.You don’t want to use your powers like others? (II)

"Then I'll go back with Yew, uncle and auntie must be waiting for us" after the meal Seui turned to Ginn who had an obvious sour taste in his mouth after hearing that ' if one didn't know better, they might have suspected that it's Yew and Sol who got married!'

As he was thinking of an excuse to take Seui back, he saw that Yew had already dragged Seui out of the private room while leaving behind a hasty goodbye to the others. Ginn almost gnashed his teeth visibly. 'this home wrecker ! I'll definitely settle these accounts later!' Since Seui had already long gone , he had no other choice but to be passively dragged into a game room by his dear brothers.


Seui who had came out of the hotel patted his chest and finally exhaled a long breath "shoo, that was a close call ! Good thing that I'm very proficient in dealing with abrupt situations " Yew who was next to him however shook his head disapprovingly "like hell it is! Do you know that the way you're behaving now is quite different from the normal Sol? Not to mention that you always subconsciously blurt out your name! the only reason you're not caught on the spot is because this situation is too unimaginable okay? I feel that Ginn is already a bit suspicious " at the end he considerably lowered his voice.

Seui stared at him with a sarcastic look "and do you think you're behaving very much Yewlike ? you're in no position to criticise me. We're now both in the same boat. As for the change of behaviour , people always change, isn't this just one instance?"

Yew awkwardly scratched his head "...this seems to be somewhat reasonable?" but why did he feel that Seui's tone was unusually heavy in the last part?

Seui slowly exhaled one more time before softening his voice a bit " that.. I'll be careful in the future, okay? Shall we go back now?"

Listening to Seui's soft voice that was like a water rippling through stones and weed alike , peaceful and pleasant, Yew felt a hint of inexplicable melancholy. He went forward and draped an arm over Seui's shoulder "alright, like you said ,since we're in the same boat we can always stand by each other like this. Let's go "


It was past eleven when Ginn finally came back home. There was silence everywhere in the hall and it seemed like the others have already gone to bed. Just as Ginn was passing by the living area, he saw a shadow on a couch in the corner seemingly waiting for him.

Ginn braked abruptly with the coat draped on his arm and slowly approached the shadow. As he neared on he recognized that it was his maternal uncle, Professor Enoch who had an unusually grave face as he signaled Ginn to sit beside him on the sofa.

Ginn sat beside him wondering what might be so urgent to make his ever-busy uncle wait on him till so late. Even the atmosphere felt rather heavy. Ginn quite didn't get the reason why they should discuss the things now ,when they could just have a nice chat in the daytime . That is, assuming that there isn't an emergency.

Even after Ginn sat , Professor Enoch didn't say a word for a few minutes and just stared at him with worried eyes. Finally when a thick silence started to permeant , he finally opened his mouth " let me see your mark "

Ginn instantly knew that he was talking about the mark on his right palm. However he was bit reluctant because it will reveal the fact that he still hadn't terminated his accidental marriage contract. As if reading his mind Professor Enoch reminded him, "I already know that you didn't terminate the contract with or without the mark. If you had terminated it, undoubtedly there would be energy fluctuations all over the place. However you can rest assured that I haven't mentioned this to the others yet, so you can show me your mark without any hesitation"

Relieved that he didn't need to fabricate excuses, Ginn removed the spiritual cover on his palm and exposed the elegant mark.

Professor Enoch slowly examined it for a while before freezing all of a sudden. His sharp eyes penetrated into Ginn making him stiff all over. "What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Ginn whispered with uncertainty.

"...problem? that's underestimating your current situation. Now , tell me! Where the h*ll did you go today? Who the h*ll did you meet? Didn't I warn you before to stay away from crowds?!" Professor Enoch had an almost scary face and even his voice strained at the end.

By now, even a blockhead would realize that he had make a grave mistake. Ginn uneasily ran his eyes over the mark and noticed that it had became more lifelike than before and even the fine details were completed now. Vaguely guessing something, his heart cold and he clenched his hands slowly "it... it couldn't be right? I only met with my friends, there's no chance that it's them"

"Alright" Professor Enoch stared straight into Ginn's eyes "then tell me how did your contract got completed? Ah? Did you not keep an eye on the mark before going into crowds?"

Ginn helplessly looked at Professor Enoch " that..I'm not sure either, and I couldn't expose the mark in front of Sol, so I had no way of checking on the mark.."

"Sol?' Professor Enoch scrunched his eyebrows "he was there too?"

Ginn nodded in acquiescence. He explained how he met Sol at the Rose hotel briefly.

