Truth be Told

Three more days had passed. Aveline still couldn't tell if she was anywhere closer to home, after all she was asleep when the carriage was attacked.

They had been attacked quite a few times, but thanks to Aveline, they suffered no casualties. Her magic essence had hardly even been disturbed, so she smiled to herself. Content with her progress.

It was currently dinner time, so Holly was mixing ingredients for the stew they had planned. Aveline was laying on top of the carriage, though Holly forbade it the night before.

"Ah Holly! Smells great. Will our young mage be joining us?"

Holly looked up towards Aveline. Her eyes showed fear and respect.

"You've been with us five days. Honestly, I'd like to at least know who we've been escorting. Hawkins may be trusting, but how do I trust a mage as strong as you when you just suddenly appeared?"

Sitting up, Aveline pulled off her mask. Both Holly and Hawkins gulped as their eyes fell onto her face. Finally reaching her teenage years, Aveline had grown less cute and more prominently beautiful. Her face had become more angular, while her lips thinned out. Her nose was small, but sharp. Her eyes weren't big anymore, but they still glowed with azure fire.

"Aveline Synclair."

Holly coughed out as she choked on saliva.

"I've been in the forest, surviving for about three years. We were attacked when my family took me out of the manor for the first time, and I fell over the edge."

She smiled towards them, but they only felt fear.

"I even have a way to prove who I am, but I need to see my mother first. I miss them."

Tears lined her face as she hopped down from the carriage. She crossed her legs and sat near them, but they both recoiled.

"So that's how it is? You're scared of me, even more so now?"

"Th-they found Lady Aveline's body."

A cold chill surged from within her heart.

"Body? Where we fell should only have been that big bastard. We left him behind on day one..."

Biting her thumbnail, Aveline scanned her memories, both during her time in Hero's Chronicle and when she had played it.

'All of this is wrong. Aveline never had this kind of back story. How could my existence change it from spoiled rotten to... the making of a viallge or hero? Even the white hair and the scar... none of that was on her before. Could I not be Aveline after all?'

Getting back to her feet, Aveline went over to the river that they had decided to camp near. With a flock of her wrist, a flame appeared beside her face. She stared into the calm waters, scanning the ethereal beauty that stared back.

'I look more wild, but this is still her face. As beautiful as the day I started playing the game. I'm fourteen right now, but the game she was seventeen. Even her romantic path wasn't as bad as this back story. Nearly being killed and raped, having the bastard hero as my betrothed, my family being attacked by bandits, then falling down that cliff, falling in love and losing her... what is this world doing to me? Why am I such a tragic heroine?'

As she finally thought of her realisation, a sudden burning, searing pain enveloped her right shoulder. She held back her scream as she tore the clothing off her skin.

Holly ran up, the first to notice what was happening. She couldn't believe her eyes as she watched the skin that was burning.

"You've been chosen... you bear a divine crest!"

Aveline placed her hand against the shoulder, feeling where she had been burned. The skin was smooth, with no deformities.

"What does that mean?"

Holly knelt beside her and pulled the clothing back over her skin.

"You're a hero. One that has more worth then the power behind Orion."

Those words made Aveline feel elated, but she shook her head at the thought.

"Can there even be two heroes in one world?"

Holly shook her head.

"You've taken his place. As yours formed, his must have faded. Unless he actively watches it, he will not know until something happens to him. He'll be weaker then his has been for a long time."

Aveline stared up at Holly.

"You make it sound like you know him."

"He's an ass. That's all I can say. Thankfully, he doesn't even know I'm a woman. He bothers Hawkins for deals from time to time, but he's always dragging all manner of women with him. Though he was betrothed... I don't remember to whom though."

Aveline laughed lightly, her voice causing both Hawkins and Holly to stare. It was soft and elegant, almost enough to make one blush.

That night, Aveline slept like a log.


October 28th, year of the Iron Crow

Dear Diary,

Even more has happened that doesn't make sense. How is it that realizing my story is tragic, has made me gain these markings? Why is this reality so wrong?

The divine crest is a lie anyways. The true name is Celestial Champion's Mark. I'm just glad I only pulled down that side of my clothing... the Infernal Champion's Mark was there. I never expected to get both of them, let alone one of them.

The Celestial mark is meant for the True Hero of the Celestial race, or just a plain old hero in the eyes of the kingdom. If memory serves, the Hero meets a powerful ally backed by the Infernal race, or the demons. Both are meant to fight together to end the uprising from a completely different dimension, but this lore was supposed to be hidden content that doesn't get disclosed without winning Aveline's heart. Since I AM Aveline, that won't work. There won't be a custom character.

Both marks just mean that both races fully trust me. They will fight with me, as well as back me. The only problem, Infernals aren't favored in this kingdom. I'll be killed if they see the mark, whether I have the Celestial mark or not.

As an unbiased soul, I guess it makes sense. Especially with my life as it is, I'll do what I can to stop it all. To give my life meaning again.


Far away, deep in the Vrain Kingdom, three men sat around a circular table. They left the room dark, each prepared to end his own life to prevent secrets from being revealed.

"So, the Infernal mark had been placed?"

"Yes. We know not of where the infidel is, but we shall end them posthaste. Someone strong enough to earn their favor... truly disgusting."

The first man sighed as he rubbed his eyes.

'How many years has it been since we killed the last one? Such a tremendous effort, just for a new mark to appear after all this time.'

"See that it is done."

The second man immediately left, a deep purple light enveloping his body.

"Your Majesty, what if this one is different? Could we not try to procure their favor, ourselves?"

The third man wore a mask. He kept his identity completely hidden from the others, but his power was truly valued.

"Infernals are a dark and monstrous race. Their champion will fall again. Orion may be the key to ending them, but we shall see."

At that, the third men sighed as well. He stood from the table, pulled out a scroll and whispered under his breath before we spoke to the king once more.

"The church has gotten ahold of your decisions too quickly. Just remember, give the champion a chance."

And with that, he vanished in a puff of smoke.