Late Night Rendezvous

"You're looking out at the water?"

"What else should I do? After that kiss... so much is just heating up inside of me."

"Is that bad? You're pretty decent with fire magic, even if you're a physical fighter."

"Ha! This is your fault! Why did you make me like this?! Why do I want to kiss you again?"

"So you don't realize yet? I've already stolen that heart of yours. Something your race prizes, right?"


Aveline smirked at Wesrey. She got onto the tips of her toes and wrapped her arms around her neck. Wesrey tried to look away, but she was entranced by the seductive look in Aveline's eyes.

"Why do I want you so bad?"

"Hmm... take me. Maybe you'll find out?"

Wesrey grabbed Aveline's shoulders and pushed her to the ground. She was gentle, knowing that Aveline was still a fragile girl. Sitting over her, Wesrey leaned close. Her eyes became inflamed as she began to kiss Aveline. Slowly the fire began to spread, covering most of her body. Her lips trailed down Aveline's neck, teasing the skin with her tongue. A small but weak burn mark marred her skin.

"Ahn! Wesrey... keep going!"

Aveline's face was bright red as the heat began to get to her. Wesrey lifted Aveline's shirt, pulling it from her slender frame. Using her tongue, she began to tease Aveline's stomach, burns trailing across her skin.

Suddenly, a cold splash of water blasted Wesrey! Opening her eyes, she looked up at an incredibly beautiful girl with full black hair, minus the white part of her bangs. Her deep blue eyes were encased by... a scarlet face?

"Wesrey! Please don't fall asleep and dream like that!"

Wesrey wiped the drool from her lips as she sat up at her desk. She saw Sylvra turning a bit pink, her mind bewildered.

"What happened?"

"You... kept moaning... Aveline's name. It was... lewd."

Wesrey shot to her feet, nearly shattering the desk.

"You're kidding! Me? Her?"

Aveline sighed as she forced Wesrey to sit down.

"Calm down a bit. It's just us three. Jeez... I know we started dating and all, but come on! That kind of dream? In class? Save it for when we are in our room."

Sylvra chuckled before she added her own input.

"You... need to... be honest... with yourself. Don't... Worry about... your fire... or strength."

Wesrey shook her head, trying to understand.

"Wait, how many people are you dating?"

Aveline looked bewildered.

"Why would you ask that? Do you think I'm unfaithful? Jeez... and here I was all scared to ask you out. Sylvra, she's bullying me!"

Suddenly, a dark haired man walked in. His hair seemed to cover his deep set watery eyes. He saw the girls and gave a soft smile before he pulled his hair out of his face. His features were slightly angular, but quite soft. Aveline and Sylvra had vanished as Wesrey blushed madly.

'Oh no... I thought I forgot all about him! Why why why?! Why can't I forget you!?'

Wesrey wiped the tears in her eyes as she hugged him tight. He held her in his arms, but she couldn't recognize the feeling. She had never hugged him even once before, but she knew he was strong. She knew he was kind. She knew he was supposed to be great!

"Why did you have to go and die on me? I-I was gonna ask you out! You might have said no, but seriously! I fell in love with you! Why did you have to die?"

The strong half dragon, Wesrey, began to melt away. In her place, a beautiful girl with a slim body stood beating on the man's chest. Her long black hair was tied back, yet still reached her waist. Soft blue eyes looked up at his light blue ones, hidden behind glasses.

Wesrey sobbed and sobbed as she clung onto him. His voice came out, fractured and strange, but still familiar.

"I'm s-s-s-sor-r-ry, Ne-e-ela. Y-y-you foun-n-nd s-someone n-n-n-new, r-r-right-t-t?"

Nela grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. His lips felt foreign and fake.

"Why couldn't I kiss you back when you were around? *sniff* Why couldn't I bring myself to forgo the embarrassment of asking you out? Dammit! Why did I have to go and do that?"

A sudden memory of Nela laughing as she cried crossed her mind. She pulled her hair and scratched her face as she bawled her eyes out, slowly succumbing to dehydration and starvation.

"God, such an idiot. Now I'm Wesrey, a half dragon princess. I'm falling in love with a girl... she's really sweet. Her name is Aveline."

Nela smiled as she touched the man's face. Slowly, Wesrey returned. Her height matching the man. She wiped her eye and kissed him again.

"Jeez. Her kiss was so passionate, yet I can't even find out how your lips should have felt. I'll always love you, my dear sweet prince... Niall."


Aveline tapped Wesrey's shoulder, startling her. Wesrey attempted to backhand Aveline, but she just blocked it.

"Wesrey? You're crying!"

Aveline wiped away the tear, her face filled with worry.

"Hehe. You're just like him."

"Him? Oh! Did you dream of a guy you like? And here I thought you were falling for me..."

Aveline felt her heart break a little.

"No. I used to like him, but he... he died. Murdered, by a mugger. He didn't let the mugger escape though! Threw him into a semi tru- a carriage!"

Aveline's mind blanked.

'Did she just say truck? And that's an incredibly familiar cause of death.'

"What was his name?"

Aveline got to her feet, her eyes confused and filled with complex emotions. Sylvra came up behind her and answered.

"She... told me... once. His name... was Niall. A sweet boy... that mended... her heart... with nothing... but a smile... and a hand... to wipe her... tears away."

Aveline felt a sudden rush of cold reach her heart.

"I-I have to go."

Aveline rushed out of the classroom, leaving behind her supplies.

"Is she mad? I didn't think she would get jealous of a dead person."

Sylvra knelt down and rested her chin on Wesrey's desk.

"She... doesn't know... you reincarnated. She won't... understand."

Wesrey sighed and grumbled into her hands.

"Dammit. I thought I forgot him. Why does she remind me of him so much? And... Syl... did I just ruin my chances of being with her?"

Tears streamed passed her palms.

"No... she loves you."

Sylvra hugged Wesrey's head, her frown filled with grief for her childhood friend.