
'Agh... the hell happened?'

Aveline opened her eyes, squinting as the sun shined down on her face. she abruptly sat up, her eyes scanning the room.

Nora was laying in one bed, Victri in another. They were both sleeping soundly as Aveline heard movement from beside her. She looked down to see Kyra holding her hand.

'If they're here, did all of that really happen?'

Shaking her head, Aveline pinched the bridge of her nose.

'What the FUCK!? My marks were seriously corrupted by them? Just how?! These marks are incredibly powerful artifacts! This other dimension, just what the hell did they do to me? And Lyla...'

"Thank you for saving me again."

Aveline looked up, her lips spread in a massive smile as a few tears slid down her face. She dragged Kyra into her bed, hugging her arm lightly as she began to dream again.


"Hmm? Why's it seems crowded?"

Aveline blinked a few times before her eyes adjusted. A mesh of bodies was curled around her. She smiled a little, her mind wandering.

"Oh God. Please tell me I didn't just sleep with all three of them? I know I get horny, but damn! I have more control than that..."

Her mind continued to wander until a blond head perked up. Victri turned slightly, her eyes catching Aveline. She quickly crawled towards her, pulling her into a hug.

"My brother, he came to visit while you were asleep. His eyes, they changed. Whatever you did, no matter how horrifying, you've made him different. He actually looked at me, not through me. He apologized for everything. Even... even that. He accepted that I can't forgive him, but... Orion chose to change. He's going to leave the Academy. He's no longer the hero, he's no longer a monster... he just wants to redeem himself."

Aveline pet her head.

"Step one, he admitted to everything he did. Right?"

Nodding softly, Victri backed away a little. She looked up at Aveline and blushed.

"Th-that spell, why?"

Aveline scratched her head slightly.

"My mind blanked. I don't remember much."

'Definitely can't tell her that I was practically possessed by my power.'

Victri nodded before she curled up on the bed again. She stretched lightly, her small body revealing her soft skin.

"Cover up. You'll get cold. You're... fifteen? So you're still growing. Don't freeze that porcelain skin."

In one swift, but small, moment, Victri darted upwards. Her lips took Aveline's, her small mouth putting too much force. Aveline smiled against her lips and pushed her back slightly.

"That's not right, do it like this."

Aveline pulled her back in, kissing Victri softly. Her lips moved slowly, teaching Victri to the best of her abilities. When she finally broke the kiss, Victri's face was flushed red.

"Th-that was my a-actual first kiss! That s-spell didn't count!"

Aveline watched as Victri dived into her bed, covering herself up entirely.

'She's too precious. Always one of my favorites.'

Leaning back, Aveline face palmed.

"How long have you two been awake?"


The three girls in Aveline's bed burst into laughter. Both Kyra and Nora admitted to watching them kiss, both Victri's initiated kiss and Aveline's.

Deciding that their day off should be spent having some more fun, Kyra hopped to her feet and explained what Marie had told her.

These three were allowed to take a day off from classes due to the intense mental strain that came from Orion and his unwarranted attack. Both Nora and Victri's bags would be delivered later, so the girls were free to do as they wished, within reason.

Aveline smiled as she got to her feet, but suddenly she slammed down onto her knees. In a fit of pain, she tore her shirt free from her body. The girls all stared in shock as the pair of wings on Aveline's shoulders now had a heart set between them. Both wings had feathers spreading towards the heart, but most shocking all, the two wings were closer to the heart then they would have been before.

Aveline breathed deeply, sitting back against Kyra's legs wearing a skirt and her bra alone.

"That hurt..."

"I'll say, you scared me."

Nora wiped her forehead with a wet cloth, while Victri sat on her other side. All three girls stared at Aveline, worry heavily evident on their faces.

"I'm okay now. I'm kinda freaked out by what just happened too."

A sudden hazy pink screen appeared in front of her face.

'Champion's Mark of the Descending Goddess formed.'

Aveline almost snorted, remembering what Orion had announced her as.

'Why would this system agree? Was my attack really all that changed him?'


Time went by as the girls took care of Aveline. She was incredibly low on her magical essence, so they helped her move about as it regenerated.

Nora and Kyra situated her in bed while Victri just used water magic to cool her forehead. Suffering from a magic deficiency fever, Aveline had been bed ridden for a few more days.

Stretching out, Aveline smiled as she felt her magical essence flowing within her body. It was stronger then ever, surprising her as she felt it fluctuate with just a thought.

"Everyone else went to class. Should I take a chance to find some of the other girls? I don't want to conquer Anya, that's disrespectful towards Lyla. I'll go see her if I can though. Might get to pet those ears!"

Aveline smiled as she thought of petting her.

"Or maybe, I should check this system out some more?"

Both the map and the lottery suddenly appeared before her eyes.


April 18th, Year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

Shocking events have occured. The Oracle is my dead lover's sister. She's cute as hell, and a real swetheart. Orion disgusts me to no end, but maybe me losing it will help change him? I checked... so apparently kissing them made them my lovers?

Both Victri and Nora jumped up to level 4 on my system. I'm looking forward to being there for them.

This system is currently on my mind. I need to look into it some more, since I've got time and I feel better.

I'm hoping that Orion really changes, but it's not so easy to change. Is it?