Trapped Within a Dream

Aveline's eyes slowly began to flutter open. Standing over her, someone covered in deep black leathers threw some sort of spores.

"Apologies, miss. Boss wants ya gone."

The voice was unmistakably feminine. The assassin seemed to wanna watch for a bit, but seemed to grow fearful as Aveline climbed to her feet. She swayed heavily as her hand reached for the girl.

"K-Kyra, help!"

Crashing to the ground, Aveline fell upon the assassin. She squirmed slightly before sniffing softly.

"Why do ya smell so nice? Boss never let's me smell nice like this... no fair!"

A dagger was slowly being pulled from her waist, but as she attempted to draw it over Aveline's throat, she let out a soft sigh.

"I've always been weak for a pretty thing like you, but ya pissed off Boss. Really don't wanna die, so sorry again! Kgh-"

A blade pierced her throat, ending her life. Kyra stared down at her, her eyes mad with rage.

"Fucking bastard. Aveline is not to be touched by insignificant insects!"

Thus, Kyra rounded up everyone she could to help wake Aveline. The spores were already in effect, so nothing they did would work. It was up to Aveline to wake herself from within her mind.

Deep down inside of Aveline's head, her eyes opened on a familiar forest. She looked around, her eyes scanning the trees she had been within many years ago.

When her eyes fully focused, she saw a scene straight out of her memories. A rolling around, younger Aveline was rubbing her eyes. From around her back, a large fluffy tail wrapped around her.

"Is this the first time you've been away from home, little flower?"

The smaller Aveline leaned into the tail as she sniffled.

"Yea. Everything was fine at first, we were gonna go train and have some fun! But..."

Lyla pulled her close, her eyes apologetic.

"Little flower, please forgive me. I never wished for something like this to happen. I-I was the one who attacked the carriage. I was terrified when your family came out, trying to find you... but my owners attacked them."

The little Aveline hugged her and slowly drifted off after forgiving her. The scene began to fade as another replaced it.

"So you're here then. Your friends are scared."

A soft voice called from behind the spectator Aveline. She turned slightly, her eyes lighting up as she saw an older version of herself.

"So I really did feel you inside still."

"Of course. My soul may have gone dormant, but I can still travel within your memories, Niall."

Her tone was becoming more condescending, but Aveline just smiled at her. She tuned her out as her eyes caught sight of the younger her in the forest. She was running quickly, skirting between the trees.

"Just like that! You're amazing! So small, yet so skilled with your body. You're truly comfortable within your own skin, Aveline."

Lyla patted Aveline on her head, making her blush.

"Say, Lyla, those noises you've been making at night... are you in heat?"

You could practically see the steam leave her fluffy fox ears.

"W-what? Why would you ask me that?!"

"I know what moaning sounds like, as well as what it sounds like when you couldn't reach a pleasurable orgasm."

"You're still just a kid! Why do you know these things!?"

Lyla was blushing wildly, her fox ears flat against her head. Aveline stepped closer, her own face red.

"Kid or not, you're to blame for making my crush on you something perverted!"

Lyla's eyes seemed to grow wider.

"Crush? Wait, you're a girl. Why would you like me that way?"

"Oh come on!"

Aveline was increasingly flustered.

"You're beautiful and strong. You've been teaching me for the last six months, and I've grown leaps and bounds. I'm still young, but I know what my heart feels, and it isn't just the desire to touch your tail and ears! I've tripped so many times because I can't help but get distracted by you! Your eyes, your lips, your laugh and that freaking smile!"

Lyla patted Aveline's head and smiled down at her.

"Don't mistake your desires, little flower. You don't actually like me, you just see me as your savior. It's diff- mmh?!"

Aveline pushed her hand away and pulled her face down to hers. She kissed Lyla slowly, her hands keeping her face steady. When she finally released her, she turned around and pouted.

"Say what you want. I'm not just some child. I know my own heart."

The actual Aveline smiled as she saw Lyla spin the younger Aveline around and pull her into a much stronger kiss.

"You really miss her, huh?"

"Of course. She had the warmest tail, and the sweetest smile. In all my time here, my greatest mistake was hurting her."

The older Aveline shrugged as she crossed her arms.

"Your old memories were quite miserable, but I could see that you really knew what you felt. Your heart is warm and romantic, although what you did later on was odd for a body so young."

Aveline blushed as she recalled the night she had slept with Lyla.

"Sh-shut up! I loved it, and so did she!"

"She did, but you still hurt her. Your love was strong, but you made a mistake. Can you forgive yourself for it?"

Aveline smiled bitterly as that very scene flashed before her eyes.

"Why the hell are we still in this forest?! It's because of you, isn't it? Those assholes told you to keep me here and stop me from leaving, right?"

The younger Aveline was glaring at Lyla, who was beginning to cry.

"Little flo-"

"Don't call me that! My name is Aveline! Where the hell is the way out?!"

Aveline began to trudge through the forest, leaving a heartbroken Lyla in her wake.

"All of that, just because you had a nightmare."

Aveline looked towards her older self.

"I felt you squirm when I had that dream. That fear ate at me the entire time I was here. I just couldn't hold back my fears and I let them out on Lyla... just to get distracted when I needed to apologize to her. I wanted to see her smile again."

"But you did see it. Moments before she died in your arms. She accepted that apology and everything. It was a beautiful sight, seeing her love for you in her eyes. Yet you stayed in the forest for another year."

Aveline shrugged as the area faded, leaving her alone with her older self.

"I needed to spend time finding it in my heart to leave her behind. It hurt thinking of the fact that she was gone."

"You're right. That was a pain I never expected to feel in my heart."

"You can still feel the body?"

With a slight nod, the older Aveline uncrossed her arms.

"That powder sent you here, so it's only right that I try to retrieve my body."

A sad expression crossed Aveline's face.

"I can't fight one of the people I love. Not in a manner as serious as this."

"Then die."