Birthday Nightmare

Aveline woke up feeling a part of her heart missing. Tears slowly slid down her eyes as she looked up at Kyra, shaking her awake. Kyra's eyes were angry, almost incredibly pissed.

"Aveline! Sweetheart, wake up! We need you right now!"

Aveline shook softly, fear clutching the deepest part of her heart. She looked into Kyra's eyes as the tears fell without end. Kyra's anger faded as she pulled Aveline into her arms.

"You can already tell, can't you?"

Aveline nodded as she grabbed ahold of Kyra.

"Wesrey and Sylvra..."

"Wesrey's father took her back, using extreme force. He wishes for her to marry a prince, but we know not of which prince this is. Sylvra's brother came to get her. They see you as a disease, believing you have dirtier her. They... they wish to cleanse her, whatever that means."

A sudden wave of pressure came off of Aveline.


Kyra instinctively clutched onto her tighter.

"She's going to be burned. Burned until all that is left is her fairy spirit."

Aveline felt the way Kyra tensed up. She wasn't familiar with other races ideas and customs, so this was insanity to her.


Tears streamed down her face, yet they were not water. Blood began to pool as it turned black on her face.

"Will you help me? Help me free them?"

Her beautiful sapphire eyes slowly faded into a deep reddish black. The light within dimmed, making her smile more creepy and demonic.

Kyra went limp in her arms, her eyes suddenly lifeless. Aveline looked around the room, suddenly deep within a forest. Countless bodies surrounded her, the closest being the many people she cared for. Large holes or massive gashes littered the corpses.

Aveline smiled as she lost herself in her laughter. Her wide smile tearing her face.

"This! This is what I want for you! This will be what becomes of you and your people, chosen bitch!"

Her laughter died down as Aveline collapsed to her knees. She held her chest tight, her heart pounding incessantly.

"I don't know who you are, but you won't make this a reality."

Her back began to glow, the Descending Goddess forming around her. The half white, half black dress, heels and gloves covered her body as her massive wings sprang from her back. Her long hair began to match her gear, swaying in the wind.

A sudden voice came from nearby.

"Agh, damn. Finally returned your control to you. I'll explain more later... just fight for your loved ones. I beg you."

The voice faded, giving Aveline a strange strength in her heart.

"So, who am I addressing?"

The first voice, the dark condescending voice of a beast replied.

"Hahaha. I am Desv. Your master to be. Never forget what I can do, for it shall be reality."

Aveline placed her face into her hands.

"This is a nightmare. Is that your ability?"

The voice didn't reply.

"Wow... that's actually pathetic."

Aveline held out her hands, two massive great swords forming within her grasp. Twin blades, one black embedded with many blood red rubies, one white embedded with deep blue sapphires.

"Get out of my head. I have a strange being to meet."

Aveline raised her blades over her head, notching the hilts together at the ends. Swinging her massive butterfly greatsword over her head, Aveline began to tear the dream into scrap.

The voice finally reappeared.

"My power is not to give nightmares, but to make reality hell. My power shall break the ones you love into dust. You shall never forget my name as I carve it into your soul. Hehe, I've already gotten my first target."

The dream faded out, allowing Aveline to open her eyes back into her bedroom. The early rays of sunlight began to spread within the room, making her hold her hand over her face. A soft black mass beside her confused Aveline. She reached out, patting it slightly.

"When did I get a cat? Oh wait! Naname?"

A soft voice then sprang from within the mass.

"I appreciate you touching me, for it has been a lovely dream for quite some time... but I am not a cat. Erm... should I say, I'm the Princess of the Lost Dimension? Or the Corruption Princess? I'm glad you remembered.

Aveline placed her hand back into the mass.

"You can't corrupt anymore, can you?"

"Ah, no. I sealed that ability. I find it... repulsive. My true form is also much more lovely then those... sorry excuses we call power. Much weaker though. My race is an infestation. Practically a virus feeding off of the good people and creatures of this world."

Aveline sat up, pulling Naname into her lap and hugging her softly. Naname seemed shocked, but didn't complain.

'So she is the wayward being? I can use this... although, should I trust her?'

Aveline looked down at Naname before speaking.

"Can you tell me about who it was in my dream? As well as the one that can corrupt my marks?"

Naname squirmed slightly, almost seeming like an actual cat.

"Desv... agh. I hate his guts! He's a sick jerk that torments people in their sleep! Don't get me wrong, in reality he is just like me, but if her corrupts someone... it's dangerous. Last I heard, he was headed north."

"Hmm. The only people I'm concerned about there are the Snow Fairy race. One of my wives to be grew up there."

Naname squirmed again.

"Do you have bad blood with Desv?"

"Eh... my betrothed. He plays with many women, however, so I dare not claim him ad more then a filthy bug. My heart is set on another."

Aveline smirked.

"Well, I'll need to see your true form if I'm to accept another wife to be. Small black masses of softness are cute, but I like women. I also need to know who corrupted my marks."

The mass began to bounce around.

"Wh-who said it was you?! And cute? I just find this form convenient... the others don't use it. But... *sigh* I did it."

