. I ended up in the civil affairs bureau!

Seui just felt ridiculous. Forget the fact that one can't be forced into marriage, what right did this old man have to make decisions on behalf of him? they've broken their relationship legally! Did he really think he would play along with them? He didn't know whether they were too naive or too crazy. They decided on something that concerns him who had no relationship with them, arranged it by themselves, notified the concerned person at the last minute and expect him to cooperate! Seui almost had the urge to laugh in rage. He didn't pay any attention to the 'fiancee' part. It wasn't him who was engaged anyway!

Seui looked straight at the old man and asked sharply " and why do you think I would cooperate?"

The man laughed sarcastically "You're getting married to your fiancee, isn't that how it supposed to be?"

"well, but when to do that is my decision. So what are you doing poking your nose into others' business? We've no relationship whatsoever. " Seui calmly stated.

"Your fiancee's family expressed their desire to get married quickly, of course I informed about that to you. Shouldn't I do that?" the old man answered leisurely but his eyes glowed with anger.

" Isn't it? what use it is discussing that with somebody who has no relationship to me?" Seui replied.

" Since you mention it so much, it's no problem accepting you back into the family. Isn't everything okay now ?" the old man made a gesture as if readily making concessions for him.

Seui wanted to directly strangle this psycho and end this farce here. Look at him taking advantage of the situation and appearing generous. For him to go into this much trouble, the other party must most definitely be a big shot. Now that they're going to marry Sol, this old man surely wants to accept him back to the family and get into their good graces as their in-laws. Seeing that this one was capable of whitewashing even this, this old man is surely a formidable opponent.

Realizing this, Seui didn't want to stay here any longer and said directly " but I don't want to, I don't want to get into your family again nor do I want to get married " he got up from the table, ready to leave when he heard the old man saying "...stop playing around. Don't you want to know about your mother's whereabouts? Do you realize that after doing this, she might not be alive to meet you even if you find her?"

Seui stopped in place after hearing the threatening. ' 'mother?' so this old man is holding the original's mother hostage? and that's why he's confident in doing all this? Hmm... he finally came to the point at last.. so I'm basically being blackmailed here' Seui felt sorry for Sol and his mother. Probably both were being blackmailed by each other's name and he unfortunately got involved in the middle. He didn't want to hurt this unknown woman because of him, but now he was in a tight position. There's no way he would follow the Yinchen family's arrangement for something that he can't verify for sure and there's no way he could let someone die because of him in case what they said is true.

Tangled, he scrunched his eyebrows only to notice that he was surrounded when he was unaware and the Yinchen family head was looking at him smugly with a disgusting smile. In a split second Seui realized that he had made a fatal mistake, he didn't have a choice anymore! Five or six people in entirely black outfits had surrounded him and each had a somber expression like attending someone's funeral. The old man probably thought he was successfully threatened, so he proudly ordered "it's good you've finally decided to cooperate. Now follow them inside and your mother would be temporarily safe" he nodded towards the men in black and added " and don't even think of running away. All of those men are powerful abilities, even an ability user cannot escape and you're just asking for injuries"

Seui's eyes suddenly turned gloomy. He had been hoping to escape using his powers when there were fewer people, but if all those are experienced abilities then he's obviously not their match. Not only he's a novice in this ability thing but also he's in a condition where he cannot overuse his power, especially since he forgot to bring his pills. Escaping here seems near impossible to him now. He depressingly went to follow them wanting to cry without tears 'you're blackmailing the wrong person here! I'm not engaged at all! Forget engagement, this good old Seui is not even at the legal age yet!'

The men in black led him to a faraway corridor and told him to enter a room in the middle. Seui dispiritedly entered the room and was locked in the next moment without the slightest warning. This time he saw that when one of the six men moved to the door to lock it, he moved at an extremely fast speed that was difficult for a normal human to possess. Seui understood that he is a speed ability which proved that what the old man said was true. Seui watched him move about in a somewhat complicated mood. He was amused as this was the first time he saw someone else use their ability, at the same time he was worried because that nice ability is being used to stop him from leaving here. Compared to his speed ability, Seui's ability was relatively useless. At best he could use it to obstruct the men's sight and escape, where he would be caught in no time, but that also depends on whether his power would come out or not as he couldn't control his power yet.

Seui observed the room and found that there was only a bed and a low stool in the whole room. There was only one small window near the ceiling and it even had iron bars grilled to it. The whole room had a dark and gloomy atmosphere, making it look like a jail cell in a police station. Seui wondered if this room was specially made to hold prisoners or something. He carefully went to the bed and sat down trying to look out of the small window.

