.You don’t want to use your powers like others?

Seui was quite surprised when he met Ginn at the Golden Rose hotel. After they finished their shopping, Yew suggested going over there to taste the 'local specialities'. They were on their way to the private room when he heard somebody call them to stop.

Noticing Ginn who was looking at them, Seui was flabbergasted , but quickly managed to take control of his expression and squeezed out an awkward smile "Ginn, what a coincidence " Because he was too busy covering up , he failed to notice anything wrong with Ginn's manner.

It was Yew who keenly sensed it and secretly elbowed Seui lest he ended up giving the game away. Seui felt a sharp pain on his waist and was just about to frown at Yew, when Ginn's voice came over uncertainly "you.. what happened to your eyes?"

'F*ck!!! He totally forgot that his pupils are different now! He couldn't believe he was stupid enough to be caught red handed!' Seui's brain instantly came online and started to run at a speed of 600km per hour! He suppressed the unease from leaking out , gave a nonchalant look over and answered without missing a beat "oh that? they're contact lenses, I just had a quick makeover " and after thinking about a bit, he added by the way "so, what do you think? looks good? I'm going to keep this look for a while, can I?" At the end he gave a very light smile.

Seui didn't want to change his current appearance at the moment. Although he can have a try, it was not guaranteed that he would succeed. Besides even if he did , not only his eyes but his hair would also turn back to jet black. So, how's he gonna explain that? 'My hair was never silver, you were just hallucinating???' Never mind, it was safer to play this way!

Yew quickly reacted and nodded heavily appearing extremely supportive "you look exceptionally handsome and cool" He even gave a thumbs up!

Ginn stood stiffly for a moment, although there were no obvious loopholes in Sol's explanation Ginn still felt somewhat suspicious. It was more like an instinct that would appear when he couldn't pinpoint what was exactly wrong. But when he saw Sol looking at him with an expectant look with a slight smile at the corner of his lips, he had to give up. He nodded with a smile "yeah, you look especially good" then he suggested "are you on your way to dinner? then why don't you two join us? you can meet others by the way"

"Sure" Seui nodded after making sure that Yew had no problems with it. He felt that it was okay to give in a bit, after all Ginn had brought all that nonsense without a word of disbelief!

As they went in, Seui saw that there were three people sitting around the table in a well behaved manner while the waiter served the dishes. All of them had quite the noble appearance with good looks, except that one had his clothes crumpled to waste while another had a head with hair striking up in all directions. The remaining one had a suspiciously red face and he was panting like he just came back from a 200m short distance running. Seui's footsteps faltered wondering whether he stepped into some kind of unspeakable situation.

The three guys had previously noticed that Ginn had gone out of the private room. They guessed that perhaps he met an acquaintance and waited patiently for him to come back , while taking the chance tidy their appearance and appear 'decent'. (Let's not talk about how much they succeeded in doing so! cough!) They were quite surprised when they saw Ginn coming back two other people, it's not everyday that Ginn brings other people to their 'get together' ! It could be understood somewhat if it was only one person, but what is he doing with two!

After scanning the 'latecomers' carefully, the recognized that one of them was the young master of the Zishan clan! The people of the elite circle has all heard of powerful clans one way or other as they would come into contact with them in any work of life. They were not powerful clans for nothing! So it is inevitable to pay attention to their family affairs and it would be impossible to keep them a secret either way. Thus, they had heard of this famous young master before , he was the pampered young master of the entire Zishan clan and he was the apple of their eye, he had everything he wanted and the they would most likely go fetch even the moon if he wanted it! It was just that he had innate weak aptitude so he was unable to use his ability properly , so he basically didn't cane into contact with the society and he didn't even attend school. It was said that he was being tutored personally so as to not to pressure him too much. But the problem is, he and Ginn had no interactions whatsoever ! So what is he doing in their get together?

As for the other person, they never recognized him. It was mainly because Sol had only came into contact with those elites when he was back in the Yinchen family, even then he was never the one to be in the limelight. So even back then, they would only recognize him barely, not to mention now that he had been away from this circle for a long time. Coupled with the changes that the time brought and especially with his 'makeover' today, there was absolutely zero chance that they would recognize him! Thus when they saw the peerless appearance of Seui, they were dazed for a long while before coming to their senses. It's true that they had seen Ginn for a long time and gotten used to good looks, but he was different ! He was absolutely a fresh beauty! Totally unlike their old man Ginn that had already gotten tired of!!

Ginn let Sol sit next to him and Yew voluntarily sat next to Sol without any psychological burden. He never had the awareness of being a third wheel ! After the waiter finished serving the food and and was ready to leave with a sigh of relief, Ginn stopped him and added a few dishes since there was an obvious increase in the number. The waiter forced out a professional smile and took note determined to send another waiter the next time. Who knows what kind of mess there will be later, it's better to take precautions!

