Reflective Victory

Aveline's super heated sand dunes suddenly grew clear as she sent a quick burst of wind to cool them. She grinned, watching the corrupted beings from behind her magically created glass.

"So, do you think you can mess with me now?"

Desv stared with wonder, his eyes unsure of what Aveline had just done. They gleamed a strange way, this time Aveline could see it. She narrowed her eyes as the light within the glass changed, reflecting the strange light in his eyes. Behind him, Feno clutched his head as a deep and dark scream resounded from him.

"I don't remember screaming?"

Desv turned, reaching towards Feno.

"What the hell did you do to him?"

Aveline shrugged.

"You did it. I just provided the glass."

Raising her hands, Aveline could feel her magic coursing through her veins burning like a massive flame. It began to spread outward, coating her dark claws as she launched a powerful swipe over the glass. Using her control over the flames, they descended over Feno and Desv.

Shielding himself, Desv glared at Aveline.

"Do you wish to kill the host?!"

She smiled as the flames coiled around the two of them. It slowly turned gold, symbolizing the healing effect.

"I love his sister, you think I'm dumb enough to do something that stupid?"

Aveline stepped around her constructs, almost dancing as she weaved her way towards the bound creatures. She created a floating flame in front of Desv's eyes. It was dark, as she did not wish to blind him.

"Now how do I get you two to release these idiots?"

She crossed her arms, tilting her head. A tiny pout crossed her face, but she turned towards Sylvra and Wesrey.

"Can you come over here? I broke this corruption on Enna easily, since she's a horny beauty. This... this is weird."

As Wesrey and Sylvra walked over, Naname floated down. She rested on Aveline's shoulder, causing wary eyes from the princesses.

"Don't worry. I've just got an extra princess interested in me. She's safe."

Naname reformed, still dressed in Aveline's gift. She hid behind Aveline, obviously scared of how they stared at her.

"If you vouch for her, we are all good."

Sylvra nodded, her hands clasped.

"Naname, is there a way to deal with them?"

She leaned close to them, eyeing the two people. Her hand flashed out, hitting Feno. His screams faded as a dark orb began to form. Aveline caught it, her dark claws crushing and shredding it.

"Huh. That's kind of impressive. Him too?"

Naname shook her head.

"I can only pull out weaker beings. If they are even remotely stronger, I can't do anything. As he's strong enough to be my betrothed, I can't do anything. You need to have Alpho release himself."

Aveline weaved her way behind Sylvra. She wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging her tight.

"I think this'll be best with us. Doncha think?"

She pressed her cheek against Sylvra's, causing a beautiful blush to cross her face.

"I... don't know... what to... do. My brother... isn't someone... I know."

Aveline sighed and pouted.

"I don't plan on killing him, so maybe we can just imprison him or something? Aphro has been possessed for a long time, so we can't help easily."

"Perhaps an adult can help?"

Aveline turned, making Sylvra move with her. Behind them, Marie was standing with her arms crossed. Lenora was near her.

"Oh... uh hey there."

Marie and Lenora stated at Aveline with confusion in their eyes.

"So this king will be imprisoned. I will send a missive to his home, informing them of his sickness. If we are lucky, they will not attempt to harm us."

A soft voice came from nearby.

"Bwee... Alpho is... safe in... your hands. I will... head home... and take care... of things. With that... corruption gone... my mind... is clear... bwee. Forgive me... please, Lady Sylvra."

With his corruption faded, Cedric was calmer and more soft spoken. He was more respectful and less angry.

"Does that mean you don't care that she's mine?"

Aveline's head tilted.

"Bwee. She's happy... I can... see it. Her time... in the... castle... wasn't the best... bwee. I regret... what the... thing did... with my... body. I will... fix everything... bwee. All I ask... send my lord... home when he's... better."

Cedric walked away, yet Lenora and Marie came close to Aveline.

"I don't remember a student like this. Even worse, you're trying to seduce the girls my niece loves. I ask your name and class."

Aveline stared at her, dumbfounded. She nuzzled into Sylvra's neck and sighed, causing a tiny moan to escape from Sylvra.

"That's sad. Do I truly seem so different like this?"

Aveline began to become engulfed in her white flames as soon as she stepped away from Sylvra. As the flame vanished, she was back to normal, pale skin and all. Marie and Lenora's jaws dropped, so Aveline showed them her newest mark. The all consuming flame of a dragon that adorned her shoulder.

"Now! Wesrey's dad can get out of wherever he's hiding!"

Wesrey's eyes widened as a nearby door opened.