Dragon King

A large man stepped from behind the door. Short red hair spiked in all directions, with a similar beard. His deep eyes looked like charcoal lit on fire. His broad shoulders and elegant outfit, clashed wildly. Especially with his rough face and grizzled appearance.

As soon as he walked in, he went up to Wesrey. In a single motion, she was swept off her feet, carried into a hug.

"I'd be jealous if you weren't her dad."

Aveline pouted, watching Wesrey struggle to escape. After a bit, he released her.

"Forgive my rude interruption, as well as my late arrival. I had promised to meet the young woman my daughter had given herself to, and I am not disappointed. The arranged marriage will be called off, as I shall be here for a while I would enjoy getting to know you."

He gave a courteous bow towards Aveline.

"I wasn't expecting a spiritual race to have a physical body, but then again, you're a dragon."

The large man laughed, his whole body shaking.

"My name is Valien. I pray they you take care of my daughter going forward, as well as the many women that are drawn to you. With the decent array of people that now want you dead, I'll be a great asset. If you know how to use me."

Aveline placed her hand on the flame mark. She smiled, knowing full well that it was his voice and his power that had been given to her.

"I'm thankful. That fight would have ended very differently if I hadn't been given this fire. I don't want to kill anyone. Not anymore."

She felt Naname grab her wrist, making her turn.

"My people... they are, erm... like a virus. Don't fear killing the ones that harm yours, but I do ask you not to-"

Aveline smiled, stopping the princess from speaking.

"I don't plan on a massacre. Your people aren't something I desire to kill, but that is my exception. If those I cherish are in grave danger... I won't show the leniency I showed to Orion."

Marie nodded in understanding, after all this world is filled with powerful beings and creatures that kill for fun. Let alone the ones that kill to survive, or for money.

Aveline stretched, knowing that things would possibly get a little easier.

"I'm concerned, how do you not die?"

Aveline looked towards Desv, his voice no longer primal.

"Wait, Alpho?"

He nodded.

"Desv is... currently sleeping. He's pissed, but he let me out for now."

Aveline stepped closer, removing the flames. He had returned to his original appearance as a Snow Fairy.

"And why are you concerned?"

Aveline didn't remove his bindings.

"From what I've heard, while Desv has been in control, you have been granted a number of marks across your body. Shouldn't a human be dead? Your kind is short-lived, as well as the weakest amongst physical races. Sure, your boundaries can become incredible, yet that is for a chosen few. You... you are not one of those chosen. I've met many, they were all killed. You shouldn't be alive."

Aveline took a step back, his words making uncomfortable.


Sylvra was glaring at him, her eyes seeming to be staring at a maggot. Her voice felt like ice being shoved against your skin as she spoke.

"If you speak to her like that one more time, I shall tear out that vile tongue. Your concerns can be crammed down your throat, as I know fully well that you let that thing have its way. You let it do as it wished, nearly killing me and violating me. You're filth in my eyes, no matter how much control you held. My mother was human, one of those chosen you speak of, and Aveline... she's will always be greater then those lowly chosen beings. Her power will forever rival the top of this world. I will stay at her side, forever hers and I will not waver."

Both Aveline and Sylvra suddenly grasped their right shoulders. A piercing cold erupted from the two of them as Aveline grabbed Sylvra's hand.

"You great dummy. Look what you did! Haha!"

On their shoulders, a beautiful frozen heart was gleaming in the light of the flaming bindings. Alpho's eyes went wide as he sighed.

"Another mark."

'Cryonian Champion's Mark received. Lesser duplicate bound to Sylvra.'

Aveline hugged her icey princess, then pulled her behind her.

"Now Alpho, you'll be left with my Auntie. If you do anything stupid, well if Desv does anything stupid... you'll regret it."

Aveline walked away, three beautiful girls on her heels.


"So you've found her. Is it truly the one gifted with the Hero's divine mark?"

"Yes, my lord. Shall we send her in? She's been awaiting her next assignment."

"Of course. She's been missing school either way, so if she can be of use... hehehe. Kill that evil witch."

The man off to the side sighed as he vanished.

"You'll regret this."


October 14th, year of the Cold Serpent

Dear Diary,

I took a moment on this day, my seventeenth birthday, to drop a quick few bombs in here.

I'm engaged... to everyone. My maid, my adoptive sister, my classmate, my teacher, my senior, my junior as well as three princesses. Besides them, I have a spirit and the princess of a different dimension on my arms! This world... I've truly broken it. When I can, I'll need to find a place we can all stay together. Sadly, I'll be pulling many people from their kingdoms... but they don't seem to care!

Of the original thirteen routes, I changed one to a sister route, and I've begun conquering eight. There are still four original girls that I haven't met, including the princess of this kingdom... as well as that crazy cute assassin.

I gained two new marks, both being incredibly potent. Sylvra even gained a mark! It was surreal watching her get so angry just for me! I'll need to reward her. Maybe it's time for a date with the girls?