166- Regret

To Luke it was as if everything happened in slow motion. His fragile body was falling slowly but he still didn't manage to reach him. Cath him. Maybe if he hadn't been so shocked and hadn't wasted a few seconds. Maybe if he hadn't run away from the beginning. So many maybes, so many questions but one was sure. One simple answer. If you weren't like this, none of this would have happened. He told himself. Alexander would not be crying, he wouldn't say he was hurt, he wouldn't have to run after him, he wouldn't have fainted. 

The young wolf crushed on the rough cement, his head bouncing aggressively from the nasty landing. Luke ran to get him, extended his arms, his eyes filled with agony. Why did he faint? He was a werewolf. Exhaustion should not be getting to him like that? What was happening to him? Was there something he didn't know?