Aveline VS Aveline

The older Aveline conjured massive flames, then allowed them to spread in a wide circle surrounding the two of them.

"You know that's pointless."

Flicking her wrist, the original Aveline caused a simple stream of water to dispell the flames.

"Don't do this. I truly can't fight you."

The older Aveline glared, then using wind magic she propelled herself at her old body. With a sad sigh, Aveline caught her midair, then slipped behind her before holding her tight.

"Don't you get it? I won't fight you! I stole this body, I stole your life. What right do I have to kill you?!"

"Heh. It's not my life anymore. You've made it yours. Do you not even understand?"

Releasing the elder version of herself, Aveline backed away before laughing lightly.

"Is it that outfit?"

A beautiful deep blue dress graced her features. Her eyes popped with the dark hue, as her skin seemed to glow with her pale beauty.

"Finally! Did you really think I wanted to kill you?! God... you're too sweet. I saw everything from your past. Damn... I was a bitch too! Yet why the HELL did you fall for me?!"

"Your life in the game was very different to mine currently, yet you still became so powerful, so beautiful. You weren't the nicest person, but I never saw you as evil. Can you believe that you just sheltered your own mind from everyone else?"

"I saw those scenes. It's relatable, but I was only four when I was pushed deep inside of here. I could feel the way you felt though, so I couldn't help but feel warm. Don't get me wrong! I didn't fall in love with you or anything... you're just really sweet and it left an impression on me."

Aveline looked up into the top of the trees and waved her hand. The night sky erupted from within the trees. The older Aveline's breath caught.

"What... it's so beautiful."

"You were four, so I guess you never got a chance to see anything like this. I've lived two lives, so I know much more. This is my favorite kind of place and time."

Waving her hands again, a massive and beautiful moon appeared and the sound of crashing waves erupted as the forest became a beach.

"When did you have a time like this?! You were always... alone."

A small smile crossed her lips.

"One reason I related so much to you. And this, it's a combination of my favorite things. You did see how I died, right? How do you think my body was fit enough to throw him?"

"That was... incredible. I never expected a world without magic to have that occur."

"Adrenaline, and I train for fun. Swimming was always enjoyable even though I was alone."

The older Aveline walked towards the water, her feet slowly being submerged.

"It's so cold. How can you do this?"

"My mind, my rules. That powder was Nightmare Resin, but being who I am, I resisted the larger portion of its effect. You've seen the system, right?"

She nodded, kicking in the water.

"It's hard to have a nightmare when you adapt to the world."

The older Aveline stepped out of the water and gave the faintest smile.

"I think I'm ready to go ahead and leave. This body is yours now, this life is yours now, just remember me."

She began to leave, her body slowly fading away.

"Should I really just let you fade away and die? Do you really want to miss out of seeing the real world again?"

She stopped fading, turning with a confused look in her eyes.

"You don't need to give up so easily. Do you know how many things you'll miss? How much I'd actually miss you? I lost Lyla years ago, but I've felt you beside me the entire time. I can't lose someone I've held in my heart for so long, whether I'm in this body or not."

The older Aveline ran her fingers through her hair. She seemed incredibly confused.

"How can I stay? Being in here like this, it's not the best life."

"Dark Magic isn't just good at dealing with shadows."

A strange black magical circle began to form underneath both of their feet. It grew massive, making the older Aveline glow.

"If you accept, you'll become my summon. As a human soul, you're stronger than average with incredible magic potential."

"Just, why? Why would I not accept? A chance to see the world with my own eyes again! A chance to spend time with y- n-nevermind that."

She continued to play with her hair before the magical light merged into her. The black hair began to turn almost turqoise as her eyes turned a vibrant sea green.


"Summon magic. You're not human anymore, but a type of summon."

The older Aveline sighed as she played with her hair some more.

"It got softer. I like it, but what am I?"

Aveline shrugged, then smiled.

"Doesn't matter. The dress still looks beautiful on you. That event was always my favorite."

"Sh-shut up! I've never confessed to anyone, nor have I kissed anyone! I'm not her..."

Aveline crossed the beach, placing her hands on her summons shoulders.

"You haven't lived that life, but you're still her. Same mannerisms and smile. You're still precious to me."

Aveline smiled, her eyes closing as she let out a faint sigh. Her eyes flashed open when she felt something against her lips.

"Just call me Enila from now on."

Her face was red as she turned away.

"Did that make a dream of yours come true?"

Aveline was speechless. She began to giggle softly.

"That's so weirdly cute coming from a voice that was once mine."

Aveline looked into the sky before finally speaking again.

"Of course a dream of mine came true."

Before she could say anymore, her eyes opened.