Family Meeting

Aveline walked with the trembling Sylvra, her fear levels beginning to confuse, yet had long had Aveline concerned. Sylvra's pale face was almost an comparable to the way ones eyes see the sun if they stare for too long.

"Sylvra, tell me. You're important to me, and we plan to stay together. Why are you so scared of him?"

Sylvra grabbed her hand, clenching it tight within her grasp. Aveline gripped her hand and smiled at her.

"He... he isn't normal. After becoming... the leader... my brother... was never... the same. He grew... angry, violent. I spent... many nights... beaten. Many nights... hungry. For I am... his half... sister. I'm nothing... in his... eyes. Snow Fairies... pride their... lineage. Father... fell for... a human, my mother. Alpho killed... her. I was... a bargaining chip. Sex slave... for his... friends and allies. I-I ran. My purity... intact."

Aveline pulled her close and kissed Sylvra slowly, just as the door ahead of them opened. Out of the corner of her eye, Aveline could see a tall man with pale blue skin glaring. His icy white eyes attempted to pierce her, yet Aveline smiled into Sylvra's lips. She backed away slightly, kissing the tip of her nose as well.

"He's weak. He can't do anything here, especially to you."

A man stepped out from behind Alpho, he had been hidden within the silvery white hair that swayed at his waist. The second man was short, almost barely breaking past 1.2 meters. His body was round and portly, bulging in a near grotesque manner. His head was balding, his only noticeable hair on his lips, chest and nasty enough... his pits.

Aveline gagged softly, holding in her breakfast.

"Who... who brought the human hog in here? Pets aren't permitted in the Academy."

Sylvra snorted behind her, almost busting into a giggle fit.

'Why did she send him a letter? She ran away... she feared him. I get that he is family, but why?'

Aveline wrapped her arm around Sylvra and stared into Alpho's eyes. He continued to glare, yet did not speak.

"Alpho is no pet. Bwee. He's a respectable ruler of his country. Bwee. Stupid bitch, think before someone of your standing speaks. Bwee."

"Bwee? He's a serious piggy... he practically oinks after her talks!"

Aveline clutched her stomach as she couldn't stop laughing. Her voice exploding with laughter seemed to calm Sylvra, as she laughed alongside her. The pair of beautiful girls continued to laugh until Aveline lifted Sylvra into her arms and jumped sideways. Where she had been standing, a massive ice spike erupted from the ground.

"So, that's how it is. You know not of who I am, so you strike at me. Know your place when you visit another country, Alpho."

Aveline roundhouse kicked the ice shards, sending them largest chunks towards the feet of Alpho.

"My name is Aveline Synclair. I am promised to Sylvra. I shall not let you take her from me. Whether brother or father, she is mine and I hers. I ask that you leave before I make you."

Alpho finally opened his mouth, soft flowing breaths of ice escaping his lips as he spoke.

"That bitch will return to our home. A no name piece of garbage, such as yourself, shall not stand in my way. Cedric here, is a well known merchant. He is the one to marry that thing. You will back down before I kill you."

Aveline's eyes opened slightly wider. She looked towards Sylvra, then back to Alpho.

"You think... you think I'm no named?

Aveline giggled softly before letting her four marks shine across her body.

"The Synclair family is a Duchy. Led by my father and mother, both powerful people that have the trust of King Garrenik. I am seen as the hero of this kingdom. Stupidly enough, I'm called the Descending Goddess as well as the Dryad Queen."

Alpho seemed distant as he sneered towards Sylvra.

"Why let someone like this take you from home? You are a high born princess! Why would you lower yourself to someone like this?"

Aveline took a single step, conjuring a sudden flame pillar just in front of Alpho. He stepped back, his eyes clouding with anger.

"You are attack a king? Bwee. I shall have you executed. Bwee. Where is your executioner? Bwee."

"Executions are outlawed. We have prisons, though only idiots get caught. The smart ones escape or die."

Alpho swung his arm, conjuring countless blades of ice. They were sent flying towards Aveline, but she simply stepped away while holding Sylvra's hand. They passed between the blades of ice, almost as if they were in a dance. She smiled at Sylvra, causing her to smile back. They separated, Aveline closing the distance towards Alpho. Her sprint shifted into a slide as she skirted around him and swept his legs from under him. He fell against Cedric, both collapsing on the ground.

Aveline smiled down at them.

"You can be imprisoned here for attempting to harm the students. Or... you go home. Take your pig with you. Sylvra will stay here, with me and our friends. Do I make myself clear?"

Alpho got to his feet, glaring at Aveline.


With a happy skip, Aveline began to walk away from Alpho. To her expectation, a massive wall of ice erupted behind her. Loud crashing, similar to glass shattering came from the other side. Aveline winked at Sylvra, who was glaring towards Alpho. Her wall of ice protected her beloved, giving her a warm feeling within her heart.

"If that's the case, I'll just knock you down another peg."

Aveline smashed her foot against the wall of ice, shattering it into many pieces. Her legs whipped many of the larger chunks towards Alpho, creating a massive chunk of mist in the air.

Within the mist, Aveline could hear a nasty sound that she knew all too well.

"Which one of these idiots was corrupted?"