. Ah..I’m back from registering Sol’s marriage

Ginn was in the waiting room of the civil affairs bureau slowly sipping a cup of tea. Beside him stood his follower and confidant; Dan who had been away on a special request from Ginn and just returned yesterday. He was quite shocked to know that things has progressed to a level that he couldn't imagine in the few days he was away. And so was Ginn! Although he experienced those himself, he too was perturbed how it came to this point.

At first, they were just mentioning the Yinchen family's guy offhandedly, but as the time passed they realized that finding a suitable candidate with all their conditions seemed a bit difficult, especially when they were tight on schedule. Not only they had to find a non-ability user who had a considerable background and similar age to Ginn, but he also should be up for a shotgun wedding without too much investigation. The elders of the Heilong family couldn't rest assured with any random person, nor they could accept somebody with a lot of power behind him. So the unfavored son of the Yinchen family fit the position perfectly. He had background but not power, and also he previously had a verbal engagement with Ginn. Although their engagement had basically broken, but rekindling it only requires a few benefits, and they can use this engagement to make their wedding appear not so hurried. Most importantly the Yinchen family was willing to 'marry' him off without much investigation thus saving them the trouble. So without any better option, came the current situation where Ginn was waiting at the civil affairs bureau.


Over there, Seui just descended from the car when the ability user who got out of the passenger seat called him "here's your ID and cell. Don't try any funny business here. Got it?" and handed them over.

Seui took them over with a palpitating heart. He was pretty sure his ID was back home, which means they must have rummaged there while he was locked up! He wondered what they must have thought after witnessing the rubble pile in the living room! It was rather wise of him to have cleared up that little smoky lump! Otherwise, the cat might be out of the bag if they knew he had abilities, as people usually don't discover abilities at this age. Seui was sure that the original Sol didn't have any abilities because otherwise he wouldn't be chased out of the family. So revealing his powers at this time could only have two outcomes; one is to become a lackey working for the Yinchen family and the other being, having his identity as the fake Sol discovered. Each being worse than the other, he was determined to be extremely careful.

Perfunctorily nodding at the ability user, Seui placed them into his pocket. Clenching his hand around the cell inside his pocket, he twitched his mouth almost imperceptibly ' Aren't you even ashamed so openly giving back something you had previously stolen? Aren't you worried that your reputation as a bunch of thieves would spread?' Ignoring the fact that the 'shameless thief' was following him around like a dog skin plaster, he stepped into the bureau.

The civil affairs bureau was made of transparent walls all around into a gothic structure giving a feeling of a church. The only mismatch was the armed security at the door and the identification devices placed there. After Seui went through the security check, he entered the hall through the arch. As he was turning to look around, from the corner of his eye he saw the 'shameless thief' showing a bracelet to the security personnel. He had noticed this kind of thing around the other ability users as well. So he guessed that it might be some kind of privilege for the abilities.

If you wondered why he did not take this opportunity to escape, that's because he had noticed earlier that the other guards were also following them nearby. The old man of the Yinchen family had not joked when he said that it was impossible even for an ability user to escape. Besides he had already decided to follow along with this for the sake of Sol's mother. He felt that since he was living in Sol's body, he owed Sol at least that much.

Just as he was starting to wonder where the h*ll was the so-called 'fiancée', a female staff approached him " Are you waiting for your future spouse? Why don't you wait in the waiting room? It's in that way" she pointed to a wide corridor in the right side. Seui nodded in thanks and went in that direction, realizing a major problem. He seems to have forgotten who he's getting married with? no.. it should be that he had never known that person! He had only heard his fiancée's name once from the old man, which went something like Ginlong or Geilong! So how is he going to recognize that person? That one and the original Sol must definitely have met each other before!

Thoroughly unsettled, but still doing his best to keep a straight face, he walked into the waiting room bravely. Only the opening music and a few stage lights were missing! He sat down on the sofa while the 'dog plasters' followed in and stood beside him in a rigorous manner. Seui noticed that there was only one man other than him in the room which he was glad since it meant his 'fiancée' hasn't arrived yet! When she arrives the guards would definitely recognize her, which would spare him the embarrassment! Thinking so, Seui picked up his phone intending to message Eir. When he opened the message box, he noticed the last conversation and almost gnashed his teeth in anger. 'So this is why Eir didn't call the police! F**k those conmen! look at their confidence, they didn't even clear the message history! but it's good that nothing happened to Eir' Suddenly remembering that those people were nearby, he withdrew his emoticon pack and tried to look poised.

Suddenly his phone started to ring loudly. It was an unknown number. The last time a call came to this phone he was forced to marry, Seui wondered if this time he would be forced to ascend heaven! With a totally wary and prejudiced mentality, he answered the call " hello, who is this?"

"I'm Rae" the other party had a timbre voice, but it didn't offset the fact that Seui was having a migraine worrying whether he was an acquaintance or not. If he had known things would turn out this way, he would've registered for an HRM course! Now how he's going to deal with all those unfamiliar people ah!