Professor Enoch sneered " So you actually managed to derail right in front your spouse! Hang on, that doesn't count as derailing, so it's polygamy? You can be punished according to the law , you know? Do you understand the seriousness of this situation? we're gambling with the reputation of our clan and your life here! You better consolidate your relationship with Sol as soon as possible. I'll increase the effort in looking for the other person" he ordered in a tone which left no room for discussion "if things go wrong, not only you will be implicated, but also your legal spouse Sol" he warned with genuine concern in his voice.

"Alright" Ginn agreed "but..there's something I need to make sure. Mm..what exactly did you mean by physical relationships ?"

Professor Enoch's mouth suddenly twitched , why didn't he knew he had such a dense nephew before? After arriving at the conclusion that roundabout methods would not work, he decided to throw it directly "it means consummation. Do you get it now? If so, you can go now. We'll meet later" he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The only one remaining there was Ginn, who had suspiciously red ears. The troubles were quickly thrown onto a corner of his mind and was occupied by the words of his uncle 'consummation!!! Is that why it didn't work before? because their level of action was too low? So he needs to fulfil his husband duties soon?!!!' After a few minutes of sitting there, he stood up in a jerky manner before knocking onto a table heavily. Finally gaining a bit of clarity, he quickly escaped into his room.


"You can have this room. Actually it would've been just fine to stay in one room, but since you insist there's nothing I can do" Yew simply shrugged after leading Seui to a vacant room right next to his own room.

"insist? well, if it was me I wouldn't call that insisting. It was more like escaping to retain my poor life!" Seui stressed.

"Eyyy, isn't that too exaggerating?" Yew waved his hands dismissively.

"No, not at all" Seui refuted "anybody who had his neck strangled by a windowsill plant while taking a nap wouldn't say that" he declared while rubbing his neck.

"Oh come on! my ability was just a little bit out of control , I'm sure it wouldn't happen again" Yew indicated a bit with his thumb and forefinger while smiling flatteringly.

"Huh, it's no wonder your parents wanted so desperately to consolidate your power. goodnight anyway ! " Seui turned to close his door and paused for a brief moment "right, when did you say the class starts tomorrow?"

"8 o' clock " Yew answered with a scrunched face , bitterly.

"Strange, I'm sure it didn't start that that early today?" Seui asked with a doubtful look.

"Well, we were late for today's class, and moreover the tutor said something along the lines 'more students, more time' " Yew shook his head pitifully like somebody who lost the meaning of his life.

Seui's expression turned bad as well after hearing that. Top student or not , every student is reluctant to attend class , okay? That's an universal truth! He was being tortured with a huge syllabus before, and now he's being tortured with classes as well? Isn't this retribution too harsh?!! What grave crime did he unknowingly commit??!!


Seui flopped onto the bed after washing up . It was rather good to sleep in a wide bed like he had been used to, and even better without that sorry excuse of a husband occupying half of the bed!

Suddenly remembering his nominal husband, Seui felt that he had to keep the promise he had previously made. So he picked up the phone and mulled over for a few seconds. He had never been the guy to be too talkative, and even if he was , it was with the absolute close people where Ginn is practically a stranger he had met a few days before. Thinking so , he picked up a most general and fairly caring sentence that is universally applicable "Good night" followed by a free-package sticker of a bear yawning and dragging a sleeping bag.

After that, without waiting for a reply, he calmly drifted into sleep...


In a rather empty bed, Ginn was spending an sleepless night. He remembered what Nette had told him when they were parting "Ginn, have you learned to balance your power yet? The entrance exam of the Solstice Academy is next month. I wouldn't comment on how you choose a non-ability user for your spouse, it's all fine as long as you're happy. But I hope you'd spare some time to prepare for the exam, it's not like we don't know how much you want to use your power normally. And I'm sure you'll be able to do that. Make sure you come to the exam ,we'll be waiting there for you"

Ginn sighed slowly, yeah it was true that he wanted to use his power like a normal ability user, but will he be able to do so in this situation? Not to mention that he wouldn't be allowed to participate in the test in his condition, not just his family but even the examiners wouldn't agree to such a reckless move. And as for Sol, just by thinking about him Ginn felt hot, will he agree to such a thing? He was quite angry the last time they kissed, so will he denounce the marriage or something if he tried to take this step so soon? If you consider this from Sol's side, he had the every right to refuse and be angry....Just as he was brooding, the notification sound of the phone sounded.

Sighing lightly , he got out of the bed and picked up the phone that was on the nightstand. The automated lamp's brightness increased by 10 percent, just the right amount for reading. He opened the lock to see a message from Sol with an adorable bear dragging a sleeping bag, yawning cutely. It was so inconsistent with Sol's temperament that Ginn even double checked the sender. Suddenly his mind was occupied by his uncle's words and his ears slowly flushed in the dark.

With his lips curving uncontrollably ,he searched for a while and choose a sticker of two bears hugging tightly and returned with a message "you too honey"....