167- A King's Plea

"Please do not make us leave" Ea said, staring at the woman with sad eyes. "We got no one to help us"

They had been standing there for only one or two minutes but in Allias' mind it was hours. Hours of torturing thoughts about Theseus' death that was nearing closer and closer. Amelia would not even spare a glance at the unconscious elf, as if she didn't want to see the wounds, to see the blood. She would also not look at Allias either. Everywhere esle but his beautifu eyes that silently were enduring the pain of rejection. He stood tall, waiting, hoping, even though every time he had placed his hopes on someone else he had been betrayed.

"You are denying help to a king" He stated, deciding to play his only strong card. His crown, shinning gold had aways been bound by treaties and alliances but this time it could be his only way to save Theseus. "We too belong in the treaties. Shouldn't you be more careful?"