Undone Conquest

Aveline wiped her eyes, trying to keep Kyra from worrying. A small movement behind her, and Aveline smiled.


"Miss Aveline, I came by because I had been worried. You're feeling better?"

Aveline nodded and grabbed the mirror.

"Anya, I have something I want you to see."

Pulling the mirror forward, Aveline tried to fight her tears when Lyla came into view. Anya went completely silent.

"Anya? Is everything alright?"

Anya looked passed the mirror, deep into Aveline's eyes.

"Could I come by to see this, more often?"

Feeling slightly reluctant, Aveline handed her the mirror.

"No. It's yours. I spent my time with her, now you get to see that silly and sweet face whenever you want. I need to let her go. She wanted me to live on, not be stuck thinking about her."

'Route switch available. Shifting Anya from the lovers route to the sisters route. Proceed?'

Aveline smiled and rubbed Anya's head.

"I know you're barely younger then me, but would you like to think of me as your older sister?"

Ears perking up, Anya's headband slipped down. With slightly teary eyes, she nodded and placed the mirror on the bed before hugging Aveline tight.

"I miss Lyla, but having you here eases that pain. I truly feel like I have another sister."

Sobbing softly, Anya nuzzled into Aveline's shirt.

"This is so sweet. Little Fox, you've got another big sister over here, if you'd like."

Anya spun, nodding crazily.

"This is the silliest I've ever seen you. Come on Kyra, group hug! We just got a little sister, and she's a cute little fox!"

Kyra bounced over, jiggling as she hugged Anya tight.

"We will need to keep the boys off her. She's too cute."

They laughed together until Anya drifted off to sleep in Aveline's bed. Aveline and Kyra sat together, closely hugging while they watched Anya sleep.

"I didn't think I'd get a sister like this."

"You're telling me. I came here, fully prepared for that cutie to fall in love with you. You don't want her that way?"

Aveline nodded, smiling slightly.

"Anya is a treasure all her own. My heart yearns to see her smile, but not to kiss her or make love to her. I am definitely petting those ears though."

Kyra giggled as she saw the serious look in Aveline's eyes.

"You're too much, but that's what's so lovable about you."

Kyra began to play with Aveline's hair until they both dozed off.


Days had passed and Aveline was getting into her own school habits. That included teaching Kaley how to better her magic.

Today was magic class. Aveline was holding her own against their teach, Lenora. Both were sweating profusely as magic energy collided. Many explosions erupted, shocking many of the students that watched. All were too focused on them to worry about their own battles.

"Haha, Miss Aveline, it would seem I need to get more serious!"

Lenora had a savage grin that Aveline was all too used to.

'Oh no... I've already become her obsession!'

Aveline sighed as she got out of her battle stance.

"Sorry, Miss Lenora. You've already lost."

Weaving her hand through the air, the white hair turned a startling purple.


Aveline launched herself backwards. A massive gout of black flames erupted under her feet. Her purple hair turned a shadowy black. Lenora's eyes opened wide as her own black flame wrapped around Aveline, dispersing into the air.

"That's one more secret out of the bag."

Fading from view, Aveline merged into the shadows.

"Miss Lenora, forgive me."

A sudden bolt of electricity flashed from over head, blasting where Lenora was standing.

"Agh, silent casting merged magic is such a pain!"

Lenora stood in a daze as the effects of the low tier lightning wore off. Off to the side, Kaley watched in wonder. Her eyes wide with wonder.

"That'll be all class. This brat turned my legs to jelly."

Sighing under her breath, Lenora began to walk away.

"Miss Lenora, you're the only one I can get this serious about."

Aveline smirked as she saw the red tint cross Lenora's face, as well as the tiny smile.

Dipping out of the classroom, Aveline suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"For the last time! Leave me alone Barraden!"

"Hmm? Anya?"

Following the voice, Aveline came across a sight she wasn't expecting. Anya was bristling at a boy that was simply smirking.

"Must ye be so quick to give me the cold shoulder?"

A dark smile appeared on Aveline's face. Within a single breath, she placed a hand on his shoulder. He shuddered under her touch as ice crept out from under her hand.

Dirty blond hair that hung over his silver eyes, he wore cargo shorts and a t-shirt with torn sleeves. Aveline already knew he was the same age as Anya, as she knew who he was.

"Do you mind leaving my sister be?"

Barraden looked up, narrowing his eyes.

"Ye not be sisters. Not even a wink alike in appearance."


"Shut the hell up you little rat! We are on land, away from all of those bastards. Quit talking like a pirate, whether you're the Pirate Prince or not! And another thing, sisters don't need to be blood related to be sisters!"

"Terron will hear of this."

"Fuck Terron! I'm not marrying that prick!"

Aveline held her nose. She felt the pressure run to her face at the sight of the Sun tanned beauty in front of her. A bikini top that matched her tanned skin as well as shorts that showed off her upper thigh down to her ankle. She had small shoes that resembled sandals.

'Milyara?! There's a princess in front of me, and I'm supposed to pretend I don't know!?'

Aveline released Barraden, the ice melting instantly. Proceeding to lean down, she rubbed Anya's ears beneath the headband.

"Care to explain?"

Anya looked up, her eyes narrowing.

"He keeps following me. It's freaking me out."

"Oh, he just likes you then."

Tilting her head, Anya looked around Aveline.

"Erm... so knows the girl he's with?"

"Probably his sister. They have the same eyes and hair color, but hers is really long."

Anya shrugged and gave a tiny smirk.

"Is she your type, sis?"

Aveline smirked back.

"Hush you little fox. But yes."

The last words were a whisper, but Aveline turned around afterwords... to find a cutlass at her throat.

"Erm... the hell?"


April 27th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I changed my relationship route with Anya. I didn't understand at first, but she's definitely more sister like then lover. I'm absolutely adoring it!

Today I met the prince and princess of the pirate kingdom. She's... incredibly sexy! I don't understand how someone could be that mesmerizing. Her brother is an ass though. Why did he put that sword to my neck?