
"As you all know, this is an Academy based on Adventuring. Not only a job, adventure can be a lifestyle. I too once was an adventurer... but I met my wife and well..."

"You call her a ball and chain, and I tell her."

He chuckled at the light hearted threat. Aveline stretched and yawned as Qwyn droned on about what adventurers actually meant to this kingdom. Many creatures and beasts around the kingdom are incredibly strong and terrifying, so adventurers are paid handsomely to deal with them. Not just hunting, but even gathering can be seen as dangerous.

"So class, these three ladies are going to choose three members to follow them into battle! You will then be chosen by an instructor as well as a senior student. Aveline, if you would be so kind as to give us a start."

Aveline pretended to look through the crowd while Sylvra and Wesrey watched.

"She's just gonna choose someone that'll compliment her. Whatcha thinkin Syl?"

"Maybe... she will... choose a... friend?"

The two girls chatted amongst themselves as Aveline blew a kiss into the crowd. Many people were confused until Kaley popped out.

"Kaley, come on. It was obvious I'd be choosing you. I still have to train that incredible potential!"

Kaley held her face in her hands, peeking between her fingers.

"Av-Aveline... why must you tease me?"

Aveline slipped through the crowd and grabbed Kaley's hand, pulling her out. Her glasses sliding down her nose, almost fell off. Aveline quickly tapped them, making them slide back up.

"Hehe. Do I choose my other two now, or is it a take turns kind of deal, Uncle Qwyn?"

Qwyn allowed them to take turns, both Sylvra and Wesrey had two boys and a girl to their teams. Aveline had three girls, including drills.

"Alright, now your instructors will choose a group. Due to familial reasons, I am not permitted to choose Aveline's group. I'll join Sylvra. Miss Lenora?"

Lenora appeared beside Aveline, her arms crossed.

"I'll watch over this one. Least I could do for Marie for all she's done for me."

"Hehe. Good to know you'll be watching my back."

Aveline gave a playful wink, causing Lenora's cheeks to turn pink.

The third teacher was an older lady with great magical talent. She was forced to take Wesrey's team.

"Now we have three seniors coming in. These three are some of our most valued students with incredible abilities."

Three girls walked in as Qwyn finished speaking. One girl wore a nuns habit, while the other two wore armor. One of the armor wearers also wielded a spear... it was Nora.

Nora smiled and waved at Aveline. Both the nun and the other warrior girl seemed confused. Aveline smiled back, but worry was filling her heart.

'Oh shit...'

"Alright, Miss Nora, as you are the oldest you may choose first. I do ask that you do not pick favorites and go with my niece."

Nora sighed and walked towards Sylvra's group.

"They'll need the physical support."

Nora was deflated.

The other warrior, Nata, went straight over to Wesrey.


The nun made her way over to Aveline, her eyes slits. Her hands were clasped within her sleeves, almost as if she was praying.

"My name is Enna, a nun in training. Worry not, for I am not bound by the churches rules."

The last bit was only audible by Aveline. Enna had opened her eyes. They were a bright pink they was incredibly unnatural, while her hair was a fluffy blond blanket that reached her waist.

"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Enna."

Aveline was visibly fine, but her mind was racing faster then a sports car.

'First I get Kaley, yay. Second I get Lenora, yay. Third I get... Enna. Oh dear God above, WHAT THE FUCK!? This crazy hot , crazy crazy girl is on my team?!'

Aveline took a step closer before she whispered to Enna.

"If any of these girls get hurt, or I see a single knife aimed their way, you can forget about getting closer to me."

Enna's hands slipped from within her sleeves as she held her face. She was blushing wildly as she leaned even closer.

"I wouldn't even dream of upsetting you. Fufufu. But if you won't like it if I hurt them, don't let them touch you."

Enna smiled widely, almost creepily.

'She's such a damn yandere! What the fuck!?'

"Enna... you can't touch any of them. Are we clear?"

Enna pouted a little as she clasped her hands again.

"Hmph. They get to be all close and shit... the fuck is with that? Can't I get what I want?"

Aveline sighed and tapped her arms.

"I didn't say we couldn't get to know each other, dummy."

Turning around, Aveline walked away from the renewed blush on Enna's face.

'I knew we were meant to be! My precious little beauty. I'll make you mine!'

Aveline shivered as she grouped up with her team. Her extra members were drills, Taylor, and a random fanclub member with green eyes and brown hair, Megan.

"Now everyone, there are three stacks of tasks, or quests, here. Each group gets one stack. Starting in three days, your team is to head out and accomplish all of these. Any that you are unable to complete will cause a point deduction, so I hope we all complete our quests."


Aveline sulked her way back to her room, pouting until she pushed open the door. When she entered, Victri and Milyara were playing a card game while Eneli was laying in Aveline's bed. All three girls greeted Aveline with beautiful smiles, curing her melancholic state.

"So how was class? Anything cool?"

Aveline shrugged and explained everything to the three girls.

"I think it'll be fine if you come, Eneli. You're my summon after all, and the distance may harm you if I'm away too long."

Eneli nodded and swiveled around on the bed.

"Sounds fun. I can help you protect the others as well from that nun. She's kinda freaky, like I do get that a lot of girls like you, but trying to keep you to herself? Nope."

Aveline sat beside Eneli and laid back.

"I wanted Nora on my team, but Uncle Qwyn said no! He's so mean!"

Aveline threw a fake tantrum, then sat back up as Nora and Kyra entered.

"Hey girls."

Nora pouted and crossed the room, hugging Aveline.

"It's no fair! Freakin Enna gets to hang out with you! She's a stick in the mud and a quiet weirdo."

Aveline giggled and then stopped Nora.

"She's a psycho with her crazy locked onto me. I'll be fighting her off of my team more then the monsters we face. Eventually, I might be able to tame her though."

Nora crossed her arms, huffing as she sat down with Milyara and Victri.

"How long will you be away? All of us are definitely going to miss you."

Aveline smiled and looked at Kyra.

"Ranges. If we have bad quests, could be a couple weeks. We will be gone for at least four days."

The girls all played games together to pass the time.


"Ugh... why must I traverse this world like this? I am a higher being, yet this girl, why does she make my heart yearn for her? Watching her from their eyes... she makes me feel so bad for harming her. I must make amends, whether I renounce my home or not."


Standing in a dark and secluded room, far away from any other student, Enna stared up at a massive drawing of Aveline.

"Hehehe... you'll be all mine. I'll make you only want me! Fufufu. Mine! All mine!"

She laughed to herself as she dropped her habit. Her arms were covered in countless red scars, as well as many new and fresh ones. The tips of her nails were dyed red.

Enna reached for the drawing, her naked body glistening in the candle light as she moaned all alone.


September 12th, Year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I'm honestly scared now. My team is a cutie with major magic, drill girl who is actually decent with a greatsword, and a sweet girl that uses a sword and shield. Lenora is our instructor, and she's still eyeing my body. She's been trying to hide it less often as well. My last member is Enna, who had two routes in Hero's Chronicle. Her True Route, and the Massacre Route. On the Massacre Route, it's just the Harem Route... if you speak to her even one time. She losses it and kills all of the girls, then the hero and finally herself. Otherwise, she's actually incredibly sweet and fun to be around. Her personality isn't easy to work with, but I did enjoy playing her true route.

I'll have to be wary. Protect everyone's asses, while developing my relationships with three lovely ladies. God I'm so boned.