Late Night

Aveline sat up once more, completely annoyed by the odd ending of events. Currently, Rune and Orphelia were sitting beside her bed... sleeping with a single blanket covering the two of them.

'These idiots! Dammit.'

She climbed out of bed, stealing their blanket. Neither girl budged as the cool night air carresed their skin. Aveline bent low, scooping the girls into her arms one at a time. She placed the two of them in her bed, tucking her warm quilt around them.

As she began to leave the room, she could here a soft voice thanking her. She smiled, closing the door behind her.

Aveline made her way to the training room. She wanted to get used to her new powers,deciding that she wasn't ready to take on the son of the man her parents revered as a true Warrior King. As she entered, she grabbed her chakrams and began to use wind magic to send them about. She expertly danced with them flying about, tearing through the wind.

"These damn spirit races. Why do they believe in me so much? I'm just a guy reincarnated into a girl I loved from a game!"

Aveline threw the sheaths that held her weapons, quickly gathering many elements around her. Flashes of fire, ice, wind, water and earth began to come from her. She quickly allowed merged magic to erupt from within her power as well. Electricty, plant, mist, magma, sand and even gravity magic. As she began to finish, Aveline used dark magic to force her body to vanish as a massive blast of light erupted in the area.

Aveline reappeared, panting heavily as she trudged through the training room. She dropped to her knees, sighing heavily.

"How the hell do you even train properly?! Everything I've already done was for fun! I did it because I wanted to! But where do I go to get stronger from here?"

Aveline fell onto her back, kicking her legs out from under her. She looked towards the roof before rolling over and getting back to her feet.

"No use moping. I've got to find a way to make sure I can deal with him. Monsters need not sit upon a throne of humans. Dethroning a corrupted being... agh. The king should have been a truly great guy. He wasn't like this."

Aveline kicked the ground, rupturing a massive crack in it. She stared at it before she began to mend it.

"All of the elements seem to believe I'm worthy, yet my affinity chooses not to show itself. Since it's wind, I guess it being about freedom is viable. Having a sense of duty tends to belittle freedom, yet I just find myself happy beside the women I love."

After she fixed the floor, Aveline fell onto her back, floating on a puff of wind. She watched the ceiling, floating around slowly. The wind sent her hair in all directions causing a tiny giggle to escape.

"I still don't know how I became Aveline, but... this life. It's been nothing but love and hardships for me. I'm happy here, happier then I've ever thought possible... yet my situation is incredibly dangerous."

Aveline drifted in the air for what seemed like hours, until the door to the training room burst open.

"See? Told ya she would be here."

"Ha. Lesser bitches should be put in their places."

Aveline looked over. She was confused, as it was the middle of the night. Four people had entered, three were lesser nobles with nasty expressions and nastier personalities. The fourth wore a hood, keeping their face hidden.

"Can I help you?"

The one in the lead, though obviously not the leader, sneered at Aveline.

"Just taking out the trash. Heh. You took the finest women in this school all for yourself. You think we wouldn't retaliate?!"

"Yea! Kaley is so voluptuous and shy... breaking her would be a dream! Huhuhu."

Aveline glared, the room suddenly shrouded with icey winds.

"You dare talk of the people I love. Have you no desire to live? I'll THOROUGHLY show you why you don't talk of them that way!"

In a breath, Aveline was in front of the one desiring Kaley. He was portly, with a massive belly and beady eyes. His demeanor seemed excited, but now he could feel incredible fear. Aveline shoved him, blasting his massive body into the wall.

"Don't worry. He's not dead."

She glared as she neared the one that led the charge. His eyes grew ever more fearful.

"H-hey! You can't do this! Do you even know who I am?"

Aveline stopped, scanning his face. He seemed relieved.

"There. Think on that while I ravage you!"

Lust built into his eyes, though Aveline sucker punched him.

"I have not even a faint idea of who the hell you are. How about me? Do you know who I am?"

The boy staggered onto his backside. His eyes were wide with greater fear.

"Thought so. I don't care for my titles, but they sure as hell get the job do-"


A blast of flames erupted against her. Aveline looked through them, then waved her hand to blow them away.

"Really? Do I seem that weak to you?"

Suddenly, the boy at her feet lunged. He wrapped his arms around her waist, attempting to tear off her skirt.

Aveline grabbed his shoulder, effectively dislocating it. He screamed in pain as Aveline crashed her knee into his jaw. Turning, she threw him at the third boy that threw fire at her. They tumbled until the hit the same wall chubby hit

"Now you. Wanna explain why you brought them here?"

The hooded figure pulled back their hood. A beautiful face bloomed from within, marred by a scar blinding their left eye. It had faded to a nearly white color, though the opposite was gleaming blue. Her hair was red, though almost pink. She had a devilish grin as she stared at Aveline.

"So you really are strong. They call me-"

"Bella. Or Harpy. Whichever you wish to go by as the leader of the gangs in this Academy. Of course I know who could be a threat, though you truly aren't."

'Bella... an optional route if you choose to be a delinquent. She's a huge tease, but she's like putty if she's in the hands of someone that intimidates her.'

Aveline stepped closer, her eyes wandering the girls body. She could see the slender frame beneath the cloak, though Aveline couldn't be fooled. She knew of the rather thick behind and firm breasts of the beauty standing before her. She stood close, though Bella had long backed up against the wall. Slamming her hand against the wall, Aveline cracked it.

"This'll be fun."