Crying Battle

Aveline ducked and weaved her way around the spears as they began to pierce the floor and wall behind her. Whenever they grew too close, she simply used a gust of wind to knock them off course. All this time, tears streamed down her face. Not once did she fight back.

Nilly spoke up, continuing the assault.

"Orion, who is this?"

"I don't know. They attacked me and tried to get close to Nora."

Thorin stepped forward, his massive frame hiding Nilly behind him. He swung both arms up, initiating a spell that Aveline was familiar with.

Using the winds, Aveline glided back a meter as large earthen spikes erupted from the ground.

"You've gotten stronger. As have you..."

Aveline dashed sideways as a sword of ice cut the stones apart. The explosive force sent multiple shards out, knicking Aveline multiple times.

"Why? Why do you have to hurt me?"

Thorin threw a massive lance of stone, but Aveline gracefully grabbed it from midair. She slammed it on the ground, then kicked a large chunk towards Orion. He was promptly knocked out of the manor, while Aveline used the wind to slam the door.

"I don't want him in here..."

Her voice was barely audible as she fell to her knees. Hugging herself, Aveline began to bawl as Thorin and Nilly began to conjure more magical spears. They nearly threw them, but Kyra jumped in the way. Her arms wrapped around Aveline, her shoulders shaking as she too was crying.

"You idiot! Where have you been?!"

Thorin and Nilly allowed their magic to disperse, their gazes filled with confusion. An icy glare from Kyra made them both freeze up.

"I don't give a damn what you've done for me, but this... I'll never respect either of you again if you attack Aveline one more time!"

Their faces went from fear to shock.

"K-Kyra... what have we told you? Please... not her name."

Nilly was shaking as she began to step closer to Kyra and Aveline.

"Shut up! Look at her! Don't tell me that you can't remember her! This... this girl is our precious Aveline..."

Nora knelt down beside Kyra. Her bored eyes were now curious as she began to pat Aveline's hair. Aveline looked up, her face red from the tears.

"Oh my... truly, she looks just like you. Miss Nilly, can you come closer? She radiates the same beauty that you do, although her features have been distorted by her tears."

Nora got onto her knees, not caring for the beautiful dress she was wearing. Aveline's blood had also begun to soak into it.

Aveline wrapped her arms around Kyra, her sobs beginning to grow stronger.

"Kyra... I missed you so much! Every day..."

She shook hard as she looked up at her mother's face. Nilly had come closer, her own body shaking until she finally broke down.

"M-My baby... she's really back."


Hair glowing a greenish yellow, a wall of vines erupted between Kyra and the door. A spear of ice had been grabbed between the vines.

"Orion... leave."

These two words came from Thorin. His face was red as he tossed a massive spear of earthen materials towards the doorway.

With a terrified shriek, Orion bolted. Thorin, on the other hand, walked up to his wife and grabbed her hand before kneeling beside Kyra, Nora and Aveline.

"A face can be mocked, but can you really be our daughter without proper proof?"

His face was stoic, but it held onto the tendrils of hope as he looked down at Aveline.

"Name it. Whatever you want me to do to prove it... I'll do it."

She sniffled as she looked into her father's eyes. The very eyes that made her feel safe and secure, now they only made her fearful of what he would ask.

"Eight years ago..."

Aveline looked down. Messing with a few of the leaves, she showed what she believed he wanted to see. An eight year old scar made from a Wind Blade spell. The relief in his eyes, as well as the tension in his body caused him to slump over as he pulled Aveline into his arms.

"I'm so sorry..."

It was all he could say. He trembled as he held her, his massive body barely touching hers as his fear were being made certain.

"Papa, hug me properly. You won't hurt me ever again."

Aveline launched herself into his arms, knocking him backwards. He fell onto his back, hugging Aveline tightly now. Nilly wiped her eyes as she crawled up next to them and hugged Aveline.


Aveline couldn't speak anymore as her mother pulled her face into her breasts.

"We can talk later. For now, our family has been reunited."

Nora looked over at Kyra.

"So wait, am I supposed to be her sister now?"

She looked kind of disappointed.

"I'd rather have a more fun relationship..."

Her fingers began to twirl on the ground as she pouted. Kyra just held in a laugh as she wiggled closer.

"Nora dear, she's gonna dominate you until you can't even want to escape. I can feel it, my little Aveline has grown wild and... skillful."

Nora's eyes went wide as her face flushed.

"D-don't speak like that when they're reuniting!"


October 31st year of the Iron Crow

Dear Diary,

I'm back home. I had my first actual bath in three years. Nora and Kyra joined me... and they weren't disappointed. After I removed my leaf binder, they both ogled my breasts. It was embarrassing, but I liked it.

After the bath, Nora lent me a cute little nightgown. It was tight around the chest, which made her wince. Sorry Nora, I'm a bit bigger then you.

I had to ask for them to lend me clothes, as my old ones were way too small. When it came to underwear... hehe... Nora is a small C, while Kyra is a large D... too far apart for a comfy bra! Had to ask Mama... she's a small D and I'm a large C. It was embarrassing.

Kyra and Mama slept with me. Papa was glad to just be in the same house, while Nora... well she actually slept with us too. Though she climbed into the bed after she thought we were all sleeping. Too bad, you're living with a girl that braved a damn forest for three years!

I'm happy... I'm home... Now I've just got to explain my shoulders.