the enitre story.

"When I created this book, I didn't realise the power I had nor was I aware of the magnitude of the words I had written down had in a certain world outside of earth. I had no idea that a universe based on my words would be created, the world developing its own consciousness even after the ending of the book. If i explain how I came to be aware of the smaller world's existence, it would take up too much time. So I will just say this:I came to learn of you and your world's existence after I went through something similar. That is why, I am sorry. I am sorry for letting you go through a difficult life." She spoke looking at Guang Wang Lei. She noticed her son of fate's hands twitching violently. She made this character so she knew what those twitching hands meant.

Guang Wang Lei was dying to kill this frail woman before him, mincing her to pieces. This woman was the force behind all his misery? She created him and gave him a miserable life, specially to his parents. His blood thirst was still raging throughout his mind and soul. KILL HER! SHRED HER TO PIECES!

He noticed how the woman saw the desire for blood in him.

"I don't have much time left to live. You can kill me. But before doing that let me gift my legacy to you."

He heard her speak again.

"What is legacy?"

"Something that will transfer the power I have to you; something that will give you the power to pave your own path, make your own rules and build your own world. A legacy is a constitute that will make you a supreme being."

Guang Wang Lei found it too suspicious. Why would she give up that kind of power to him so easily? Specially without any ulterior motive?

She did have a reason for doing this. There was someone she needs to go back to. Someone stupid like that wench will probably wait for her to return until she dies. So she has to hurry back to her, and tell her in person how much she loves her. For that to happen she must establish this legacy through the red haired protagonist before her.

"The legacy, take it. I am doing this for my own purpose but the power that will come with this legacy will be only yours. The universe is vast."

Guang Wang Lei thought about certain things.

"Can I revive those I cared for, with this power?"

She looked at him with an understanding look of sadness. Her gaze have him the answer.

"....." So this meant he couldn't revive Guang Ru....or his parents....or his master.....or Yang Lu..... If so what was the use of accepting the legacy? Wasn't it going to be for naught?

The woman moved her lips. She said something to Guang Wang Lei, making his eyes fluctuate for a bit.

Then he said: "The legacy. I will accept it."

A few moments later these two people disappeared from the two storey building.

No one knew where she disappeared to.

As for Guang Wang Lei he was back in the abyss of his destroyed world. The vast amount of information pouring inside his head was making him frown slightly.

The legacy.....let's test it.

He created a world overwriting the pitch blackness. Houses, mountains, lands, rivers, oceans,streets and roads....animals....were created in an instant. Guang Wang Lei excluded the humans from his creation. But this didn't mean he wouldn't make living creatures. The three living creatures kneeled before him waiting to be blessed by individual names.

"You will be called Rushtaf."


"And Appm."

"Thank you for this wonderful name, My King." They spoke at the same time, their heads hanging down with utmost respect and obedience.



"Hey did you guys heard about the news? Our Sadistic-author lady has disappeared. I was so shocked to hear the news....it gave me goosebumps when I saw it on the news this morning..."

"We still don't know....maybe she was kidnapped or something.. I smell conspiracy...."

"Right.. Wasn't there some sort of family drama between her and her family? Maybe they are the ones behind her disappearance?"


*Ding. Ding. Ding."

The violent sound of messages being posted in a certain online community forum was in chaos.

One of the members posted:


In a silent room, a book placed on the table had its pages flipping due to the wind blowing inside through the window. The last page of the book flashed with a golden glow. It flickered for a split second before dying out.

"The protagonist travels throughout the universe, going through different worlds, having his own lasting adventure. There he had an unexpected encounter, finding himself "The one" who changed the game in his life."

Were the ending words engraved on the paper.

Hundreds of years went by.

During this entire time Guang Wang Lei had been to countless of worlds, going through different timelines. However ne never thought that he would come across a world so similar to his old one.

The legacy did mention about parallel universe of a world with the same story essence.

After coming across this discovery he began to trace out the parallel universes of The Darkened protagonist God. There were several reasons for him to do this.

First, was to see if he could save his parents or find them alive in any of the worlds.

Second, was to kill Chu Gui in each and every world.

Third, was to make Yang Lu one of his aides.

As for Guang Ru, he knew it was impossible. Since Guang Ru came into existence because of the things that has unfolded in his original world. If he did not entangle with those harem women Guang Ru will cease to exist. All Guang Wang Lei wanted now was to kill those women over and over again.

When Guang Wang Lei met Yang Lu in the first world, he helped him ascend above the parallel world. After that he took him along with him to other places. He also told him about how Guang Wang Lei had killed off the Yang Lu from his old world in a fit of rage. The new Yang Lu didn't held any hostility towards him despite knowing the truth. He remained as a good friend until he fell in love with a gril from a modern world. After that he settled down with her. Guang Wang Lei let him be. He continued his journey to look for a world where his parents were still alive.

Unfortunately there was none!

After having come across about thirty worlds he was hopeless. He had went through every world he could find but it was all for naught. So he was about to give up. Maybe it was an impossible feat for him to fulfill.

Just when he was about to withdraw, his gaze fell on a newly created portal.

His eyes flashed with hope when he saw the world that was leaded to through that portal.

"Maybe, I will give this a last shot...." He whispered to himself before entering this world.

In every parallel world of THE DARKENED PROTAGONIST GOD Gaung Wang Lei would always kill Chu Gui in the most vile and horrible way. He also made sure to keep his own distance from Xing Chu Lin and the other women of his harem. If they didn't comply he would go as far as to harming them as a warning.

If these women didn't take the warning seriously he would kill them. Guang Wang Lei was utterly disgusted by them every time he saw them in every world and in every world these women were petty and vicious. He has learnt it the hard way that if he doesn't intimidate them from the begining he would find himself in deep trouble. Thankfully the intimidation worked and he was able to prevent that nightmare from happening again.

The women aside, Chu Gui was never ever ever spared.

He was killed over and over again by him in each and every world.


Guang Wang Lei narrowed his eyes at the current Chu Gui standing a few yards away from him.

The demeanor of this present Chu Gui differed from the old Chu Gui's rotten scum temperament. Specially the intensity of those eyes.....it was as if the present Chu Gui was a different person.

Specially those red crimson mana.

"WHO IS THIS PERSON??!!??" Guang Wang Lei thought to himself.

The stranger before him in Chu Gui's body, it belonged to a different person. So who exactly is he??