Lunch Date

(A.N. From now on I'll be posting at least once a day. Might post more depending on my writing mojo. For those that truly enjoy my story, for every 10 power stones I'll add another chapter for the week.)

Aveline stretched out, her long arms nearly touching the center of the round table she had sat down at. Nora was grabbing some food, as she knew this place better.

'Why haven't I seen her yet? I know Auntie would've gotten to her for at least a minute. I was looking forward to sharing a room with you, Victri.'

Aveline sighed and grumbled to herself. In her frustration, she kicked out like a child and pouted.

"You are not what I expected."

Aveline looked up, her eyes meeting a short girl with vibrant red hair.

'So pretty...'

Her featured were slightly hidden, but she gave off the vibe of a beautiful girl without even trying. Her face was small and round with large eyes that reflected everything. They were a bright amber, which made a tear slide down Aveline's cheek.


With a soft sniffle, the girl leaned close and hugged Aveline.

"Thank you. You gave Lyla the best time she ever had. I'm truly grateful for what you did for her. I'm her younger sister, Anya."

Aveline wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight.

"You're the Oracle, right? Lyla told me about her sister while we were together. You're a great mage with powerful prophetic abilities."

Aveline could feel Anya tense up, but she didn't try to move away.

"D-don't be afraid, Miss Anya. I don't need you to prophesize. Just please, be my friend? I've wanted to meet you for so long!"

Anya shuddered lightly as she started to cry into Aveline's shoulder.

"I'd be happy to."

Aveline held her tight, then let her sit beside her. They began to chat about little things until Nora appeared.

"Well hi there. Who's the little cutie?"

Aveline smiled and introduced Anya.

"She's actually super cute! And tiny... I didn't think you'd like ones like this."

Nora began to tease Aveline, but a small smile spread on her lips.

"She's Lyla's little sister."

Nora closed her mouth, then leaned in to hug Anya.

"I never met Lyla, but I've heard of her. She kept this precious girl alive and was her influence to survive. I'd like to be your friend as well, if you don't mind."

Anya made a tiny sound, almost like a giggle.

"Okay, but I should warn you..."

She pulled a hairband that fully matched her hair forwards. A pair of long fox ears sprouted. The tips were partly white and super fuzzy.

Aveline held her hands back as she nearly tried to pet them.

"You're a fox. Nothing wrong with that."

Nora shrugged it off. She never cared for race, same for the Synclair family.

"That's good then. I thank you for being considerate towards my race. Miss Aveline has already made it clear that she likes my race... through certain activities."

Aveline turned crimson.

"She was hot and she was horny! What was I supposed to do, suppress my desires?"

Anya smiled lightly.

"My sister was happy. I may not be experienced, but my sister found pleasure in it. It's something she had never felt before you. I-I..."

Tears slid down her face as she talked.

"I just hope she didn't suffer while she was beside you."

Aveline wiped away a tear and gave a massive smile.

"Sometimes, she wouldn't shut up. It helped me fall asleep when she droned on about how green a Lilly Wisp is. Though, her favorite flower would be something she loves to talk about. I'm planning to put some on her grave when I find them."

A light sparked in Anya's eyes.

"She seriously talked about that flower that much? She never grew out of it... I'm glad. Lyla was always intrigued by something or another when we were young. Those were the days... she never shut up."

The girls continued to chat for a while. Idling the day away, they bonded and grew happier just being with each other. After a while, Anya had to go. She only had permission to be outside for a limited time. Something Aveline promised to change. This made her happy, but she didn't want her to worry.

A couple hours later, Aveline and Nora were returning to their room. Before they could make it inside, Aveline saw a beautiful girl with incredibly long blond hair. One eye was swollen shut, while her thin lips were split in three parts. Beside her stood a similarly blond man. He sneered at Aveline as she got closer.

"Victri...? Orion, what have you done?"

Her voice sounding guttural, Aveline's eyes burned with an azure flame.

"Would you believe me if I said that you did this? I mean, Victri here says you did. Would she really lie to the Hero? Or these guards for that matter? Seize her."

With a flip of his wrist, three men in heavy armor appeared from nearby. They each began to march towards Aveline, who with a powerful laugh, made them halt.

"Who are you kidding?! You don't even know how to activate the mark!"

"Of course I do! Stupid bitch. Why should I show you power on that scale?"

Aveline crossed her arms.

"You know, I wanted to hope you'd change. First you lost me, then you lost Nora. Right now, I'm prepared to steal your sister because you're a disgusting fucking prick!"

Nora grabbed Aveline's shoulder. Worry crossed her eyes, not for Aveline's safety, but for what Aveline might do.

Aveline tugged her uniform jacket off, revealing her slender arms. Her bracelets morphed into their full form, which she launched at Victri. They spiraled around her, creating a whirlwind.

"This magic will hurt a bit, but for her, anything! Dual Magic Convergence! Light and Wind, Holy Whirlwind!"

The whirlwind changed from a massive green spiral, into a blinding white light. Within, Victri was visibly healing. She even let go of the arm she was holding. It may have been broken. Victri fell to her knees, sobbing in the corridor.

Aveline stepped forward, shoving the guards away. Her rage had reached a new peak.

"You sick bastard. You laid you hands on sweet little Victri. Did she ever do anything wrong? She's afraid of the so called hero!"

Snarling, Orion began to step forward, but towards the whirlwind.

"You bitch. Get out of there and tell these men what she did to you! Tell them how she bashed your face, tore your clothes and smashed your arm! Tell them how she raped you!"

The whirlwind suddenly vanished.

"Wh-what? You... you didn't. You wouldn't. Victri, did... did he really?"

Aveline saw Victri look up, her eyes cloudy with tears. She nodded slowly before Orion grabbed her by her throat.


Aveline's eyes were now blazing as the marks on her shoulders were illuminating beneath her clothes. Nora stood by her, her spear already hurtling through the air.


April 13th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

Orion will die.