Squad Formulation

Aveline rubbed her eyes. She had just read through her harem panel and it had her confused and worried.

"The crazy one has decided she likes me, no avoiding that, but who the hell is that last one? The wording was so damn ominous... but it could be a good thing."

Aveline rolled around, making sure to stay off her chest.

"They're getting heavier... dammit I might have to borrow Kyra's bras again!"

Aveline moped and pouted until she saw Nora in the doorway. She frowned as she stared, but her face got red as she turned away.

"Don't get jealous Nora! They're heavy and evil!"

Nora giggled, but didn't try to come closer. Aveline took this chance and crept up behind her, grabbed her hand and lifted one of her breasts into it. Nora's height made it difficult, but Aveline wouldn't accept failure!

"Now imagine fighting while having these."

Nora paled, then blushed, then groped Aveline a little.

"H-hey... dammit you're lucky that feels good."

Nora smiled as she teased Aveline some more, then she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.


Aveline's voice was a barely audible whisper as she wrapped her arms around Nora and pressed her shoulders against the wall.

'Calm down hormones! You don't control me! No matter how excited I get, calm down... breathe...'

Aveline looked up, her eyes meeting Nora's.

"Sorry Aveline... I can't help myself when you offer something so amazing to me."

Aveline sighed and nearly let Nora go, but she leaned in and kissed her softly.

"Don't tease me too hard. I'm having so much trouble trying to resist pinning you to the bed right now."

Nora giggled.

"I wouldn't mind."

"But I would! Don't you get it? I'm trying to wait for a reason! You girls just get me so excited and weak in the knees. I've never even touched myself and I hear you four moaning every other night!"

Nora blushed wildly before heading to her bed.

"I'm s-so sorry. I'll try to control myself better."


Aveline walked up to Nora, who had sat down, and placed her head into her lap.

"Don't sound so sad. I'm not mad at any of you. I just don't want to go back on my word. You don't need to STOP being overly sexy beauties, just don't back me into a corner. My breasts are pretty big, but they're also sensitive. You have strong hands, so it felt good having them teased. Understand? I gotta change my panties now."

Nora's eyes brightened at those words, but all she did was stroke Aveline's hair.

"I won't try to make you that excited anymore, at least for now. I do want a kiss every now and then though. Your lips are like magic berries!"

She giggled again before Aveline stood up and leaned over her. They kissed for a near minute before Aveline broke it off and tapped Nora's nose.

"I've got class."


Roughly twenty minutes passed. Aveline was now in a joint class run by Lenora and Qwyn. They were also admitting other students that had been out of school for personal reasons into this class.

Aveline stayed off to the side, keeping away from her fanclub. Many had begun confessing to her, including the drill twintailed blond. Aveline had to keep saying no, as they weren't conquests nor did they tickle enough of her checkboxes.

Qwyn was at the front of the class, while Lenora was off in the back. Aveline had seen her checking out her body, so she bent over and scratched a fake itch. When she stood back up, Lenora was looking away with a wide smile and a red face.


"So everyone, I'd like to introduce you to two new students. They've been out on jobs, as they are heavily experienced, but they still need to graduate from this course. They are both S ranked, similarly to Aveline, although in separate fields."

Two mesmerizing beauties suddenly walked in. One had a deep caramel skin tone while the other was incredibly pale, almost ghastly.

The caramel girl was strong, her muscles rippling with every movement. She was nearly as tall as Qwyn. Her hair was kept short, but it was incredibly spiky and red while her eyes were a piercing golden shade. She smiled widely, parting her lips to show off a cute but mischievous fang.

"I'm Wesrey. S rank in physical combat!"

'She's a serious beauty with the power to back up that claim. Her breasts are actually pretty huge too, even though she's a physical fighter. Her fiery nature, however, is heavily backed by the fact that she's actually half dragon! Even better, she's a dragon princess!'

Aveline kyaa'ed internally before she looked at the pale girl. Her seemed frail, but she definitely had meat on her pretty figure. Wide hips and a generous bust. She was quite slender everywhere else. Not incredibly tall, she was at Wesrey's shoulder. Her hair was incredibly long, almost as long as Aveline's, and a shining silvery white. Her eyes almost seemed devoid of emotion, but there was a spark that Aveline could see in there white depths. She spoke incredibly slow, almost like her mind wasn't set quite right.

"I... am... Sylvra. S rank... in magic."

'Snow fairy princess! Do these people even care that they have four princesses in this school?! If it was colder, Sylvra would be so bouncy and happy. Fairies are incredibly energetic after all.'

Aveline looked away, trying to hide her obvious happiness towards the two new conquests appearing.

"Okay everyone! We will have three groups of four. Each group will be led by one of each of these girls; Sylvra, Wesrey or Aveline. Due to the large class we have, after the groups are formed, the rest of you will be joining another instructor. Besides the three groups of four, each group will be given a more experienced member and a teacher to guide them."

Aveline bounced slightly as she was instructed to come forward.

"Strongest of the three will get first pick."

Aveline stayed silent as Sylvra and Wesrey stepped forward. Qwyn closed his eyes and sighed before he put his hand on Aveline's shoulder and pushed her passed them.

"Uncle Qwyn! Watch it, I'll slap you with my tail!"

Aveline's fanclub began to get excited as Qwyn confirmed Aveline's strength surpassed the princesses. Both Sylvra and Wesrey stared in shock.

"Sorry girls, my uncle is probably wrong. Let it slide? Please?"

Aveline bowed slightly, her hands held together tightly. Behind her, she heard two types of protest.

"Yea, get behind them you bitch!"

"Miss Aveline is so humble!"

"Miss Aveline could floor you two!"

"Get out of here with that fake apology!"

The princesses stared into the crowd before they both released a mass of magical, or physical in Wesrey's case, force. Aveline shrugged it off, but the majority of the class was dropped to the ground. If not on the ground, they were on their knees.

Aveline stepped in the way, glaring daggers.

"What the hell, you two? I know you've been away, but this is a school! You don't just bowl over your classmates!"

In a show of force, Wesrey slammed her fist into Aveline's face. Her eyes went wide as Aveline swept her hand to the side, but didn't release it.

"Don't clench your hand so tight, also don't pull back that far. Your nails will break the skin and pulling back too far will tell the enemy which arm to block or strike."

Sylvra made a small trail of ice begin to climb up Aveline's leg. It suddenly erupted into a massive mass of icy spikes, but Aveline used a simple tornado to deflect the ice. The trail melted quickly as flames sprouted from Aveline's calf.

"Too long to cast. You need to work on making it move faster, as well as harden it further."

Qwyn looked incredibly proud while Lenora simply clapped her hands from afar.

"Good job, Miss Aveline. It's no wonder even I cannot best you in combat."

The princesses suddenly backed away, their eyes filled with fear and respect.

"Oh come on, I'm not that scary... oh wait. Hehe."

Aveline allowed the mark on her leg to appear, showing she was marked by the Aquarians.

"I do have three of these now, so there's that."


September 12th, Year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

Today I had to calm myself down heavily. I've had to change my panties way too often when I'm in my room! Either they smell like angels, or they are moaning for so long I'm tempted to crawl into their beds! Jeez... and my breasts got a bit bigger.

In class we were told to form teams. Two conquests that are incredible women finally showed up! In this class alone, I have four beautiful girls to make mine! Hehe.

Sylvra and Wesrey didn't seem too happy with me being labelled the strongest, but I did get to prove it. Thankfully, it put them at level 1 with all of that. They don't hate me!

Now we have to choose a team, as well as an advisor and a senior aid. I'm kinda worried.