.Ginn Heilong? my future husband???

The black smoke was already occupying half of the room. Even Seui's line of sight was somewhat blocked by it. Seui vaguely noticed that the destruction was only happening in the areas where the smoke was mixed with silver color. Looking at the gorgeous silver dust that wreaked havoc tearing down everything in its path, Seui was certain that this must be the culprit who ruined his house the time before as well. He waved a hand in front of him trying to disperse some of the black smoke and carefully observed the surrounding for its source.

After realizing that it was emitting from his own body, Seui was extremely shocked! The black and silver smoke was coming from him! If it was a few moments ago, he would probably be scared witless or try to soak in the water hoping to put out the inner fire. But now that he has gained a general understanding of this world and came to terms with the existence of abilities, he knew what was going on almost immediately and was excited "This must be my ability! how nice is it to actually have an ability! the only downside is that all I could do with this power is to smoke someone to death and flatten his furniture! but that's definitely cool even though the room looks like a chimney now!"

Since he was unexpectedly able to use his power so quickly, Seui ignored the ridiculous and infuriating webpage and concentrated on controlling his ability lest the neighbors call the firefighters. However, although he managed to stop more smoke from coming out spending a lot of effort, the already gathered smoke showed no signs of dispersing and continued to float around the room. He even tried waving a paper fan in front of it which turned out to be futile. Frustrated, he shouted at the cloud " get lost! don't pester me here!"

Just then a loud 'gulu gulu' came from his tummy. It was then he remembered that he haven't had a meal for a long time. When he was in the hospital all the nutrition was transferred to him along with the saline drip, so basically there wasn't a need for food. But that didn't prevent his tummy from feeling empty. So he decided to make something plain for himself before anything else. So he went in to the kitchen while an ignored little black cloud continued drifting around in the room.

He quickly made instant noodles with an omelet which was one of the few things he could manage. He boiled the noodles until they became very soft and moist so that it was easy to swallow. Otherwise, it might be troublesome because his throat was rather dry and parched. After finishing his simple meal he put the dishes in the dishwasher and noticed that it was very late, almost midnight. Time seemed to have flown away while he was busying himself. So he decided to go to bed. He vaguely felt that he seemed to have forgotten something important, but that feeling was soon cast aside by him as he entered the dreamland.


" ding ding ding ding" the ringing in the cellphone continued for a long time before a sweat-soaked hand grabbed it and brought it near a sleepy and fluffy head. " Is this young master Sol?" from the other side came a formal voice, neither cold nor warm and relatively detached. " no. wrong number " a sticky and pleasant voice, evidently half-awake answered and the call was hung up immediately. Seui continued his sleep again, slightly angry to be disturbed in the early morning. But his peace only lasted for a few seconds before the ringtone rang loudly again. He sat up from the bed in a fit of anger throwing the blanket aside. Due to the force of his movements, the bed creaked and slanted to one side dangerously. It was only then he remembered his current situation and that he had slept a night on a severely damaged bed without even realizing it. He quickly stopped moving about lest he falls to the ground and glanced at the caller ID which read 'Butler Mel'. He picked up the call and waited for the other party to speak.

The formal voice from the other party sounded again " young master Sol, don't make trouble anymore. Master asked you to come back to the mansion for lunch today, there's an important matter to discuss "

"mansion? what mansion are you talking about?" although Seui knew that speaking this way might arouse suspicion, he just couldn't help it! he knew nothing about the so-called mansion! it's not like he could go searching every mansion in the country!

"Are you still holding grudges, young master? of course, it's the Yinchen family mansion, you should stop throwing tantrums due to temper" the other side was obviously displeased and even the word 'young master ' seemed to be inlaid with a slight mockery. Seui instantly knew that this was nothing good, but he still agreed. "alright" curtly replying he hung up for a second time.

His mood was totally destroyed half because of having to wake up early and the other half accounting for that call. He washed up at a slow pace while drowsily checking up online about the so-called Yinchen family. Despite being jabbed after colliding onto taps here and there because of his carelessness, he finally washed up and collected info including the latest gossip as well. (And please don't misunderstand, he didn't use to be such an internet addict before, it was all due to the Transmigration Headquarters ignoring their duties and failing to assign him a system! )

Yinchen family was one of the influential families in Hracea that have been there for many generations. Although their power in the empire has slightly reduced due to the current emperor assigning many of the authorities to the other families, they still had considerable power within the capital. However, according to the online gossip forums and tabloids, the reason for their significant reduction of authority is due to the questionable decisions of the current head of the Yinchen family and their internal struggles. It's rumored that the abilities within the family are getting less and a few non-abilities have been chased out of the family because they were useless in the power struggle. Some of the chased non-abilities have tried to bring the downfall of the family but all to no avail, only to die a horrible death at the end. It seems that the government was also powerless against this since they were internal matters.

