Celestial and Infernal Corruption


The low hiss came from Aveline's mouth. Instantly, the three guards made there way out of the corridor.

Aveline turned to Nora, her lips a sudden and sad smile.

"Forgive me."

She crept closer, leaning up to kiss Nora. Unable to resist, Nora's eyes closed as she slouched against the wall, asleep.

Aveline's eyes met Victri's. Thin streams of blood had begun to slide down them.

"I beg your forgiveness as well."

With a single step, she gracefully landed beside Victri. Tilting her head back, Aveline pressed her lips against Victri's. The small girl didn't even try to resist as sleep overcame her.

I: 'To think he would stoop so low.'

C: 'Truly disgusting. I shudder to think I was upon his body once.'

I: 'Then we agree.'

C: 'Of course. Our master is at her mental limit, we do what we must.'

Aveline's eyes landed on Orion, who was struggling to pull the spear out of his sleeve. It had yanked him away from Victri.

Slowly, her skin paled. Aveline almost seemed to be a ghost gliding across the hall. The thickening streams of blood were nearly black now. Her azure eyes has faded, replaced by deep black pits holding tiny golden-red irises.

Her voice escaped her lips, bringing with it the force of a three.

"Truly, truly disgusting. Orion, how could you? Your sister. Hahahaha... you're trash. Nothing but disgusting waste!"

She raised her hand, her fingers had elongated. They resembled claws that almost gleamed in the magical light that lit the hall.

Turning to see her, Orion's face paled. Aveline's hair was now trailing in front of her, as well as behind her on the floor. One eye was hiden, while the other pierced deep into Orion's soul.

With a tiny smile, Aveline lowered her hand. Three bright streaks and a loud and anguished scream erupted from Orion. Blood trickled down his body. His clothes torn, as well as his skin.

"Why couldn't you just stop? Why couldn't you just leave? Why couldn't you just die?"

Aveline began to giggle. Her laughter sounded almost haunted. Again and again, her claws chipped away at his skin.

"Stop! I'm begging you, my love. Don't fail..."

The sudden voice shocked Aveline to her core. She stepped back, her fingers shrank as she cupped her face.


Her scream filled the halls as she fell to her knees. The black blood fizzled away as her skin began to change back to its previous tone. Her hair shrank, and her eyes turned blue. Two streams of tears slid down her face.

I: 'Did we just...'

C: 'I'm afraid we did. The corruption hit us hard, so we hurt our master.'

Aveline grabbed her hair and pressed her face into the ground.

'What did I do? Why, why did I go so far?! He's a monster, but death? I have no right in that! I'm not going to kill him, not something like that.'

She sobbed into the floor until a horde of feet came. Multiple students and teachers were watching the strange outcome, each and every one shocked to see Orion barely breathing, his body slumping as a spear was holding him up. His clothes and body perfectly fine.

'My love, burn the corruption away.'

To everyone's surprise, Aveline sat up. Her eyes still moist as she placed her palms against her shoulder, practically hugging herself.

in this world, magic is all powerful. Silent casting takes incredible talent, but forming a chant could increase the power thrice.

"Endless flame, boundless fire, form within my heart and devour everything. Soul Fire."

Both side of her body suddenly erupted in flame. Without a sound, without even blinking, Aveline burned herself alive.

"What are you all doing?! Stop her!"

"Who cares about her, we must save the hero!"

The people surrounding her were instantly affected by her passive skills. Many wanted to put her out, while others were content to watch her burn.

I: 'Is master truly?'

C: 'Calm yourself. If this is our end, so be it. She is a fine master, but even she fell to the corruption of that place.'

I: 'But, she is our master. Mustn't we protect her?'

C: 'Forgive me, for I know no way to save her from this. Her heart suffers. Her mind wavers. Her love... gathers? What is this?'

A sudden wave of light erupted from within Aveline's chest. Her heart pounded hard as the flames died out. Her azure eyes lifted once more, concentrating on the scenario around her.

"I caused such a mess."

Turning her back to the crowd, Aveline manifested the Celestial Champion's Mark in physical form. A beautiful, glowing wing erupted from her back, tearing her shirt. Unknown to the watchers, thin black streams fell from the wing as she flapped it about. A moment later, an equally beautiful shadowy black wing appeared. The same liquid spilled from it.

"This other world... I want it closed off. As for Orion..."

Aveline stepped slowly, her feet almost unsteady as the crowd watched her. She reached for Orion's face, lifting his head until his eyes fluttered open and stared at her.

Aveline's calm face shocked him, but he simply smiled at her.

"Thank God."

"Were you truly that fearful? You know what you must do?"

Orion nodded, his cheek held by her hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for insulting you, for harassing you. Everything. I'll make amends. I'll become a new hero, so please, protect her."

He glanced down at Victri.

"You need not ask, for I love her dearly. My heart is wide and strong, for it holds many that I cherish within. Find your place, Orion. Become the man you truly wished to be. Not a conqueror, but a hero."

Orion's eyes fluttered again, but he nodded as he shouted out.

"I am no longer this kingdoms hero! The divine mark chose another, for I no longer was worthy! Spread this truth to the masses! I shall reinvent myself and return to fight beside the true hero, Aveline Synclair, the Descending Goddess!"

Everyone went quiet at his words, but Aveline smiled.

"I am no goddess, but I thank you nonetheless. I'll strive to be the hero everyone looks up to, so until then, fight hard. Orion Ripple, follow your heart. Become who I always believed you could be."

Her wings fading, Aveline lifted up Nora and Victri. Her strength unused, she lifted them with magic similar to anti gravity. A combination of earth and wind. She brought them into their room before locking the door behind her.


The last thing she heard was Kyra's shocked voice as she fell to her knees.