.The silver lining in every dark cloud is so destructive?

Inside the hospital, Seui was in a rare bright mood, the reason being that he remembered something very important; ID !! The fastest and easiest method of gathering info and an essential prop for the discharge procedures! So he found Eir, the youth he still didn't know the name of, and spoke confidently " can do a small favor for me? will you fetch my ID from my place? It's probably in the cupboard and if it's not, search a bit around there. " while inwardly praising himself for his wit and tactfulness. He didn't have to waste time searching like a headless fly, and moreover even if Eir didn't find it where he told, it'll only be the fault of messed up furniture! He definitely knew where his ID was before things got messed up!! nobody could doubt this!!!

It was totally a brilliant idea, that is if you ignore the fact that one needed to have his ID to admit into the hospital! So the next moment, Seui was presented with an ID and a sympathetic look from Eir. " I brought it over before to get brother admitted into the hospital " Seui was embarrassed speechless and didn't look straight at Eir for a few minutes before finally recovering ' what a shame! I'm tarnishing the reputation of the class topper here! but since I achieved my target, either way, the process shouldn't matter much!'

So he received the ID and engrossed himself in studying it while trying his best not to look suspicious. He definitely couldn't afford to look like someone who has never seen his own ID! It was an automatically updating white electronic ID. Seui found it amusing that it was even lighter than the normal ID back home. In the upper right corner was the photo of him, or to be more exact it was the original Sol: he was facing the camera with a calm look but there was a subtle gloom around his eyebrows. He had smart-looking peach blossom eyes shining with moisture. Seui felt a shock looking at those eyes: they were the same eyes that stared into him with anger a few hours ago while chasing him! With a palpitating heart, he scanned the name column and suddenly went foolish. On the column there stood a lonely word: Sol.

No middle name, no surname, not even one extra word! Seui felt it was extremely odd, 'how come this guy's name is a single three-letter word? and most importantly what about his plan to check him online with his family name? was the one who named him on drugs? even the orphans these days are raised with the orphanage head's family name, alright?'

Then the sound of footsteps came from nearby followed by the doctor in charge who came to perform the final checkups. The doctor looked at Seui who was sitting on the bed and said with disapproval " you barely woke up from a coma almost after a week and now to want to discharge immediately? you have no idea about the severity of this matter, do you? starting from now you will have difficulty breathing from time to time and occasionally there will be problems with blood circulation leading to heart pain. Lots of your internal organs have been damaged to various degrees due to the drugs and it's an absolute miracle that you're alive at this point. We must observe your condition and make sure there won't be major problems. Do you still want to discharge?"

However Seui still nodded his head resolutely " I know doctor, I'll be careful. But I must discharge as quickly as possible " The doctor sighed helplessly and said, "well there's nothing I could do about it since you insist so much. I'll do the checkups now. How's the flexibility of your movements? normally they tend to be a little stiff after waking up from a coma. Do you need therapy to facilitate the movements?"

Seui replied rather quickly " thanks doctor but there's no need. I think they're just fine" Eir who was next to him agreed while nodding fiercely. Brother Sol had absolutely great flexibility earlier when running around the ward! When were there any stiff limbs? Various equipment was quickly connected to Seui and the doctor proceeded to draw blood from him. Seui suddenly felt the familiar heat rush and draining of energy and his body went limp while waves of heat started to spread centering his heart. As his consciousness was about to blur, he suddenly felt a cold sensation slowly flowing within him starting from his left wrist. It relived the raging heat, filling him with energy bit by bit. After about ten minutes the heat completely receded like it was never there making Seui wonder whether it really happened or not.

The doctor in charge observed the real-time data shown on the display carefully. In the last few minutes, the data in the index kept changing in various degrees but now the data has finally stabilized. The current index can said to be barely within the threshold of acceptable range, but there was obviously a risk considering the rapidly changing data. The results of the blood sample arrived at this moment and the doctor was surprised to find out that the drug percentage in the blood has considerably reduced. He turned to look at Seui "alright, your final inspection is done. Although I don't recommend this, you can take care of your discharge procedures now. I'll give you a prescription for sudden symptoms. Be careful and take those as quickly as possible in case of emergency or it'll be hard for you to bear". "Sure, thank you very much doctor "Seui replied while getting off the bed. He could sense that the doctor was genuinely worried for him and he was thankful for the warm heart of this person. He was basically alone here and nobody really knew him, so this kind of care for a stranger without anything in return made him feel quite warm.


