.Should I take another entrance examination?

"I'll explain later, you two step back now, I'll deal with this" Mr. Declan ordered without any room for objections. Although Seui was extremely unwilling, he still stepped back obediently, feeling very complicated at the same time.

In the next moment, the air in front of the shield started to convulse violently, and a small crack appeared there. Beads of sweat started to wet Mr. Declan's forehead while he concentrated on expanding the crack. Seui felt a lot of pressure around the area as if being sucked in. Out of caution, Seui took a few more steps back. The crack gradually ripped to the side and slowly expanded. Meanwhile the pulling force also increased proportionally.

The black cluster of smoke that was hovering nearby, was drawn in by the crack bit by bit into the chaotic space inside. Finally , after the whole cluster was swallowed up the crack, it disappeared altogether alongside the crack. Mr. Declan put down the shield and wiped the sweat , before collapsing onto a chair nearby.

Seui was still gazing into the air at the place the crack disappeared "woah.. was that a space crack? was there another space beyond it?" Just as his brain hole was getting larger and larger , something came flying from the air and knocked onto his head heavily. Without even bothering to grab his head , Seui turned over angrily "d*mn! who had the guts to football indoors here?"

"You can't space travel through space cracks, it's basically a black hole and if you enter, you'll have the same fate as a paper in a paper shredder. So stop talking nonsense and come here" Mr. Declan's angry voice drifted over. "Ah yeah, bring that walnut over too" he said indicating at Seui's foot.

Seui dazedly glanced at his foot and found a single walnut lying there 'was it this walnut that hit my head previously? what kind of superpower is this? I basically had my brain knocked out of the skull okay?' He carefully picked up the 'wonder walnut' and headed over to Mr. Declan.

Yew stood to a side scratching his head confusedly "what just happened? and what is football? why do it seems that I've heard it before?...."

Thinking that two heads are better than one , Seui dragged him over too " yeah, you've indeed heard it ,.... just a few seconds ago! Now come with me!"

Finally, they both dragged chairs to sit around Mr. Declan, who promptly snatched the walnut from Seui's hands and crushed it in one go.

Seui blinked a few times before leaning over and murmuring to Yew "...that , is your skull is underdeveloped or something? can I ask for a refund?"

Yew had no chance to answer before he was cut short by Mr. Declan, " I'll get to point straight, your ability is darkness. Don't tell me you didn't know?" he looked rather grave.

Seui pursed his lips "that.. what's this darkness thing exactly?"

"You don't even know this? never mind , let me tell you. Power of darkness is an ability that is quite rare , that is to say there this type of ability hasn't been there since the last century. And there is a very good reason for that. Darkness abilities are usually very dangerous, they can corrode everything they touch and even cause permanent injuries that cannot be healed without the light powers. Also they can restrict the other abilities to a certain point. But the thing is , once the darkness powers are out, they will not disperse easily. There are only two ways to do that, one is to refine it and you need a huge amount of energy or light powers to do so. The other is to absorb it back to the caster's body which is comparatively easier, but with every bit of darkness absorbed , the caster's life line will be consumed. That's the reason why this ability is rare, because everyone who had this power lived a very short life. " Mr. Declan's tone turned graver and graver , like writing a death sentence ,which was exactly the case here.

" However, after these facts were made known , the darkness abilities stopped absorbing it back and used other methods to get rid of the darkness. But guess what, although their lifespan became slightly longer, it was still a far cry from the normal people. After a lot of experiments it was discovered that not only absorbing back , but also casting the power of darkness shortened their life. Because power is generated within yourself, darkness uses the life itself to sustain. So , unless they stopped using ability altogether, their life is doomed to be a span of 15 to 20 years" Mr. Declan stared at Seui with obvious melancholy "So ,do you now realize how dangerous it is?"

Seui who has been listening all this time with utter fascination , finally came to earth " ah.. it does sound dangerous indeed! but Mr. Declan , when I previously used my power none of the things that came into contact with it corroded like you said. Do you think that there's a chance it might not be the power of darkness?"

"It did not corrode? that's strange, I'm pretty sure that your ability is darkness , so why was it like that? maybe I should search for more information. Could there be a relationship between this and your missing soul shard?" Mr. Declan furrowed his brows thoughtfully.

"Well, those black smoke thingy was totally harmless , it was the silver stuff that wrecked havoc in my living room. You wouldn't believe, even my bed was missing two legs. That thing was totally destructive!" Seui hurriedly spoke on behalf of his 'smoke' and cleanly shifted the blame to the true culprit!

Mr. Declan tapped the table with his fingers "I don't know whether I should ask how did you sleep on an unbalanced bed or ask why was your bed in the living room?" He murmured before shaking his head helplessly "forget it.. what is this silver stuff you're talking about?"

"Ah..those , they were kind of mixed in the black smoke. Although there wasn't any today, but they are definitely the ones that are destructive " Seui confirmed.

"If they're really so destructive as you say, why didn't you use them to destroy the wooden board?" Mr. Declan asked in a puzzled manner.

"Mmm.. because I don't have money to pay for the damage it might cause? It's out of control you know?" Seui returned and innocent gaze.

Mr. Declan narrowed his eyes with a faint guess in his mind " will you be able to do it again? I'm sure Yew won't ask compensation from his friend, right?" He gestured toward Yew.

