.Meeting Yew Zishan

Seui walked away from the civil affairs bureau until it disappeared from the view and arrived at an intersection. Just as he was about to check his location, his phone ringed with an incoming call. It was from Eir. Seui picked up the call almost immediately and Eir's nervous voice floated from the earpiece " brother Sol are you alright? I've been waiting near Yinchen mansion for a long time, but why don't I see you coming out?" Hearing him, Seui felt slightly moved 'so he still came in the early morning to check on me? but he probably missed me because I was escorted out in a luxurious car. but anyhow it's good that he's here now!'

"Well... I went out early to do some business. I'll send you my current location. You don't have to worry about me, I'm perfectly in one piece" Seui answered. " alright brother Sol, just stay where you are. I'll quickly pick you up. I'm hanging up now" Eir quickly ended the call before Seui could even refuse. Not that he was going to refuse, mind you.

While Seui was waiting, he heard another beep from his mobile. It was a location and time sent by the original owner, Sol. That's when he realized that his itinerary is packed full! And all of them were equally important, so he decided to go back and fetch his things first. In any case Eir is already on the way.

It only took Eir a few minutes to find Seui. After confirming that nothing really happened to him, he was rather relieved and babbled along the way "brother Sol, did you have breakfast? If not, shall we go to the newly opened restaurant on Yutils street? It's rumored to be more delicious than the imperial family's chef! All its decorations are done according to the documentaries found at least thousands years ago. Totally like a visit to an ancient monument !"

"Well..okay then" Seui agreed thinking that he should find a time to have a serious talk with Eir. Besides he was pretty hungry and wanted to see this so-called ancient 'monument'.

Strangely, Seui found that the traffic in the uptown area seemed to be better than the downtown area, where his apartment was located in which they were faced with heavy traffic jams every other day. So after a drive of about twelve minutes, they arrived at the so-called restaurant. The pathway leading to their were abundant with lush greenery, looking especially fresh and beautiful. They parked their car at a rotating underground park and went in after paying an entrance fee. Yeah, they did indeed pay an entrance fee which had nothing to do with the purchases in the restaurant. It was for the scenic background and their maintenance fees. 'Hmm...it's exceedingly starting to look like a monument ' Seui wondered speechlessly looking at the automated reception booth collecting entrance fees.

After entering there with a lot of expectations, Seui stared dumbfounded at the view that appeared in front of him. With a great effort, he sealed his mouth that was itching to complain ' are you sure they were constructed according to the documentary of thousand years ago and not the historical records of Stone Age? who provided them the so-called documentary? do people of this era get cheated by charlatans too? How refreshing!'

The whole place was designed like a cave and the inside was relatively dark with the main source of light being the bonfires lighted within transparent sealed globes. God knows how the combustion occurs there without a uniform supply of oxygen! After a moment, it occurred to Seui that it might be some kind of 3D simulation or a holographic image. There were several ventilation windows decorated with sparkling glasses. All the tables and chairs, even the cutlery was made with stone, perfectly smoothed over. If you put aside the fact it looked nothing like the promised thing, honestly this place was immensely beautiful. Needless to say, it was a famous barbecue place. The only pity was that Seui doesn't eat any other meats besides fish and chicken!

It was a habit that he had practiced from childhood. In his era, there was such a custom in his country, and the thought of coming here and violating those customs didn't sit well with him. He felt they were some indispensable parts of him and they were the things that made him himself. So violating them would be like abandoning himself. It's just like how some people can't sleep well without brushing their teeth!

Inadvertently smelling the delicious smells from all around, Seui felt him swallowing involuntary and feeling dejected that he couldn't taste them. Still, he went to a table with Eir and sat expressionlessly, appearing quite collected. There was an electronic menu placed on the table and Eir eagerly took it while advertising to Seui. "brother Sol let me order for you. What would you like? There are a lot of delicacies here, especially the steak with spice and buttery mushrooms. Those mushrooms just pop in the mouth melting away"

Seui who had been imagining crispy and tender meat frowned at the mention of steak. He had difficulty mentioning what he wanted to express, especially when alluring smells kept assaulting his starved tummy " that... that steak... I " listening to him, Eir instantly misunderstood " don't worry, all the meat here are synthesized absolutely hygienically, you can enjoying without worries "

"Synthesized?" Seui asked with an extremely pleasant tone that even Eir felt momentarily bewitched. Thus he affirmed absentmindedly while Seui was already putting a firework display in his mind. It means that none of them came from slaughtered animals, how nice! There won't be any problem with consuming synthesized products, it's not against customs at all! He can enjoy all those stuff too! Elated he urged Eir "order one of these for me too, and those crispy trotters with roasted meatballs" Eir nodded happily while adding a dozen of dishes along with iced coke as per Seui's instructions.

The meals arrived in no time and they were delivered by an automated mobile food cart operating according to instructions. Then both Seui and Eir started digging in like starved ghosts, which in this case was somewhat applicable to one person, while the other was someone who wouldn't be full even if you stuff the whole food cart into him. So it took some time for them to finally recover enough to converse. Wiping his stainless lips gently with a napkin, Seui turned to Eir " mm.. there's something I need to tell you. I won't be at home for a few days and I'll be staying elsewhere..."