Heilong mansion in the capital

"Is what you said true? will his life really be threatened if he continued to be this way? " the old marshal tried to confirm with a subtle tension between his eyebrows while the marshal was more direct and scrunched his face on the spot. Professor Enoch nodded heavily " I can assure you what I said is most likely accurate. I'm sorry I had to say something like that"

"it's alright. We should be thankful that you warned us beforehand. " the old marshal replied and turned to Ginn who had listened to all this without a word and said " Ginn, you've heard the pros and cons of these two options yourself, and you're the one who concerns this matter, it's your life choice. I'll leave the final decision to you. What's your choice?"

" Grandpa, I guess the best choice in this situation would be to break off this marriage. The risk in the other choice is too great and even if you take the risk, it has zero chance of success " Ginn answered from the point of standby as if it wasn't his business at all. At this time of age, a lot of people chose a profitable and convenient marriage rather than pursuing love. Either way, he wasn't much interested in any of those matters, but that was on the prelude that there aren't any disadvantages to his side. But now his own life was at stake, he couldn't bear to continue this way anymore and he decisively choose to break off the marriage.

"So, what should be done to break the contract forcibly?" Ginn asked professor Enoch who was his maternal uncle. Regarding forced termination of a marriage between ability users, there were less and less examples of each year and by now it has almost turned into a mere concept. It was not because the ability couples would never separate, but rather because both parties involved might face a power backlash and have their soul shards destroyed. Although the soul shard getting destroyed won't cause an inability to use power, it still would have a considerable effect on their power. Henceforth they will be unable to use their maximum energy anymore and even their abilities will be greatly reduced. Only one out of ten thousand would be able to survive with their soul shard intact. So nowadays nobody terminates marriage forcibly.

However, in Ginn's case where his life was in danger, terminating the marriage might not necessarily be a bad thing. At most he would have yet another backlash and have his power reduced, which won't make a difference since he wasn't able to use his powers from the beginning, and most importantly his life would be safe. Besides, power is something that can be accumulated through hard work, and resuming his previous condition isn't totally impossible with the facilities and resources he possesses.

"Our research institute recently has researched on this matter and it has achieved considerable results. Our goal is to reduce the substantial damage and side effects of energy backlash and preserve the soul shard with minimal damage and mutations. Although this method cannot allow combining the soul shard again with another one, the combined soul shards can be separated totally, fully intact without much harm to the bearer." professor Enoch explained before continuing, while looking at Ginn seriously " according to the results it is important to reduce the contact with the other person to a minimal range. As for you, since you didn't give your soul shard to your partner, your marriage can said to be somewhat one-sided. So you better completely avoid any contact with him, especially skin contact in case your soul shard gets transferred into him automatically due to your high compatibility. Also, be careful not to use too much of your power during this period "

Ginn listened carefully and made sure he didn't miss any points and asked, " but how do I reduce the contact with him? I'm not exactly sure who he is? what should I do if we came into contact within a crowd without my knowledge? It's not like I can stop going out completely and stay at home all day"

Professor Enoch shook his head with a helpless smile, "about this, it doesn't have to be this troublesome. Even though exchanging soul shards may seem like a flashy thing, it's not just for appearance. From the moment a couple exchanges their soul shards, they form an indestructible connection between them and they can use this connection to sense each other and many more. Although it might not be that easy, but once you figure out the correct method it's pretty much nothing. You just have to pay attention to the mark on your palm, when your partner is within two hundred meters of you the mark will start pulse lightly. However, the pulse is very light and almost unnoticeable, much lighter in your case so you have to be more vigilant. I'll be much easier when you get used to it"

"Hmm..." Ginn touched the mark with his fingertips. The elegant mark was still as ever, and it was hard to believe that it would ever pulse. He was determined to let this mark disappear forever without giving it any chance to do so. He clenched his hand slowly and inquired "so, zero contact and minimal power use, that's it?"

Professor Enoch dragged his tone before answering "well... there's still the most important one, to formally break off the marriage you must have physical relationships with somebody else besides your married partner"

Ginn abruptly raised his head and asked with disbelief "what..what did you say?"


Seui was sitting in the waiting area while Eir settled the hospital bill at the counter with Sol's card. Seui felt deeply guilty for using the original owner's card to pay for the hospital expenses while the original owner himself was in the hospital. Not only he was spending other people's hard-earned money lavishly, but he also didn't know if the original owner could afford to pay for his stay without his card there. He resolved to quickly find a way to earn money and pay the original owner back once they meet again! He saw Eir returning from the counter and rushed forth to meet him while musing in his heart 'it seems like this guy managed to use Sol's card somehow! it's good that I wasn't the one who paid with the card, otherwise who knows how long I'd have to fabricate passwords yet again?!!'

Since Eir once again took the trouble to give him a lift back home, he arrived at his door within fifteen minutes. After saying goodbye to Eir and promising to be careful in every way possible, he managed to enter his house without much trouble. Only after entering did he realize that he didn't avoid trouble, but it was just that trouble was on the way!