.I should break the contract forcibly?

Years ago, the adverse effects of environmental pollution started to show up and earth's radiation increased suddenly by several folds, bringing the demise of countless lives. Only those who were able to adapt successfully to such conditions were able to survive. Gradually some of those survivors developed abilities as a side effect of the radiation who later helped to consolidate the living conditions and restored the original living environment up to some extent. Currently, it was a time of peace and the abilities flourished while normal humans also started to multiply a lot due to favorable conditions. The country's front-line defense was handed over to the abilities while the normal humans continued their normal lifestyles. Although it may seem unbalanced, but the abilities had high prestige and luxurious living conditions compared to normal people while normal people too had the room to improve and they would be treated in accordance with their contributions. Thus a secure and peaceful society was ensured.

One of the things that were different among the abilities and normal humans was that they had different customs when it comes to important events like marriage. It is to say, when the ability users develop their abilities for the first time, they would form a soul shard that represents their abilities which has the appearance of a pearl. It is basically a shred of their soul taken shape which will only form once for their whole lifetime. Before they could control their abilities, they wear a restraining bracelet to prevent the soul shard from getting lost accidentally and they later gain the ability to control the soul shard automatically after mastering their skills. When an ability user couple gets married, they would offer each other their soul shard which would then integrate into each other's soul, which is considered as a more profound exchange of rings. After the confirmation of their marriage, a mark would appear on each other's palm with both their powers combined. Just like one person would form only one soul shard for a lifetime, a person can only integrate one soul shard into him or her in a lifetime. So it's like a lifetime promise to be together.

This itself is what unsettled the whole Heilong family, not only their heir got accidentally married but he was also bound to such an unusual ability user, which was probably a conspiracy. There were not only a few people waiting for the downfall of the Heilong family.

" So an accident happened, and not only you touched a soul shard but that soul shard happened to be one with unusual appearance and also of high compatibility that absorbed with just one touch? do we need to consider the probability of such a thing actually happening?" the old marshal's whole face was gloomy as he summoned his trusted aid "what are the results of the investigation?"

The summoned guard, the Secretary of the old marshal; Ien Ziu bowed and presented him with the files " the trolley has been left there by a careless servant who delivered the meals and it is confirmed that there has been nothing in it before leaving it there. So all the passer-by after the trolley was stopped has been investigated and most of them are normal people. There are only five ability users, one of which was Dr.Pence and two of which were already married years ago, and another one left in a hurry from a distance and never came in contact with the trolley. The one remaining and the most suspicious is Yew Zishan who pushed young master Ginn and blocked the CCTV angle. He was hospitalized because of losing control of his power and falling into a coma due to overdrawn energy and he seemed to have had a few power outbursts recently which may result in losing control of soul shard as well. Most importantly, there is a rumor that he had accidentally gotten married just yesterday but we can't check the authenticity because he's being guarded heavily."

The old marshal who had been listening carefully with darkening eyes replied " well done. Inform me if there's anything. You can leave now"

"so there's a chance that it's actually an accident?" Ginn's father, the current marshal asked thoughtfully.

The old marshal looked conflicted and shook his head "we have to check carefully, if that's indeed a mistake, then we might as well give him a chance and see if he's good for Ginn since it has already come to this point. Besides, that boy has a high degree of compatibility with Ginn which is absolutely hard to find. "the old marshal concluded heavily.

"Is he the kid of Zishan family of capital? "asked the madam marshal who had been silent up to now. She had been in a dilemma for a while now. Although she liked it that her cold son was finally married, which mother wanted her son to be forced into marriage and to fall into other's trap for the power struggle? she just wanted him to be happy and have someone to accompany him in hard times. She was doubtful whether she should consider this Yew as her future daughter-in-law.

At this moment, a sudden pressure surrounded the main hall and Ginn's breathing grew heavy while others started to ooze cold sweat, even the all-powerful old marshal wasn't spared. The heavy pressure attacked their brains making them dizzy while the furniture started to overturn making a mess out of the main hall. Their brains started to tingle with needle-sharp pain and the corners of the table disintegrated into fine dust in front of their own eyes. Ginn's energy started to flow out in wave after wave centered around him, attacking others with a force that didn't belong to him, making his very own legs go numb.


Seui sat on the hospital bed panting heavily. His bangs were stuck on his forehead due to sweat and even his fingers were still trembling because of his sudden acceleration, alongside his cramped legs.

Eir stared speechlessly at him with great curiosity. Brother Sol just went out for a walk and returned almost immediately, with such vigor as if a mortal enemy was chasing behind!! Nobody would think he's the one who woke up from a coma just a few hours ago!!! Look at him being so lively!! what's with this heaven-defying vitality!!!

