
October 14th, year of my loss.

Dear Diary,

I write this with tears in my eyes and a shaking hand. It's been two years since we fell. Two long and hard, but fun years. I named this year myself, as I do not know what prize the royal family has caught for some time.

I haven't written in quite some time. I spent many nights wrapped in her warm tail, cuddling and watching the stars through the leaves... I wasn't surprised when she finally said she loved me. We were young... and so much more in love then I expected.

All this time, I hold no regrets except for one. No its not the thousand times I kissed her. No its not the night we spent in each others arms for the first time. I only regret ever yelling at her that one time. My desire to reunite with my family, my desire to see those I missed... destroyed my reality.

I knew she had no past that she could share with me, but I still let my own wants spill out. I blamed her for holding me back in this damn forest. I blamed her for causing my family to suffer. It was never her fault. She was my support in this bullshit world I'm being forced to deal with now.

That day, we fought. We cursed at each other and screamed to make our point... then he appeared. That disgusting beast. Scaled Bears aren't even that strong. We killed plenty as we made our way through this forest... but I was angry and she was stressed. I messed up. One slip up, and her blood was on my hands. I ripped him apart. He didn't even see it coming, and neither did I.

I haven't learned how to heal yet, so I could only hold her hand. She smiled at me... that big idiot actually smiled at me. I wanted nothing more then to die beside her today. She told me one last thing before her cold hand finally went limp. "Live on, little flower."

Trust me, I'll live on for us both, my Lyla.


"Hey, I found a route that leads to a road. I know you've been wanting me to move on quickly, but it's only been a year. I miss you... I hope you're not being hurt anymore. I've got that mask too, so I still have you beside me, always. I love you, Lyla. I may not return, but you'll always be in my heart."

Aveline wiped her eyes as she got to her feet. She had grown out of her previous clothes, so she picked up sewing. Learning how to make a thread from monster spiders web, as well as how to make appropriate clothing with leaves and flowers had taken some time, but she stood proud with her makeshift clothing. Turning fourteen was just an excuse for her to stick around, so she steeled her resolve and began to make her way towards her route.

'Hmm... how will I make it home? I'm a pretty fourteen year old girl that spent the last three years in a forest. I have no money, I have no clue how to even manage the trip home, and I don't know where I'm at. Lovely... wanna send some of that mystical luck my way, my love?'

After a few hours, Aveline finally left that massive forest that she had spent so much time in. A dirt road graced her bare feet as she began to walk along it. Lyla's old mask now adorned her face, using magic to allow her to see passed it.

After travelling for some time, Aveline slowed to a halt as a carriage stopped just after it passed her. It was well adorned, obviously from a rich family. A round man stepped out of it, shaking the whole thing with every movement.

"Ah, my dear, are you well? How is a small thing, such as yourself, even out here? Holly! Please help her!"

Aveline stared passed the man as a woman stepped out of the carriage. She was tall and slender, but hidden within steel armor.

"Lord Ronix, please refrain from speaking to common riffraff that may attack you at a moments notice!"

The man turned red as her stared at the knight.

"Holly, I asked for aid, not your mouth. I understand how you feel about these things, but please shut the hell up. This girl is barely holding on. She's probably horribly scarred under that mask, and yet you tell me to ignore her? Now please, come along. I have warm bread and juice inside."

Aveline didn't budge as he tried to escort her.

"Forgive my rudeness."

Her voice was altered behind the mask, but her words caught both people before her by surprise. She is quite well mannered, being the daughter of nobility.

"How far are we from the manor of the Duke and Duchess known by Synclair?"

The man's face turned solemn.

"Ah. The Noble hero's of days past. Not very. Maybe a week by carriage? Five days if weather is fair. Why do you ask? They are not the most hospitable hosts lately, having lost their precious daughter a few years back."

Aveline sighed, a tear hidden within the mask.

"They know me. They told me to make my way there if I need them. Can I ask for your help?"

The man scratched his blading head as he walked towards the carriage.

"I'm Hawkins. A merchant. We were actually heading through there, so I don't see why not."

With a disgusted huff, Holly went back inside the carriage, her boss moments after her. Aveline climbed in as well, sitting beside Holly.


Thus, Aveline's grand adventure through the Great Forest ended.


A couple of days had passed. Aveline kept to herself, though Hawkins tried to chat with her. She was in no mood for idle banter, as her mind was still on Lyla and the heart she left with her.

"Agh... Holly, could you at least pretend to be nice?! You've been little more than a nuisance since our guest settled in."

Holly had removed her armor, her figure finally showing under the moonlight. She was wearing slacks and a large white shirt, but they had been matted down with sweat as she trained.

"My lord, she's filthy. You are of noble blood and should conduct yourself as such. She's been literally the worst guest as well! She won't speak, nor will she eat with anyone of us. The other two guard under your employ even see her run off and disappear at night."

Hawkins pinched the bridge of his nose as he turned away from Holly. He knew she was right, but had no intention of abandoning a girl in need.

"Am I truly such a bother?"

Above the two of them, Aveline was laying out in a tree. She felt comfortable laying within the branches, rather then being on the ground.

Holy began to voice her opinion, but a sudden shout stopped her.

"Kill the men, take the women!"

At least a dozen men had suddenly surrounded them. They reminded Aveline of the bandits that attacked her before. Without so much as a sound, she slipped from the tree and began to walk towards them.

Holly looked on in shock. She began to grow enraged as she pointed towards Aveline.

"She's been working with these bastards all along! Haven't you?!"

Without even looking back, Aveline raised her hand in front of her. Vines exploded from the ground, ensnaring the men quickly. Multiple voices were cut short as blood was fed to the grass.

She turned back to the pair of onlookers, both barely processing what had happened.

"Uh... umm. My apologies."

Holly bowed her head for the first time. Shame fell on her like a thousand hammers.

"It's fine. I'm not at my best, so please don't bother. I'll at least pay Mister Hawkins for helping me when we arrive."

"Th-think nothing of it, Miss. You may have just saved our hides. Holly wouldn't have survived that many men alone, for she has little to no magic capabilities."

Aveline stared at him, the mask accentuating her stare.

"What about the other guards? Would they not fight?"

Holly stepped forward, lowering her head once more.

"The others aren't true guardsmen. They are common people with a simple job to scare away onlookers. They can't fight."

Aveline scaled the tree, not even bothering to respond anymore.

'Thankfully, no one got hurt.'

She smiled inside of her mask as she drifted off to sleep.


October 23rd, year of the Iron Crow

Dear Diary,

I've been picked up by a man named Hawkins and his knight, Holly. Hawkins is a kind, but smart and vicious business man, while Holly seems to be the over the top type of noble lover. She hates me, though she's gonna apologize soon.

I've been heading into the forest to eat these days, my mind wandering to Lyla whenever I start to think of removing the mask. Now that I think about it, she was fourteen when she first told me about this mask. It's a keepsake to hide her ears. I always hated it, so I kept it away from her. Those ears were lovely.

Bandits attacked. I shut Holly up by using silent casting with a combo element. Found out that she's not really a commoner hater, but she just doesn't trust me. Who can blame her?

We have plenty of time to get to know each other, but I'm still going to be myself. I've lost too much time with my family, so I'm preparing myself for everything... things will be chaotic.