Sudden Attack

Aveline lazed about in her bed, sighing softly as she resisted the urge to touch herself.

'They're all so... mean. Every night, at least one of them is moaning my name. It's so damn embarrassing... and arousing. It gets so hot...'

Aveline rolled onto her stomach, crushing her breasts slightly.


Shifting onto her side, Aveline peeked towards Nora's bed. She was stretching out, wearing only a bra and elastic shorts. Her well toned butt made Aveline smirk as she thought of grabbing it and teasing it.

'Why am I even waiting? These girls would devour me whole if I told them I wanted sex... I mean, I do, but still.'

Suddenly, Aveline felt her blanket ripped from her body. She spun around and stared at Milyara, who was in her signature bikini top and shorts. Aveline blushed, seeing a slight pink exposing itself.

"M-Milyara! Fix that!"

Milyara looked down and blushed.

"Dummy. It's so hard resisting you idiots!"

Nora stopped stretching and blushed as she put on a jacket to cover her beautiful body.

"S-sorry Aveline. Stretching makes me feel better."

Milyara knelt next to Aveline's bed and put her face against the sheet.

"You sniff, and I won't kiss you for a week."

Leaning closer, Aveline made the real threat.

"I also won't pull your hair, or pinch your butt."

Milyara squeaked out a bit.

"I-I... I wanted to repay you for the warmth you've shown me."

"Repay? You've already repaid me in so many ways! Although I've avoided bathing with all of you, I've seen so many lovely sights."

Milyara put out her hands.

"I wanted to give you a massage."

Aveline smiled and bit Milyara's hand slightly.

"Is that your plan? Weaken me with your lovely hands, then take advantage of my aroused body?"

Milyara blushed and smiled awakwardly.

"Y-you're incredibly tense. I've noticed when you train with us. Sure, you're looking at our bodies... and getting horny and all, yet you don't indulge. Agh... I know you've heard me masturbate, so I was thinking..."

She pouted and twiddled with her fingers.

"Why the hell is this sexy pirate being cute?"

Milyara blushed more, making her seem even less like a pirate.

"I've never liked being a pirate. I just enjoy the ocean and the sun. I mean, look at my tan! Ain't it nice?"

"Lovely. Now stop getting so close. You smell like a sexy version of the beach."

Nora chuckled in the corner, slowly coming closer.

"Aveline, why can't we help you relieve that tension?"

Aveline curled up inside of her blanket before a tiny voice escaped.

"I'm afraid I won't be the same. I-I'm not a virgin, I lost that to Lyla, but all of you... you're incredible women that I adore. If I ignite that lust, would your perception of me change? Would I lose myself in my desires?"

Nora pulled the blanket away, both her heart and Milyara's ached seeing the sad expression of Aveline's face.

"We aren't going to force anything on you. Forgive me, Aveline... I guess we were overcome by our own lust."

Milyara sat back, stretching out slightly.

"I really did just wanna give ya a massage. I've never really gotten to touch your body, and it excited me."

Aveline patted the bed, motioning for the girls to sit beside her.

"Just give me another year. When I'm eighteen, I'll let go of my inhibitions and make you all go mad with pleasure."

They all three blushed, but Aveline leaned closer to Nora. She tilted up her jaw, then kissed her softly.

"You may be a hardened warrior, but you just want to feel like a woman. Do you think I can do that, as a woman?"

Nora leaned in and kissed back, a tiny nod escaping as she moaned into the kiss.

"Calm down Nora. I'll never stop giving you kisses."

Turning slightly, Aveline crawled towards Milyara. She placed her hand onto her tanned thigh and squeezed hard.

"You're a princess, treated as a treasure on the open seas. Many have fought for you, yet you fall to me like putty. You enjoy being bit and scratched... it amazes me how you look that lewd and happy when I hurt you."

Aveline pressed her lips against Milyara's.

"I don't like hurting my beautiful girls, but for you, an exception. I won't EVER draw blood, but I will make you never fear my hand as it spanks you or pulls your hair."

Milyara looked like a cute tomato as she smiled when Aveline slid one long nail along her thigh.

"Hnn... A-Aveline... I-I... nnnh!"

Aveline pulled her hand back.

"Just how horny were you?!"

Milyara squeaked as she lowered her head in shame.

"N-no! Don't do that! I would never be mad for that... just, how much have you all held back for me?"

Nora looked away, pretending to pick at her shirt. Milyara just gaped at Aveline, her mouth opening and closing without sound.

Aveline tucked her knees under her legs and blushed wildly as she began to pull off her shirt. With a slightly aroused sigh, she looked at the girls beside her.

"I'll let you both massage me. You're both gifted with strong and beautiful hands, so I beg you... don't make me want you even more."

She kicked off her shorts, then laid onto her stomach.

"This hurts a bit, so please enjoy yourselves while being kinda quick."


October 9th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I've been neglecting my loved ones more then I had expected. They've all been so patient with me, resisting the urge to make me moan beside them. I've had this urge for so long... should I just make them happy and give in to desire? I love them dearly, as much or more then they love me.

Nora and Milyara gave me a massage. I was way more tense then I expected, but they both had such amazing hands. They were warm and strong on my back. I could tell that they skirted around my marks, but when they vanished I could feel them massage there. It was heaven! I had to seriously resist... To be honest, this pair of panties is completely soaked. If I hadn't asked them to stop, I may have lost control. I didn't move for an hour after... I probably would have had an organ if I did. Sadly, my breasts hurt like hell now.