Looking at the iron bars, he suddenly had a brilliant idea. Police! he can call the police! even if he didn't know their hotline in this era, Eir probably does! He could tell Eir to call the police! He didn't want to call Eir for the rescue because he's not a match for the abilities, but it's not the same for the police! Seui quickly reached out into his pocket searching for his phone, only to find it empty. Flustered, he quickly went through all his pockets which turned out to be useless. Seui was sure that he had brought his cell with him which meant that it had been stolen somehow. 'Sh*t!' Seui almost cursed out loud. ' those ability users! they must have used their abilities to steal my phone while I was unaware!' Seui wanted to strangle himself for his carelessness, but there was nothing he could do in this situation. He considered threatening the men saying that there's somebody waiting for him and that person will call the police if he's not back on time. Bit he quickly dismissed that idea afraid that they would do something to the poor Eir. He hoped that Eir would wait for him and call the police when he notices that something is wrong. Seui limply laid down on the bed waiting for good news.


On the other side of the door, one of the six people held a cell phone, nodding to others before swiftly walking away. He then went to the old man who's the patriarch of the Yinchen family: Lester Yinchen and handed the cell phone before respectfully bowing to him. Lester took the phone and asked " is he 'resting' in his room now?" " yes sir, he's under constant watch, there's no need to worry" the ability user replied respectfully. "Hmm..." Lester nodded and handed the cell to the butler who was standing nearby " Mel, you take care of this. We had this opportunity with great difficulty. So we should make sure that nothing goes wrong in the process. The Heilong family promised us a lot of compensation for the previous thing haha..." " Leave this to me master" butler Mel answered and quickly went away holding the cell.


After a few minutes, Eir who was drinking tea in the cafe received a message from Sol which said " You can leave first, I'm staying here today and I'll come back tomorrow" Eir glanced at the message and felt worried for no apparent reason. He tried to confirm it again "Are you really okay brother Sol?" He received a reply rather quickly "sure. Don't worry ". Eir replied "okay brother Sol" but he still felt worried. He knew it was not good to poke too much into others' business, so he didn't insist any further. He proceeded to follow Sol's instructions reluctantly but he resolved to come back early morning and wait for his brother Sol.


Seui was there till the afternoon, but nothing more happened and nobody came to deliver food. However, Seui didn't mind not having meals since he wasn't very keen on eating. He only ate when he was too hungry and at other times food was just a dispensable thing to him. Thanks to this habit, he even had chronic gastritis at such a young age in his era.

The room gradually turned dark and finally it became so that he couldn't even see his fingers. As he was both physically and mentally tired, he fell asleep slowly in the endless darkness.

After a seemingly long time, Seui woke up breathing heavily and sweating profusely. His mind was full of dark shadows chatting and smiling with one another, while a young man was crouched in an abandoned corner with red eyes, refusing to let tears fall, letting his own breath stifle him and his whole heart painful like thousand glass shards piercing through it bit by bit. Hating his own very existence, hating that he was a thorn in the eye for others and bearing all those thorns within himself.. Seui shook his head desperately trying to get those images out of his mind. He tried to grab his head with his hands only to find his hands getting wet halfway. Dazedly looking at the wet hands, he resolutely wiped off the tears that shouldn't be there, that shouldn't exist.

He looked around and found that it was barely dawn and sat up from the hard bed. He vaguely felt his shoulder blades aching, but he never paid attention to them. He looked straight at the locked door with a grim expression waiting for those people to appear.

He waited without a sense of time, his gaze fixed at the door, seeing nothing but darkness. Until the door creaked and the ability user who stood guard outside the door ordered in a cold voice "follow me"

Seui followed behind and was led to a plain-looking washroom. The ability user stood his position outside the washroom door "you can wash now". Seui wordlessly went inside and closed the door behind him. He washed himself briefly and cleaned up to look presentable and exited the washroom.

After that, he was led to a dressing room where there was a suit that surprisingly looked okay. He guessed that it must be prepared for the upcoming registration. After he was 'asked' , he changed into the suit and it fit him nicely. Looking into the mirror, he saw a frosty angelic face and finally came out of his daze. 'yeah.. this isn't him, nor his life. He can just treat it as spending a vacation! a full package with a beautiful body, superpowers, disasters and even a fiancee! This is not where his every decision will have a butterfly effect and even if it did, it wasn't his life! moreover, there isn't a need to feel guilty to the original owner since he's probably living a nice life elsewhere!

Thus he finally decided. Getting married isn't that much of a difficult thing, especially since they're just registering! He could just follow the flow when the time comes. He, Seui would remain single till he returns to his era and gets married there one day! Take it as he's acting as a witness for this Sol's wedding!

With that thought, he finally got into the luxurious family car and arrived at the civil affairs bureau within fifteen minutes.