Sudden Complication

Aveline gave a playful smirk as she stared down at Bella. A slight blush erupted on her face, but a mischievous light in her eyes had Aveline wary.

"In all this time, shouldn't we have seen each other at least one time? So who's been keeping this cutie away from me?"

Bella seemed to be looking for an escape, but her eyes locked on Aveline's. She raised her hands, seeming to surrender. Aveline's smirk then faded. She stepped back, looking down at the knife embedded in her gut. Sudden fear wracked her brain.

"A-again? N-no!"

'Warning! Adaptability cannot handle this level of fear.'

'Hidden effect activated. Unlocking effect: Blessing of Regeneration. Remove dangerous obstructions to continue regeneration.'

Aveline looked up at Bella, her eyes clouding over with pain and fear. She stepped closer, finally pulling out the blade. A strange purple ooze was embedded inside of the blade. Her vision grew hazy, yet she didn't falter as she approached the, now shocked, assailant.

"How!? You should be falling asleep! That damn poison should have weakened you!"

Aveline smiled at her, noticing the men in the shadows watching.

"It's... not... your... fault."

Aveline began to fall asleep, but she pulled Bella into her arms.

"Don't... trust... them."

Aveline's eyes closed, draped against Bella. Bella looked towards the shadowy figures.

"She's out. You wanna tell me why the hell I'm attacking this girl?"

No response, and with that... Aveline was transported. Drifting in and out, she caught only bits and pieces of what went on around her. Rough travel, muffled voices. Her eyes had finally begun to open properly when she felt herself thrown. Nearby, she could see Bella talking to someone.

"So am I free to go yet? You dragged me all the way out here, and for what?"

The figure was heavily cloaked, muffling their voice.

"Heh. You're a loose end, girl. Why else would I have you come inside if here?"

Aveline watched, unable to move, as a knife was jammed into Bella's chest. Her eyes going wide and her breathing increasing immeasurably.

'Hidden effect enabled. Blessing of a Lover's Rage. Effect reduced within Forgotten Champion's Dungeon.'

Pushing herself to her feet, Aveline staggered as she neared the cloaked figure. His back to her, he couldn't hear her or see her coming. Trudging ever so slowly, she wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled back. Effectively, she paralyzed his every movement. She knew he wouldn't kill her, as he hadn't the entire time she was taken here.

"You dare? As the Infernal Champion, I shall have your head!"

Aveline smirked.

"The fact that you know they're Champion's, yet not who is which, tells me you're an imbecile."

Even though she can't see it, nor can she input magic into it, Aveline could still feel the mark on her back.

"Heal her, or I will make your last few minutes hell."

Aveline had already attempted to use her magic, but an error notice kept coming up.

'Your magic has been sealed within the Forgotten Champion's Dungeon.'

Using her brute strength, she immobilized her captor, so she knew her strength hadn't diminished.

"What does the Aquarian's Champion know, that I do not?"

She leaned close, crushing him slowly.

"I hold seven marks. Including the Infernal Champion's Mark. I'm patiently waiting for the eighth."

Her captor, now her captive, struggled in vain as fear made his body tremble.

"You lie! I shall have your-"


He slumped in her arms.


Aveline knelt beside Bella, practically tossing the man's body.

"Hey! Look at me!"

The blood had pooled around her body, though she was remarkably still alive.

"You killed him?"

She was trembling and pale.

"Sadly. Let's get you out of here."

Aveline could see the entrance, large amounts of sunlight were pouring into the cave. She carried Bella outside, laying her down as she removed the knife in a quick flick of the wrist.

"You're gonna be fine. Look into my eyes, okay?"

Aveline could feel the warmth of her magic surge as she began to heal Bella. Bella smiled softly as she stared up at Aveline.

"How'd you know I'd get weak from that incredible wallslam?"

A quick shrug and a giggle made Bella blush a bit, color returning to her face.

"It sucked, not getting to know you before they found me. I constantly wanted to talk to the beautiful freshman that took everyone by storm. Heh. Still, here I am with you, all alone and smiling like an idiot. Also, I'm safe now. Don't need to waste more magic."

Aveline smirked, but a sudden barrage of shadows overhead made her grow deathly serious. She tore back into the cavern, making sure Bella was in her arms. Behind them, countless arrows erupted into flames.

With a quick wave of her hand, the flames didn't die.

"Shit. My magics sealed again."

Bella raised her hands, one palm outstretched while the other rested against its arm.

"Quick gust, rapid beat. Gale Force."

A burst of air suddenly knocked the oxygen away from the flames, instantly culling them.

"Your magic is sealed in here?"

Bella was confused, but Aveline nodded.

"Seems it's a Champion's Dungeon. My marks seem to be affected here."

Peering outside, Aveline noticed several men approaching. Every one wore a coat similar to her first human kill in years.

"Aveline, I'd like to say we could handle them, but yea. I can't use too much more powerful magic. Yours is sealed in here. If we step outside..."

Aveline shrugged, then pulled Bella deeper into the cave.

"Let's stay hidden. If I can get outside behind-"

A loud noise came from the entrance.

"Oh. Well that's not very nice."

Aveline walked out, staring at the massive boulder sealing the entrance.


Unknown to Aveline, a mere hour after she had been kidnapped, Eneli had collapsed. Her eyes went wide as her body was slowly beginning to dissolve. Aveline's girls had all begun to feel something wrong.

Lenora, who had been with Eneli, knelt beside her.

"Eneli? Dear, look at me. What's wrong?"

Eneli looked up.

"Aveline... she's too far away."

That was the beginning of the uproar around the Academy as everyone began to search for the missing Hero.