.Does it mean that the spring has came?

Ginn was pacing uneasily in his room. It has been a few hours since Sol has left with Yew and it's almost dark now, however there was still no news from his side. He wondered if there's something wrong over there. Otherwise why wouldn't Sol call him when he has already promised earlier.

As he was debating whether to call or wait a bit more , his phone rang very timely. He eagerly picked up the phone, only to see that it was from his childhood friend, Nette. His eyes dimmed and he answered the call grumpily "Why?"

Nette who simply wanted to check on Ginn and was inexplicably shot while lying down: "..."

Listening to the silence on the other end , Ginn's impatience rose by two points "tell quickly if there's anything, otherwise I'll hang up"

Afraid that Ginn will really hang up , Nette hurriedly interrupted " no no wait, ...about that.. why do I feel like you're angry at me somehow?.."

"I'm not, why would I be?"

Nette scratched his nose thoughtfully "indeed, that's exactly what I'm wondering, I'm sure I didn't do anything to anger you ..."

"If you're done , then goodbye" Ginn's curt voice came over.

"hang on hang on, I wanted to invite you to hang out tonight, Vey will be there too. You can take Dan with you. We haven't got together in a long ,what do you think? hah " Nette finished talking in a one breath.

Ginn's brows furrowed " what are doing straying around at night? You single dogs should be self-aware and not disturb other's nightlife!" Duh, if it weren't for him , Gin would've forgotten about Dan! Now that he thinks about it , it seems that he haven't seen Dan anywhere after coming out of the civil affairs bureau yesterday ? Where did this dude run off to?

Nette on the other side choked on his own saliva after hearing what Ginn said . 'single dogs'? who doesn't know that Ginn is the thousand years old ice block that never melts? Where did he get the guts to call them single dogs when he's the most single dog out of them!! Could it be that.... Nette vigorously shook his head ..no no, what kind of nightmare is that!!

Thinking so, Nette joked " bro, does that mean the spring has arrived for you , ah~ Then that's more of a reason to hang out, bring the sister-in-law for us to see.." Knowing that Ginn is an iron tree that never blooms , they always made such jokes to him and Ginn had already gotten used to it. None of them minded it too much , so Nette wasn't expecting much of a reply like all the other times.

However the next moment Ginn answered "alright, send the time and location"

Nette stared at the hanged up call in utter disbelief "holy sh*t ! did he mean that he'll really bring the sister-in-law?!!!!"

Of course Ginn didn't mean that! Other things aside, 

"sister-in-law" wasn't even home now! The reason he answered like that was because he didn't want to deny the fact that there's freshly baked "sister-in-law" with him now! Let those single dogs understand the fact that he had withdrawn from the club! Just then , a message came from Nette: Golden rose hotel , 7.00 p.m.

Ginn checked the time, it was six o' clock in the evening now. There was plenty of time for the meeting. Thus , searching for the Dan obviously got postponed and brought forth the main question: what is Sol doing now?

After hesitating for a few seconds , he still picked up the phone and gave Sol a call. The phone rang for almost a minute before being answered. The other side was quite noisy and Sol's pleasant voice came amidst them "yeah?"

Ginn felt his ear tips slowly becoming hot when the voice flowed to his ear intimately. He was in daze for a few seconds before recovering "...where are you? it seems a bit noisy?"

"Oh , we came out for a bit of shopping, there was some things Yew needed urgently and we took the chance to hang around a bit" Sol answered in a relaxed manner. In truth, Mr. Declan had chased them out to buy the materials needed for their lessons tomorrow and since those which are compatible with the power had to be chosen, they had no other choice but to go there themselves. So they took the opportunity to buy some clothes as Seui would be staying over for a few days. But it's not like he could tell it to Ginn, right? So , Seui told him half-truth , anyway it's true that the materials were urgent! For those materials , they even barely touched the nice tea table Mrs. Zishan had prepared for them! Although Seui doesn't drink tea, but the accompanying snacks were totally appetizing that he even mourned for them the whole way!

" shopping? where did you go shopping? It's quite dangerous to go out at night" Ginn was a bit worried, after all Sol looked quite feeble and his strength wasn't the greatest. He totally felt it when Sol tried to resist him last night. Not to mention Yew who looked like a delicate youth!

"We're at the city plaza, and Yew has towed a horde of bodyguards with him so there's nothing to worry" Seui told looking at the powerful abilities that came with them ,who managed to keep the other customers at a considerable distance just by being present.

Ginn belatedly realized 'indeed, Yew is the precious young master of the Zishan clan, they would never allow him to be in dangerous situations' He felt quite assured now "alright then , be careful. And remember to call me everyday "

Seui suddenly felt a bit of guilty, he had been perfunctory when he promised to call everyday earlier, but now it seems that this guy has taken it seriously? So he made a mental note to give a call "sure" this time he was being serious, he would try his best to keep the promise from now on!

Ginn felt satisfied. But when he was going to say something, he noticed that there seems to be nothing to say? An awkward silence spread out. Finally it was Seui who spoke "so , I'll hang up?"