Aveline squeezed the mass.

"So it was you?"

"Y-yes. My power was something that isn't normal amongst my people. My corruption was faster and stronger. I could corrupt powerful artifacts even from a great distance, but it drains me and I feel all of the pain and torment that my victim feels. Those marks... were the only things I ever corrupted. Your pain flowed through me, shattering my resolve. I used the fading power within you to glance at who it was I wronged. What I saw... was a transcendent beauty that captured my heart in the blink of an eye. I don't get it, but I want to aid you. My weakness may be problematic, but I will never stop trying."

"Can you tell me of someone nearby is corrupted?"

"Yes! I even know a potent spell called Sap. It drains my peoples vitality and strength. I uh... used it on Vayr."

Aveline released the small mass, but didn't fully pull her fingers free.

"Is that why I could save Enna?"

Aveline could feel the mass seemingly nod, causing her to smile with relief.

"If that spell is so potent, it'll really help with future fights."

Naname bounced around again, then slipped from Aveline's grip.

"I should show you who I am. I'm not the prettiest thing, but I do hope you can learn to like me."

The mass began to expand, slowly forming into a feminine body with a large rear and plump breasts. Slowly, pale white skin, almost like cream, began to emerge from the mass. A tight stomach, full and perky breasts as well as a lovely thin neck. A soft, yet angular face began to appear. Thin cherry red lips, a thin petite nose and a pair of large and bright red eyes. Deep black hair fell to her waist, covering her supple milky breasts and reaching her bare rear. Her long legs appeared soft and smooth to the touch, but thin black lines crossed them in many places. They resembled vines or veins.

Aveline leaned close, touching them.

"Do they hurt?"

Naname smiled, her eyes curving up in a soft and cute way.

"This is my racial trait. Corruption Veins. Similar to an elf having those pointed ears, or a fairy having pretty wings."

Aveline lost herself in tracing the lines, unknowing to the heavy blush crossing Naname's face. Her thin hand covered her mouth as she stifled an arousing moan.

"Ahn... Aveline, they're... ah... sensitive. I don't want you to stop, but mmf... please, before I can't help myself!"

Naname began to pant hard as Aveline moved her fingers away.

"You ever make those noises again, I'll probably need to leave the room. Does your race affect lust?"

Naname nodded.

"Corruption can come in various forms. Love corrupted can be lust. But only can be. It isn't definite. If my voice aroused you, that means your body wants mine. Basic human reaction towards someone they deem arousing, or attractive... wait... am I visually pleasing?"

Aveline's jaw dropped.

"You don't know? You're gorgeous. Amongst many other races, I doubt you could find beauty that reaches yours."

Naname turned scarlet all over again.

"I'll take your word for it... I find my race disgusting. This body... is relulsive. It's seen as nothing more then an object to mother offspring."

Aveline reached out and patted her head.

"Eh. You're pretty, so I like how you look. That personality is... dark towards yourself. You need to love who you are, even if you don't love your race. If you work with me, I'll do what I can to stop them."

Aveline grabbed Naname's hand and clenched it.

"Firstly, you need clothes. I have extra underwear, since you seem about my size."

Aveline got up and went to a luxurious wardrobe, pulling it open.

"Eh... Aveline, my bust is a bit smaller then yours. My butt... a bit bigger?"

"It'll still fit. Just let me know if it's uncomfortable. I also have this really sexy dress I wanna see you wear... hehe."

Within minutes, Naname was wearing soft black panties and a large black bra. Covering the rest of her creamy skin, Aveline helped her with a knee length black dress that flared out at the knees, but had no back covering. Her breasts were barely held within the fabric.

"You look stupidly lewd..."

Naname stared at her body, seemingly entranced by the clothing.

"It feels nice and cozy. Kinda small, but it makes me feel sexy... or that could just be because you're nearby."

Aveline stifled a snort as she checked out Naname.

"You look good. I wore this once, Kyra had a nosebleed. Loudest orgasm I ever heard back in the manor. I have two by the way, so you get my clean one. Never worn."

Aveline closed the wardrobe as the front door opened.

"Aveline! M-My big brother is here!"

In her haste, Sylvra broke free of her bodies problem with heat.

"What do you mean?"

Aveline began to cross the room.

"M-my brother... I sent him a letter. I spoke of the woman who stole my heart and made me feel true love. He's here to judge you! He wants to see who I chose before he..."

"Before he tries to push you beneath him once more? As a full blooded Snow Fairy, he treats you terribly. I already know."

Sylvra grabbed Aveline's hands, slow tear streaming down her face.

"Don't let him take me from you! He will try to bring me home, then marry me to some pig who just wants me as a fuck toy! I don't want that pain... I don't want to lose love when it's staring in my face like this!"

Aveline pulled her close, hugging her tight.

"I've already pretty much proposed on the beach. If he's going to take what I love, he's horribly mistaken."

Aveline's threat was masked by a beautiful smile as she kissed Sylvra on the cheek.

"I'll go to war for those I love."