According to the style, Seui knew that the single name on his ID had something to do with the Yinchen family, probably he was one of those that were chased out of the family. So calling him back now definitely won't be a good thing. But this also spared him the trouble of being recognized by familiar people. Since he was chased out there's no way the people there would suspect anything. As he stepped out of the bathroom deep in thought, he saw the black cloud floating over and was stunned speechless! "Sh*t, I totally forgot there was such a thing. Why didn't this disappear overnight! It's not like I ordered my own exclusive rain cloud!"

Determined to let it disappear, Seui concentrated his thoughts on the black smoke and envisioned it scattering and dissolving desperately. Cold sweat started to ooze from his forehead and his lips started to tremble. The black smoke finally started to dissolve bit by bit extremely slowly. Noticing this Seui started to redouble his efforts although he was already starting to feel drained. After about fifteen minutes the dense cloud was gone and only a few puffs of light grey smoke remained. By this time Seui was soaked with sweat from head to toe, even his clothes appearing a bit transparent. He understood that he had probably overdrawn his power and his current power was not enough to completely dispel smoke. As he didn't even have the energy to speak, he complained in his head ' the smoke came out so easily without even batting an eyelid, but how come it's so hard to make it disappear! I felt like dragging a ton of bricks with my back. Argh!'

As he was breathing heavily due to being exhausted, he felt that his throat was being constrained and he was running out of air. He opened his mouth wide to breathe but found that it was barely useful. He felt his air cavity was being squeezed and even his chest started to ache due to lack of oxygen. His face rapidly paled and he took numerous broken breaths like a fish out of water. As his brain was starting to feel foggy, he suddenly remembered something and scampered to the nightstand where he put the medicine from the doctor and opened the bottle with trembling hands. He barely managed to gulp two tablets before sliding to the ground. He sat there till he came around and felt the symptoms slowly alleviating and his breathing returning to normal. ' the symptoms are indeed terrible, seems like I shouldn't overuse my power in the future '


When it was almost lunchtime Seui rummaged through his wardrobe and found a light-colored shirt and pair of dark trousers. After cleaning up he changed into those without much ado and slightly combed his hair before scanning the contacts in the cellphone. He had accidentally seen the contacts before and noticed that it had the contact info of the youth upstairs, Eir Voven. To be honest, he had only noticed it because the contact had the profile picture of Eir and that's how he had finally came to know the youth's name.

He called Eir to ask to give him a lift, cursing inwardly ' these rich families, what are doing not even sending a car to pick him up! they basically have none of the rich peoples' mannerisms! Look at how society has declined! Are they not afraid I will stand them up?' Eir was quite glad that he was finally asking him for help and agreed instantly. Seui was of course pleased and simply asked him to drop him off at the Yinchen mansion. Although Eir felt quite disturbed thinking that brother Sol will step there again, he still agreed and drove him there.

It only took about half an hour to arrive at the Yinchen mansion. It was quite beautiful with lots of greenery and exquisite little ponds but sadly Seui was not in the mood to appreciate the surroundings. Eir said that he would wait for him in a nearby cafe and to call him when he finishes. After a brief thanks, he got out of the car and headed toward the entrance where there stood a rather fashionable and arrogant-looking butler beside the guards. After he went over, the butler greeted him " oh young master Sol came back again, follow me in, the master and madam have been waiting there for a long time" although there was nothing wrong on the surface, the butler's tone was indicating something like 'how dare you trash be late'. Seui was indifferent to it and gave a perfunctory nod to the butler and followed him into the dining room.

The others were already sitting at the table and Seui noticed that some were even discreetly chewing. 'Ah moral degradation' Seui sighed inwardly. But considering from a logical point, none of these had anything to do with him. He didn't come here to feast, he was here to get into the business. He couldn't recognize any of the people present and their obvious disgust made him raise his alert. He didn't know if it was this body's instinct, but he felt rather irked by their mere appearances. He might have a rather indifferent attitude to others, but if they try to get on his nerves, then that might not necessarily be the case. To them, Seui would use a cold attitude, and might as well be excessive sometimes. That's just how his personality is. After all, in his era he's been the respected heir of their family.

So he sat at the table without the slightest hesitation without waiting for them to invite him. He glanced at the man at the head of the table and got to the topic straightforwardly "so, why did you call me here?"

Although Seui didn't do anything excessive yet, his arrogant and disrespectful attitude had already infuriated the patriarch of the Yinchen family. The patriarch snorted and gave an overbearing and malicious smile before staring at him, slowly answering " since you're so eager to know, let me tell you. I've arranged your marriage with your fiancé, Ginn Heilong. You'll get registered tomorrow "