" sure" Yew agreed readily "after all , all your expenditures had been on me till now!"

Seui frowned '...that really seem to be the case?' He waved his hand "All right then" and went over to the wooden board .

He concentrated following Mr. Declan's words and imagining that there's a soul shard , and then he thought of the silver specs and wished them to appear again. 30 seconds passed, one minute passed, two minutes passed and five minutes passed, however there was no change in the board in front of him. Gradually with every passing minute, Seui's impatience also grew. By now, he practically wanted to abandon this stupid powers and directly stomp on the wooden board!

Right at that moment, silver sparks shot out of his left hand and struck the board snapping it in half along with the table under it. Sawdust flew everywhere and some even got into Seui's nose.

As he was busy coughing, Yew and Mr. Declan who had stepped back involuntarily, stared incredulously at the table that was teared down. They had almost given up on seeing the silver 'thingy' when the table was abruptly teared into two without any warning! Yew's heart almost jumped out just now ! Mr. Declan looked at the demolished table and Seui from time to time, with a bright gleam in his eyes. Now he is sure that his previous guess is almost right!

After the dust cleared up , Seui looked up at them " Just now, did you see that silver sparks that shot out?" he asked with a rare enthusiasm.

Yew was just about to tell Seui that he f*cking saw nothing as the table just broke right on their nose, when he suddenly noticed that there was something unusual about Seui. His eyes were diluted with a silver tinge around his pupils , even his black hair had slightly silver tips. Yew forget everything he was going to tell and just gawked at Seui dumbly.

It was Mr. Declan who came to his senses first and answered his question " no, we didn't see anything. We just saw that the table broke abruptly, it seems that you're a rare dual ability and your other ability is a mental power. That's why nobody except you can see the attack"

Seui widened his eyes in surprise " Are you sure? like 100%?" He didn't even take all those death talk into his heart , much less those things about dual abilities.

"Almost?" Mr. Declan raised an eyebrow. "Only dual abilities would've physical changes when they're switching between powers, however there are rarely ones who have such obvious changes as you" he said gesturing toward Seui.

"physical changes? what changes?" Seui confusedly examined his hands in front of him, checking in bewilderment whether they've turned into furry paws or something!

At this time , Yew who had been in a daze finally opened his mouth "...Saucers, your saucers have turned into silver saucers!.."

Seui's gaze suddenly turned inexplicable, he got what what Yew meant ,alright! Forget about silver eyes ,but why does he feel that there's something wrong with that sentence?

That aside, so does it really means that he's a dual ability? a peerless talent? could these be the 'golden fingers' that he's been missing for a long time? He almost wanted to ask for a mirror from them to examine his current appearance, but he changed his mind after thinking that what mirrors could big men have with them. He better not offend anyone over such things! So he smartly took his mobile out of the trouser pocket and turned on the front camera.

The youth in there almost scared him to jump back five feet! The previous sissy appearance had reduced by fifty percent now and replaced with a heroic and stubborn look. It must be stated that his coldness has totally improved by leap and bounds! That silver eyes appeared to have a sign on them telling 'stay hundred miles away from me or don't blame me for consequences ' It was much more closer to the appearance he had in mind for a male protagonist . Pity that his female lead has been replaced by a tall man already!

"How long this look will last ?" Seui asked slowly sliding his slender fingers over the silver hair tips.

"generally it lasts until you switch your powers again, but if you want you can change back anytime when you master your abilities " Mr . Declan very intimately explained, causing Seui's face to brighten at once. 'So he can keep this look until he switch his powers? How nice! Doesn't his other power involve a lot of dangers? So he might as well not use it at all! It's not he'd be disadvantaged by doing so!' Seui finally felt that transmigrating here is not an entirely bad thing!

Mr. Declan observed the guy who was appreciating his beauty in front of a camera and finally gave a dry cough " AHM..that.. new student, I can help you stabilize your power just like Yew and let you improve your powers, so would you like to formally become my student? It's such a honor to become my student you know, there are thousands of people waiting outside for such an opportunity! Besides you know, Yew is my student too, you can learn together with him this way. Moreover there are lot of benefits to becoming my student, I've connections all over the place with lot of big shots ..."

Looking at the old man who was shamelessly advertising himself there, Yew opened his mouth in shock ' is this still the haughty and hot tempered old man he knew? not to mention the fact that he was also included in the package without his consent!'

Seui's face mirrored Yew's expression perfectly "that... why did you think I was here in the first place?"

Mr. Declan's expression turned awkward "mm..so that's a yes? Okay , what's your name again?" he asked trying to divert his embarrassment, only to be embarrassed more. He didn't know the new student's name yet!

"Oh, I'm Seu..." just as Seui was answering , Yew interrupted in a hurry "Sol, his name is Sol" and gave a threatening look to Seui "right?"

"Exactly" Seui nodded in a hurry. Gods, he almost gave the game off!

Although Mr. Declan was a little puzzled, he didn't mind it anyway. " Alright Sol, first we'll start with stabilizing your power. Then both of you can take the entrance exam of Solstice Academy"

"Wait, I've to take another entrance exam?" I barely escaped from one in his era, is this retribution? And what's wrong with that name?!! Seui's face instantly turned sour.