This finally drew Eir's attention. Agitatedly placing back a large piece of roasted mutton on his plate, he interrupted " Are you staying at the Yinchen mansion? what are you going there again for? Don't take me wrong, but shouldn't you know better than anyone that there's nothing good in that mansion?" Looking at the worked-up Eir, Seui realized that the 'notorious' deeds of the Yinchen mansion were known to everyone. So he quickly placated Eir " don't worry, I'm not staying there. I'm staying at a friend's home for an important matter, it's not very convenient to mention but I can assure you that there's nothing to worry about"

Eir stared at him for a few seconds before finally nodding. He understood that Sol had his own life to live and since he assured of his well-being, he shouldn't be making trouble for Sol. "Then you should properly take care of yourself, you can call me if there's anything ". "Hmm" Seui nodded.

When they were enthusiastically resuming their eating, a familiar voice came from behind him, "yo, Saucers!" Seui turned back and faced a familiar person. Seui first glanced at the cell to make sure that he did not miss the appointed time or anything and said " it seems that we're really fated" then turned toward the handsome youth next to Sol. Remembering the last phone call, he assumed "you must be Rae?"

Rae nodded with his eyebrows slowly relaxing. He had been wondering whether the so-called 'Saucers' might be a potential love rival since he had practically occupied half of the sentences his spouse had uttered after waking up. But now seeing the cold but delicately beautiful face which could cause the downfall of countries, he calmed down. This beauty was the complete opposite of the muscular and huge guy he imagined! So, even his actions became visibly gentle without the hostile air he had been retaining since they started to walk in the direction of their table.

"Why don't you share a table with us? we could save our energy going back and forth this way right?" Seui nodded towards the table. " sure, why not" Rae answered before Sol could do anything and dragged the chair for him in a gentlemanly manner " Yew, you sit here". Sol just glanced at him and sat there without a word, like he was used to it.

An imperceptible smile crossed Seui's lips " Can I too address you as Yew?". Sol's mouth twitched slowly, but it's not like he could be called 'Sol' anymore. So he reluctantly muttered "yeah". On second thought, he added " or you can call me Zishan, that's how others call me". Seui understood that he probably didn't like to be called 'Yew', so he deliberately called "Alright Yew Zishan, why don't you guys order your dishes? We're yet to finish our meal, so we can dine together ". Sol, or to say Yew, reluctantly smiled and ordered their dishes. But in Rae's eyes, it had a different meaning. He remembered that last time when they were strolling in the hospital garden, just a mere sight of this 'Saucers' was enough to sent Yew, who had just woken up from a coma, chasing desperately behind him. They probably had a very good friendship! Look at how Yew is being shy after being called by his buddy!

With the newly arrived barbecue, it took them quite some time to finish all those, during which Eir got somewhat familiar with the 'newcomers'. Especially with Yew since they had already been friends for years. At the end of the meal, Yew was able to persuade the Eir and Rae duo to take a look around leaving some space for Seui and him.

When they were alone, Seui turned to face Yew with a slight smile on his breathtaking face. " so my dear Yew, let's get to the point. What do you want from me? " "change back of course!" Yew stated raising his chin. Seui arched an eyebrow feigning thoughtfulness "ah.. so you know how to change back? just tell me how I'm fully willing to cooperate " Seui assured with a playful look narrowing his eyes.

"that...that shouldn't you be the one to know it?" Yew stammered swallowing hard. Seui shook his head, widening his eyes in a well-practiced motion to form a confused face "how could I know? I was studying (let's omit the slacking off part and assume so) and the next moment; BAM! Here I am! this innocent student has been dragged into this!"

"You're a student?" Yew suddenly asked with interest. It was hard to imagine this ice-cold guy as a hardworking, honest and young student! Seui nodded affirmatively. " So, how old are you actually? I mean the real you" Yew asked curiously thinking that there's a possibility he's older than this young fellow.

" one thousand and seventeen years " Seui answered without missing a beat. Yew opened his mouth agape in shock "really? then how the h*ll are you a student?". " It's true. My birthday is in 2003 and this year is 3020. So I'm really 1017 years old" Seui stated rationally. Yew stared at him with narrowed eyes, seven points anger, two points amusement, and one point confusion " so you time traveled? what year were you at previously?".

"I was at 2020" Seui replied looking at Yew. "ah.. so you're really just sixteen years old?" Yew inquired with light dancing in his eyes. The corner of Seui's mouth twitched uncontrollably " who taught you mathematics? it's seventeen, alright?". " about that..the case is many people taught but I never listened, you know?" Yew scratched his hair, embarrassed.

Seui sighed helplessly, before finally suggesting " Let's do it this way. Both of us will give each other a summary of their habits, family conditions, things to be careful of and so on. This way, I can have an idea about the general situation and you can find what exactly happened that I got transmigrated into your body. Okay?"

"well, then we'll do it that way" Yew agreed. "..and pay special attention to the information of your fiancé..." Seui added thoughtfully. This might help him to get by in the future. "fiancé ? what fiancé?" Yew asked confused.

"that Heilong guy" Seui replied impatiently. This guy even forgot his own fiancé! what a legend!. " ah him.. I would've forgotten if you didn't mention him! We've already broken up our engagement long ago!" Yew waved his hand absent-mindedly.

"what? what did you say?!!" Seui asked with a slightly trembling voice. 'Don't tell me I've exposed myself!!'