Before he could even inquire about the details, bother Sol breathlessly urged " that...hah..I...hah ...want to get discharged immediately...hah..from the hospital...could you handle the procedures for me?...hah" then he continued breathing noisily. Eir was extremely puzzled as to why he wanted to discharge on a whim and tried to force some sense into him " brother, it's impossible to discharge immediately. Your condition has to be observed further and it's dangerous to go out without doing the final check-ups"

"then tell the doctor that I have something extremely important and that I'm ready to do the final check-ups now. Tell him I'm okay with signing and discharging voluntarily "

Right now, Seui wanted nothing more than to get out of the sight of that nutcase! It was temporarily safe as he saw clearly that the original Sol fainted halfway and was 'escorted' back, so he wanted to make use of that time and get out of here! He knew that their meeting was an inevitable thing, but he didn't want to face him like this; vulnerable and helpless. He wanted to know more about himself and his enemy, which is the same thing in this case, and face him head-on with confidence. To be honest, he was aware that the original Sol's appearance can make up for the gap that was created by not having a system or plotlines. Who would be more knowledgeable about the circumstances besides the original owner himself!!! So he wanted to use this opportunity wisely and appropriately without being chased by the original owner around the hospital ward!!


Hearing a clamor inside the Heilong mansion, the guards tried to approach the hall preparing for emergencies but once they got within a two hundred meter diameter of the main hall, all of them became dizzy with sharp pain inside their head and fell to the ground with feeble bodies, clutching their heads. It maintained about ten minutes before gradually disappearing, leaving only the crashed objects in its wake.

Inside the main hall, the people gradually recovered while Ginn laid down on the chair in a completely exhausted manner. The old marshal was the first one to recover and the marshal quickly followed behind, he then helped his wife to a comfortable position for better recovery before checking on Ginn.

" Ginn had a power outburst just now? but how come it was different from usual and much more destructive?" the marshal asked with uncertainty. "he indeed had an outburst, but I guess they must not have been his own powers" suggested Professor Enoch who had managed to enter the main hall during the attack, with difficulty. He is the biological brother of the marshal's wife, the brother-in-law of the marshal. He is currently the dean of Abilities and power research institute of the capital and he's very experienced when it comes to ability usage and mutations and is basically a walking ability encyclopedia. He inched toward Ginn and probed carefully " can you fill me in the details I've just missed?"

After listening to the whole incident, he was stunned for a brief moment and carefully inspected Ginn's palm with the totem of marriage and went silent for a whole minute. He then spoke seriously with concealed surprise " the one who married Ginn seemed to be a rare dual ability user .."

"...a dual ability? are you able to see what kind of abilities are they?" the marshal asked with surprise. Dual abilities are extremely rare in this era and there are only about three in the whole capital, which is the most populated area in the country and where the most talents gather. So it can be estimated that the dual abilities in the whole country might not be more than a single digit. This was mainly because it was hard to maintain a balance between the powers and they tend to obstruct each other most of the time making it hard to properly make use of the powers. The reason why the marshal was surprised was not only this but because Ginn was also a dual ability user and had been unable to use his powers till now and often had energy diversions. It was only recently that the doctor had said he was gradually getting adapted to keeping a subtle balance and might be able to use his powers in the near future. Two dual abilities getting married is something that had never happened before, even more, or so accidentally!

" about this.. I cannot be a hundred percent sure about it, but it's likely that one of his powers is a mental power while the other is more inclined towards physical energy. I can't tell the exact form of his second power, I have never encountered an ability of this sort before, more like particles manipulated with mental energy gathering together to form a physical form. Somehow both his powers seem to have a similarity between them" Professor Enoch said with his brows knitted together before glancing carefully at the patriarch. 

"Is there a problem?" the patriarch asked noticing his distressed face.

Professor Enoch looked tangled as if whether he should voice this and finally slowly opened up, " that person seemed to have rather destructive power outbursts which is a sign that his powers aren't stable. It won't be a major problem if it was another person, but Ginn's powers are still unstable as well and now they're connected together, it might worsen both of their conditions and the worst might even result in death. Either we should find this person quickly and stabilize his power or terminate this marriage contract before it's too late. The former is difficult as even if we find the person, it might take months to stabilize his powers and by then we can't guarantee what might have happened to them. As for the latter, terminating the contract might result in a loss of control of the powers for a short time at the best, and a power backlash at the worst, but it is definitely better than putting the life in danger. I guess you should make a decision about this "

All around the table fell into a gloomy silence while Ginn mused, 'so logically, I should break the contract forcibly?'