
"I'm finally home."

Aveline stood within the courtyard of her home. She had left Hawkins and Holly behind, both promising to be available if she needed them. She had made promising friends that were impressed by her power, as well as her role.

Aveline stepped closer, her head cocking back as she looked up at her families manor.

"It seems smaller... since I've grown. Three years... will they be mad? Will they cry? Have they forgotten me?"

Aveline made her way forward, smiling as she passed the flower beds that were now cared for by her mother and Kyra.

"Thank you for the tea."

A familiar, yet different voice assaulted Aveline's ears.

"Orion? Why is he... looks like I'm tall enough to look through the windows now."

Aveline peeked through the window, staring into what was the foyer. She began to circumnavigate the manor, hopping over bushes and the gate so she could find Orion.

Her heart was slowly growing colder as she heard more chatter and laughter from nearby. In the garden, Aveline could see four people. Orion had grown taller and much more handsome, but his face just made Aveline sick. She wanted nothing more than to throw a rock at him. Opposite him were her parents, both showing some age.

'Are they... like that because of me?'

Kyra was nowhere to be seen, but in between her parents was a pretty girl with shining greenish blue hair. It was dark, but you could still see the colors. Her eyes were a chocolate brown that seemed to gleam with every movement.

"Our daughter would love to see where this goes."

'...our daughter? But I'm right here. Who is she? I don't have a sister... Aveline was always an only child...

Who is she?

Who is she?

Who is she?


Aveline placed Lyla's mask on her face as she headed back to the front door. Night had begun to fall, but massive clouds had begun to form as well. Waiting below the stone stairs that led to the overhang of the building, Aveline stared into the sky. Her mouth opened as lightning struck the ground. Thunder roared as her voice trailed into the night. Her scream died down with the thunderous booming. Her sobs filling the air as rain began to pour. She was soaked in seconds.

"Mama, Papa, Kyra... do you even remember me? Am I so easy to forget?"

Her eyes locked on the door that was twice her height.

"She was pretty... but her eyes were bored. Haha... of course she wouldn't fall for him so easily. He's not the Hero anymore."

Aveline began to laugh. She clutched her face as her laughter and sobbing began to merge, until she abruptly stopped and stood in front of the door. Her footprints were both water and blood as she walked forwards. Touching the door, Aveline smiled.

"It's still warm. It's still home... right?"


She slammed her first against the door, twice. The sound reverberated through the house, alarming the residents.

Nilly got to her feet, her eyes annoyed.

"Who could be here in this weather, this late? Dear, did you have a guest coming? Or you, Orion?"

Both men shook their heads, both confused as well.

"I'll answer it, mother."

The brown eyed beauty got to her feet. She was slim, but her muscles were toned. Not the common sight for a young woman like her.

She moved through the rooms, her movements graceful and swift. Before long, she was standing in the foyer next to the door.

"Allow me, Nora. I'm just a guest, but we don't know what we are dealing with."

Orion appeared behind her, his hands nearing her shoulders. With a disgusted huff, she stepped aside to allow him to reach the door. With an unrefined motion, he stumbled and grabbed the knob of the door.

It opened quickly, as the wind helped it swing wide. Standing in the doorway was a girl that was thin and covered in leaves. Her feet were bare, and a strange mask was on her face. Long black hair trailed on the ground behind her. A few locks of white were mingling on the edge of the mask, almost blending in with them.

"The hell? Why is a random street rat at the house of a Duke and Duchess? Do you wish to be headless, child? God your body is small too... not even worth a second glance."

Aveline tilted her head. She stared passed Orion, straight into Nora's eyes.

'She's really fit... maybe she is combat oriented? Could she help me get stronger? I need to train before I go to school next year...'

Aveline took a step forward, but Orion whipped out a blade of flames.

"Oi. Back off urchin. We have no need for your kind in these halls."

Turning her head back to him, Aveline smiled behind the mask.

'Disgusting... my family would rather feed an urchin then kick them to the curb.'

"Who's there, Orion? Nora?"

Kyra was descending from the second floor. She was drying her hair, though her outfit barely covered her damp body.

'She's... been hurt.'

Aveline instantly saw a few scars on Kyra's body. Some on her long and slender arms, but one on her face. It went from her jaw and reached just under her left eye.

Aveline's hand went up as she stumbled into the foyer. She wanted to touch Kyra. She wanted to hug her and cry while Kyra pat her head and smiled down at her.


Aveline hopped sideways, barely avoiding the fiery blade.

"Get out! Your kind is not allowed."

"My kind?"

Aveline spoke for the first time. Her voice was heavily changed as she spoke within the mask.

"A false hero, full of pride. Have you not noticed? Or do you believe you're the best creature in this world? You're disgusting."

With a single stomp, a gust of wind blew the blade out. Aveline looked at Orion, her annoyance growing. Orion staggered backwards as he groped his waist.

"H-how do you know?! Who told you?! I'll kill you!"

Orion threw himself at Aveline, but she quickly stepped around him. A giggle was quickly stifled as Nora began to blush behind her hand.

"Nora, Kyra! Kill this stupid bitch!"

The two girls seemed uncertain. They both began to channel magic, but they didn't attack an element. Thus they both stayed out of combat.

"Gah... fine. I'll do it myself."

Ice began to coalesce around Orion, forming multiple spears of ice. His smile turned evil as he threw them, hoping to skewer Aveline.


With that one word, the wind picked up again and dashed the ice into powder.

"No wonder. You're so damn weak it's embarrassing. These two don't even want to help you because of your character... perhaps I should've killed you years ago?"


Aveline's face flew to her right as a spear of ice flashed by. The mask was shattered from the impact, keeping her face hidden within the shadows of her hair. Her hand glowing a dazzling white, Aveline wiped away the cut that had formed on her cheek.

"That hurt..."

She sniffled as tears fell fresh from her eyes. She looked towards the doorway the ice came from. Staring daggers at Aveline were Nilly and Thorin. Both had spears of ice and earth, respectively, spiralling towards Aveline.


October 30th, year of the Iron Crow

Dear Diary,

For the first time, my parents struck me. For the first time, my parents glared at me. For the second time, my heart shattered.