Pirate Royalty

"Lowly scum, thinking they are worthy to even stare upon my sister's visage. Disgusting. Terron will have your head."

Aveline looked passed Barraden, his height surprisingly lower then hers.

"Is this important?"

Milyara sighed and shook her head.

"It's basic sea military gear. It's incredibly strong and resistant to mag-"

Her silver eyes turned into platters as Aveline lightly grazed her right hand against the blade, then slammed her left fist into its side. The large blade of the cutlass shattered at her feet, leaving a terrified Barraden backing away.

Flicking small droplets of blood from her hand, Aveline smirked.

"I've punched much harder. So, care to explain why I had that blade against my neck again?"

Barraden backed up further, nearly bumping into his sister.

"Y-you're nothing but a commoner! Why should you be allowed to look at my sister and talk of her as if she is a fine steak?!"

Aveline cocked her hip and glared.

"When did I ever speak of her as a steak? She far surpasses the idea of a steak. I've hardly seen any seafarers, but I'm only speaking my honest opinion on her beauty. Few here have caught my eye, and she is one of the forerunners."

Aveline crossed her arms and turned her head away, then looked back at Anya.

"Besides, you're scaring Anya. She's too sweet to understand the intricacies of courtship... and I'm not a commoner."

A sadistic smile crossed her face as she took a step forward.

'Milyara may seem like she's tough just by appearances, but she loves the feeling of being conquered. Her masochistic tendencies have always been mild, so no one knows she likes it. Terron on the other hand, is an asshole that wants her for her position. Pirate Nobility is always trying to steal a higher position through fear or bargain.'

Milyara stood her ground, uninterested until Aveline walked right up to her.

'She's so tall and sexy up close.'

Tracing her jawline, Aveline smiled as she released her magic essence into the air. Similar to a shockwave, it blasted outward in front of her. Barraden slipped to his knees, his eyes filled with fear. Milyara was looking down, her chin at Aveline's eyes.

"Are you trying to challenge the royal family of the seas? You may be nobility, but what backing do you have? Are you even capable of protecting those around you?"

In a flash of strength, a blade of water was launched towards Anya. Aveline's eyes narrowed, her flirty nature vanishing.

"Have you heard of the war heroes that fought beside King Garrenik?"

Her white hair turned a hazy blue as soft mist covered the blade of water. It fizzled out as Aveline continued.

"The almighty Valkyrie, the conquering Magic Guardian, the swift and ferocious Berserker Goddess?"

Milyara leaned forward, her eyes reaching Aveline's.

"Big titles of legends that can be found in any textbook up to date. My father helped fight off the sea beasts all those years ago, during that atrocious war."

Aveline took a step back and twirled on her heel. Wrapping her hands behind her waist, she smiled and spoke her name.

"Aveline Synclair. Daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Rasv to the South. Nilly and Thorin, Magic Guardian and Berserker Goddess. My Aunt is on the board of directors here, the Valkyrie, Marie. Hehehe, am I truly so far beneath you?"

Milyara visibly gulped. She looked down at Barraden and glared before saying in a slightly shaky voice.

"You pissed off someone father wanted me to meet. Someone he wanted me to befriend! All to rid us of Terron, yet you wish to interfere!"

Tears glistened in her eyes as she raised her hand.

"No no no."

Within a blink, Aveline stood between the siblings. She held Milyara hand and smiled up at her.

"Barraden is just being protective. He's afraid of Terron, so he's trying to keep you safe from his spies."

Barraden paled as he suddenly looked around.

"Sounds barrier, sweetie. I'm omni-magical. Stuff like this is child's play."

A bit of color returned to his features as he suddenly kowtowed to Aveline.

"I'm sorry! I let my tongue and fear best my judgment! Terron thinks I like him, so he has me watching over those that have interest in my sister. Th-they're all killed within three days. He... he will come for you, too. Anyone that even so much as touches my sister, it'll throw him into a rage."

Aveline looked into Milyara's eyes before speaking again.

"Hmph... and here I thought she'd be easy to get! Guess I gotta kill the tyrant of the seas... but I hate killing..."

She twiddled her fingers for a bit before she shrugged her shoulders.

"If he comes here I'll landlock him. Just stay safe while you're here, and I'll do what I can to help. Although, I don't like that your father knows of who I am. That's kinda scary..."

Aveline faked a shudder, but she knew full well that many powers knew who she was, after all she is the hero known as the Descending Goddess.


A few days had passed, and on the open seas a ship sailed towards the Academy. Within the captains quarters, a well muscled man glared at his assassin. His blue hair was swaying in the sea wind, but his eyes never faltered.

"If ye don't kill this bitch, ye can sleep with the fish. Argh... I've tried so damn hard to take her for myself, yet ye can't even deal with some wannabee hero?! I'll port this blasted ship in a week. If she ain't dead, you will be!"


May 2nd, Year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

My days have been the same. I've fended off the little attacks from the assassin's of Terron, while hanging out with Barraden and Milyara. They've been really kind ever since I promised to help.

Barraden is a good kid, though he's barely younger then me. Back in Hero's Chronicle, he was a side character that you could befriend. He was always eager to help those he held dear, and always a goof.

Milyara is strong. She's nearly bested me in the training hall, but her magic falls short. She's similar to Kyra in that aspect, but her massive axe is a pain to dodge with her speed.

I feel like my days ahead will get more lively. Anya warned me of incoming danger.