"Oh, alright. Good night " Ginn swallowed. It seems that he might have to train his communication skills better?

"You too" Sol's voice sounded rather soft through the earpiece. Ginn rubbed his ears and went downstairs to look for Dan, with a slight smile on his lips.


Ginn got out of the car with Dan in the parking lot of the Golden Rose hotel and walked into the private room booked by Nette. When the two of arrived, Vey and Nette were already there. They were looking eagerly to the sister-in-law that Ginn 'promised' to bring.

"What kind of person do you think our sister-in-law is? Did he say her name?" Vey asked curiously from Nette, who had managed to obtain first hand information.

"He didn't, maybe she's a divine beauty that could make one fall for her at first sight?" Nette suggested.

"That's for sure, otherwise how could she match our bro? I wonder when they're planning to hold their wedding? At that time, I must definitely be the best man!" Vey smiled proudly.

Nette knocked him hard on the head "who said so? There's still me and Dan, it's not your chance yet!"

At this moment, the private room's door opened and Ginn came in with Dan. Nette and Vey instantly peeped behind him to see their sister-in-law. Seeing that there was nobody behind Ginn they both turned unlovable "ahhh bro, where's the sister-in-law?"

Ginn closed the door behind him "he's not with me today, I'll let you meet him another day" Ginn grinned.

Looking at Ginn's infatuated smile , they both felt goosebumps rising in arms. They both coincidentally thought that their sister-in-law must be an absolutely great figure to change Ginn so much!!

"Wait," Vey suddenly paused "he? so it's an adorable boy?" he suddenly asked.

"Hmm" Ginn nodded. In this era, there were barely any restrictions when choosing a partner. However, abilities mostly tend to choose males as their partners considering the compatibility of genes. Although there were exceptions to everything, basically women had a low compatibility with powerful abilities, much less dual abilities. So it was actually kind of granted that Ginn would choose a boy, god knows why they were so surprised since they already knew that Ginn's a dual ability.

"Well, since you had broken your engagement with a boy , we thought you didn't like boys.." Nette expressed in a small voice.

Dan who was at the side, silently rolled his eyes '...if you know that he got married with that same person, I wonder how surprised would you be....'

"Forget that, bro tell me when do you plan to get married, so that I can prepare my best man outfit " Vey expressed enthusiastically amidst the frowns from Nette.

Ginn nonchalantly shrugged "we've already obtained the certificate, the banquet will be in next month after the Reuniting Souls festival"

Suddenly there was a loud bang and Vey fell right off the chair. Nette didn't even bother to help him up as he was busy staring at Ginn. Not that Vey minded it anyway! He shouted from under the table "bro , are you telling the truth? So you're already a married man?"

Ginn nodded expressing acquiescence , with eyes bright as stars.

"AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL US?!!!" Nette questioned with his eyes narrowing dangerously.

"I didn't have any time before, and I did tell you, right now!"

Ginn's answer was like adding petroleum to the fire. Furious, Nette turned to Dan ,who was the only other one present above the table , to share his sentiments. And then he paused. He carefully examined Dan's face devoid of any surprise or anger thoughtfully and moved closer to Dan slowly . The only missing thing was the steam blowing out of head and ears. "You.Did.you.knew.this.beforehand?" he spat word by word.

Dan simply sat there, agreeing by default. The next moment it was as if Nette found a vent, kicking away Vey who was still stunned on the floor, he started to chase Dan all over the room, bumping into walls and chairs continuously on the way.

All of a sudden, the private room's door opened and a waiter came in. Seeing the chaos inside, he was dazzled for a moment, there was one guy on the floor, two running around and the last one was sitting primly and properly on a slanted chair , pretending to be blind. He bowed to the only one sitting "Sorry for the disturbance. I came to deliver the meal. I knocked a few times, but nobody answered so I came in to see if there's anything wrong"

Ginn waved his hand "it's alright, you can serve the meal." Then he told to the guys all over the place "behave properly all of you, otherwi..." his voice trailed off as he noticed Yew walking in the corridor in front of their private room through the open door. Next to him was a back view of a youth with silver hair tips.

He felt confused for a moment, he was absolutely sure that it was Yew who he saw, but isn't he supposed to be shopping with Sol at the plaza? Suspicious, Ginn quickly rushed out of the open door to stop them before they disappeared.

"Stop" he caught them right in front of their private room very timely. Hearing him , both of them stopped and turned to face him.

When Ginn saw the face the silver haired youth, he got rooted in the place , his eyes narrowing in utter shock! There was no doubt that it was Sol and Yew next to him further confirmed the guess. Only that the Sol over there, was quite different from the Sol he knew, his pupils had an obvious silver tinge in them which were sparkling brilliantly. His usual delicateness was inexplicably reduced and was filled with heroic spirit. He had a cold aura all over him and the usual hint of melancholy he carried with him was no longer there.

He looked totally like a different person!