Adventure Begins

"Agh... owwie. Where am I?"

Opening her large azure pools, Aveline stared up into the canopy of trees.

"What's so soft?"

Rolling around, she flipped herself over and found her face barely an inch from an unknown, but very entrancing face.

"She caught me? Is she...?"

Aveline laid her head between the pair of breasts that acted as her pillow.



"She's okay!"

Smiling widely, Aveline lifted herself from the mage that rescued her. Scanning her surroundings, she realized that she was in a clearing with plant life on all sides blown back.

"Huh... who did that?"

"You did, little flower."

Aveline twirled, nearly spinning herself onto the ground. Her savior was now on her own feet, tugging off a large cape that seemed to hinder her moevements.

As the cape fell, a pair of large and fluffy ears popped out from within the fiery mound of hair.

"Fox ears?"

As she questioned what she saw, the ears flattened themselves against the owners head. She stared at the ground as fear seemed to take over.

"S-sorry. I'll hide them again."

Before she could even attempt to pick up the cape from the ground, Aveline stepped closer. She was barely any shorter then the fox girl, so she lifted her hand up and stroked the ears.

"Don't hide such a pretty feature. Wow... so soft!"

The mage seemed to blush as she closed her sparkling amber eyes. She pushed her head closer, enjoying every bit of affection she was receiving.

"That feels really nice. I've never had em pet before."

Aveline smiled widely, but she stopped petting her.

"I'd love to keep petting, but we need to find out where we are. Can you tell me how I caused... this?"

The fox girl smiled and pointed upwards.

"We fell. Really far. We should be dead, like him..."

She pointed to a large bundle of meat off in the distance.

"...but I caught you. When we nearly hit the ground, ya kinda blew everythin away!"

Her eyes continued to sparkle as she hopped closer to Aveline, who eyed a pair of jiggly mounds with each hop.

"Okay... so questions. Age, name, and why the heck did you help me?"

The fox ears flicked upwards as she began to walk through the forest. Waving her hand, she motioned for Aveline to follow.

"Hmm... to start with, shouldn't you introduce yourself first, little flower? Being a noble and all, you should be courteous to your subjects."

Aveline hung her head. She was getting scolded by a bandit mage.

"Sure... that's my bad. I haven't met many people out of the manor. Outside of my birthday parties, I tend to train. I'm Aveline Synclair, eleven, and I'm gonna conquer what I wanna conquer."

"Such as?"

"Cute girls."

"...pfft. What in the hell? You're a curious one, ain't ya? Never met a lady noble that was enamored with the fairer sex... am I on the table?"

With a seductive and teasing glance, she eyed up Aveline.

"Maybe? That depends. You're really pretty, and you've got those awesome ears, but I don't know you."

'Never saw any bandits in the game. It was a dating sim, but you never left the school grounds. All of this is strange.'

"Ah... I'm Lyla. Don't really have a last name, like you, but I'm fourteen. Do I really need to tell you why I helped ya?"

With a determined nod, Aveline reached up and began to pet Lyla's ears again.


"Ugh... so be it. If you get mad at me, I'll never let you pet my ears again!"

She stopped walking and lifted her chin. Her hands began to undo a couple of strings that kept her top closed around her throat.

"You're pretty and all, but I'm not gonna get excited when you're clearly forcing yourself."

Lyla began to blush, her red eyes gleaming as she continued.

"Dummy. I'm trying to show you! Besides, you're too young for sexy stuff anyways."

"Touche, but same to you. I'm waiting until I'm eighteen before I fool around to that extent anyways."

Lyla pulled open the cloth over her throat. A thin thread of black etchings circled her neck three times.

"That's... slave markings. Disgusting."

Lyla's ears drooped as she began to tie the strings back, but Aveline grabbed her hands.

"Those bastards... how could they do that to you? They didn't do anything else unsavory, right?"

Tears began to slide down Lyla's face.

"Why? Why be nice to a slave? I'm nothing more then a commodity for nobles! Or whichever other asshole has the money to buy me."

Aveline pulled the cloth back down and touched the markings softly.

"My family, the Synclair's, have never followed the normal regime. Slavery? No. I've seen my father perform manual labor, and my mother sews my dresses back together. We may be rich, but we don't make others suffer because we are lazy. We have servants, but they're paid."

Lyla smiled lightly, her thin frame seeming weaker now that Aveline could see how skinny she really was.

"You're malnourished... how could they do this? Let's find some food! We both have magic, so we can cook anything we find."

Aveline began to pull Lyla deeper into the forest, both girls smiling brightly as they delved into their big adventure.


March 20th, year of the Demon-Crab

Dear Diary,

I've made a new friend! She's got the fluffiest fox ears ever! They're really soft and warm. She enjoys it when they get pet.

We decided to explore the forest, ignoring big beefy's body, for food.

Hunting wasn't so bad. There is a lot of fruit growing above us, and tons of little beasts that wanna fight. We eat like kings! Hehe.

Lyla wanted to see if we could climb the cliff face, but I decided against it. Her slave markings are there, so someone still "owns" her.

We decided to make the most of it for the night. She even whipped out the fluffiest freaking tail! She was sweet enough to cover me with it, instead of using grass or leaves.

I'm happy here with her, but we need to get out of this forest. I'm worried about my family.