After he left , Ginn gestured toward the others and introduced those to Sol " this is Vey , Nette and finally that's Dan, you have met him earlier. They're my childhood friends." then he turned to the guys "...and this is Sol , my spouse. As for his friend Yew, I guess you might already know him.."

As soon as Ginn's words came out , everybody was stunned. Vey and Nette couldn't believe their ears and almost thought they were having auditory hallucinations '...this is their legendary "sister-in-law"? So they really hit the jackpot one way or other? Although Ginn said he wouldn't be coming, they somehow met each other? Should they cheer for Ginn's luck to meet such a beautiful boy or should they cheer for their luck to witness Ginn falling in love someday?'

As for Seui and Yew, they too were surprised that Ginn had admitted it so directly. Wasn't that supposed to be an arranged-marriage? why is he acting like somebody who shows-off his hard chased boyfriend? Dan silently shook his head in a corner, things are getting more and more out of control..

"It's nice to meet you sister-in-law! You're really beautiful, are you a mixed race ?" Nette who finally recovered , enthusiastically greeted Seui. Seui's mouth slowly twitched, what kind of address is this? Didn't they attend kindergarten? How can be ignorant of genders?

"Hello, it's nice to meet you too" Seui give a polite greeting , not forgetting to add "you can just call me Se... cough Sol, and no I'm not a mixed race, it's just a makeover "

"Ohh, so how did you two meet?" Vey also joined the conversation eagerly. They had a look of paparazzi who got hold of a hot scoop.

Seui suddenly got stuck. How did they meet ? It's true that Seui inquired about their history from Yew, but he did not comb through their whole childhood okay? He was sorry to say that he did not have the qualifications to give this 'paparazzi' an interview! Thinking so, he kicked Yew's leg under the table sending a SOS to him.

Yew who got his leg kicked brutally had a black face like a bottom of the pot. It's no use kicking me ahh, I cannot help you in this. Not because I'm unwilling, because honestly even I don't remember how we met ahh! Who remember those trivial stuff in childhood!!! He shook his head secretly at Seui with a painful expression on his face.

Seeing that Yew is not going to be of any help, Seui smartly decided to throw the pot to Ginn! He grabbed Ginn's hand on the table and lowered his eyes, pretending to be shy. He muttered in a low voice that could be heard nonetheless " you can tell them" appearing like he couldn't bear to tell it himself. Actually, Seui didn't want to grab his hands like that too, just that this is the easiest way to throw the pot cleanly! His friends, let him deal with them himself!

Ginn in the haze of the smooth and milky sensation on his hand, cleverly nodded his head and accepted the pot gladly. "Alright, if you want I'll tell them" Sol nodded with relief and even rewarded him a slight smile for his unguarded behavior.

Ginn, happy that he was being treated sweetly by his partner, was about to retell their legendary meeting to his dear brothers and stuff them with PDA, when he encountered a major problem. He seems to not recall how they met in the first place? looking at the audience waiting with anticipation, he had no other choice but to bite the bullet and fabricate a story " we met when we were children, we played together when our parents visited each other and slowly became inseparable. Seeing that we were so dear to each other, our parents set up an engagement for us. However when we gradually became old, the engagement was canceled because it was just a verbal agreement. We were really sad back then. Then god gave us a chance, in the end we overcame all the obstacles and became a family just a few days ago" Ginn narrated trying his best to inject some of the true facts here and there in the middle to make it look credible. In the end he even wanted to wipe his sweat and give himself a five star review for his hard work! He was moved by himself!

However, the others listening didn't seem to think so! Yew stared at Ginn with a foolish appearance. 'As a person involved why didn't he know that's how the things went? He was pretty sure they were never sad when the engagement broke okay?'

Even his dear brothers looked at him with a critical expression 'bro, did you perhaps forget that we're your childhood friends? Why didn't we know that there was such an inseparable person who played together with you? Besides, if you had an engagement before with him, wouldn't he be that Yinchen guy? Why do we seem to remember that you broke the engagement with Yinchen on your own account?'

Becoming the center of odd gazes along with Ginn, Seui temporally put aside the plan of cursing Ginn and gave a harmless look to the surrounding people that literally said 'guys, I had no part in this conspiracy, but you all know I can't openly refute what my husband said right? I'm helpless too'

Dan , who was partially aware of the truth had no choice but to say "alright, let's eat before the meal starts to get cold , everyone let's start"

Ginn who finally understood that he might have screwed up : 'don't be so obvious when changing the topic, who doesn't know that the dishes they served have self insulation?'