"AHM...that doesn't seem much of an introduction?" Seui tried testing the waters. " It's Rae Qingshui" the other party repeated. Before Seui could utter a curse ( not really), he heard another voice through the line "...give that to me. That guy probably won't recognize even if his mother called him! I'll talk to him" followed by " Hi Saucers! It's me"

Seui wondered who was this eccentric guy, thinking at the same time that he was strangely right! he wouldn't recognize even if his mother called him now. He felt that the second voice was somewhat familiar, Saucers... Saucers who called him Saucers? Just then a recently happened scene repeated in his mind " ..you sissy with saucer-like eyes..." and pair of angry eyes that stared at him.

Enlightened, Seui spoke carefully "So.. cough ..cough..I mean the owner? It's you?"

"Bingo! Where are you now?"

Feeling kinda awkward Seui muttered " well I'm a bit busy now"

"Busy? Busy with what?" Sol retorted impatiently.

Hearing the anxious voice, Seui suddenly felt like teasing " ah I'm totally busy doing charity, you see. Why don't we follow the normal procedure? Let's make an appointment first " Seui glanced at his wristwatch " I'm free this afternoon, how about you? or are you perhaps too impatient to see me?" He gave a mischievous smile at the end.

"afternoon it is then!" Furious, Sol unceremoniously hanged up. Hearing the beep sound on the other end of the phone, Seui felt a rare good mood. Curving his eyes he thought ' this guy seems to be rather interesting' After a few seconds, he suddenly started to regret 'sh*t, I forgot to ask what his fiancée looks like! he probably won't be answering my calls anytime soon'

While he was repenting on his short-lived happiness, he heard a set of footsteps around him. Thinking that it might be his fiancée, he looked up abruptly and came into contact with a vaguely familiar ethereal face. Cold and detached brows were knitted together at this moment. In a languid and slightly base voice, he questioned " how much more time are you going to ignore me? fancying spending the whole day here?"

Seui gawked at the youth in front of him ' wasn't this the beauty that tripped me on the first day I came here? what is he doing here? were they supposed to be acquaintances? hopefully, I didn't sell the game, or did I?'

At this time, the ability users saluted to the youth "young master Heilong " The youth nodded to them in acknowledgment and turned back to Seui arching one of his eyebrows.

'Heilong! why does that sound like his fiancée's name? no... don't tell me this man here is the so-called 'fiancée'! what about the promised sweet and nice girl? okay.. I admit that nobody promised that, but still!' Seui was in utter confusion. Originally he believed that there should be no discrimination if one wants to fall in love, even in gender. So men or women do not have much difference for him, but that's not the same thing when the woman he was expecting suddenly turned out to be a man! not the same thing at all! this is definitely a fraud!

" so.. are we going to register or not?" Ginn asked carefully looking at Seui. Seui tried to calm down and keep his cool while acting like nothing happened 'so it's true! these unreliable guards! why are they pitting people this much? they should've saluted him the moment they came in! do they need to fake obedience this much?'

Putting on a facade, Seui nodded at Ginn calmly like he'd been expecting this and followed him to the registering counter.

They both turned in their IDs and Seui keenly noticed that his name had changed to Sol Yinchen. After the staff checked the validity of the IDs they were both given an electronic form to fill in the details " Please fill in the details. I will now scan the ID for your soft copy wedding photo and other things" They both quickly filled in the details, especially Seui who had been inwardly praising himself for his wise decision of memorizing the ID earlier on. "Aright, now you both just have to finalize things by sealing the document with the fingerprint. Please place your thumbs on the scanner" Both of them pressed their thumbs on the scanner at the same time after hesitating a bit. " From now on, you're a married couple and your marriage registration number has been updated on your ID. Your spouse's information can be easily found by scanning the number to our archive. Congratulations to the newlyweds and wish you a thousand years filled with happiness together" the staff concluded with a smile handing their IDs back.

Offering the staff an awkward smile, Seui turned to leave the place with his newly married partner slowly following him. Ginn suddenly turned to him with a teasing smile " so..come back with me? I'll take you to my house in my car" Seui almost choked on his own saliva and coughed, slowly stating "I need to go back" "it's alright, there's everything you need in Heilong mansion. And there's a feast prepared to welcome you at night. You can't miss it right?" Ginn said looking straight at Seui.

"Well.. there are a few private things I need to get by myself, I'll definitely come before the feast. When is it scheduled?" Seui said remembering the medicine given by the doctor. Besides he still had an appointment to keep with Sol.

Ginn simply shrugged "At 6.30, you can give me a call and I'll pick you up" "Alright" Seui simply agreed without thinking much. "Then I'll be leaving " Seui turned to leave keeping an eye for the 'dog plasters' that had disappeared after the registration.

Looking at the retreating back, Ginn narrowed his eyes dangerously. Dan, who had been ignored till now, finally spoke " Is there something wrong?"

"nah.." Ginn shook his head appearing nonchalant but remembering that exquisite harmless face and those contradictory eyes that reflected back nothing, he felt a vague unease.