Awoken Dragon

Aveline glared as her teeth grew sharper. Her eyes began to blaze with fury as she stared at the oni. His eyes grew curious.

"Bad idea."

Her voice was similar to the roar of a dragon as her nails began to grow out. Her skin began to dargen, turning to a bronze caramel color. Her hair grew wild, burning into a bright red flame with a small chunk burning white. She could feel the black scale plates covering her precious areas as the red scales began to form across her body. The large scales erupted into the cute, but lewd skirt. The thick boots and gauntlets formed as well, increasing her draconic strength further.

Cracking her knuckles, a mischievous and alluring fanged grin appeared as Aveline stepped towards the oni.

"I'm unarmed, but I can still... heh. Nevermind."

Without her chakram, Aveline had believed she would be unable to pull out a weapon that fit the form she had been granted. To her surprise, Aveline felt the weapon sleeping within her body. She pulled on it, not realizing the importance of this weapon.

'Do you wish to Awaken?'

This message appeared in front of her eyes. Aveline didn't even bother responding as she gripped the weapon within her soul and Draconian mark. A massive wave of heat erupted, forcing the oni onto his knee. Fear finally crept into his eyes as a massive blazing axe appeared in Aveline's hands.

She gripped it tight, noticing that her long claws had turned a beautiful shade of white. This matched the burning white flame emitting from the axe. Deep red feathers came off of its head, seeming to resemble that of a Phoenix's feathers.

Aveline looked up at the oni, her blazing eyes burning brighter as she crouched low. Out of her sight, the black charcoal scales had become a smokey white. This color seemed even leader with her beautiful caramel skin.

She lunged, bringing the axe over her head as she neared the oni. The intense heat had him pinned up until his life was in danger. Aveline cleaved the ground, noticing the dark red foot that was left behind. The oni limped as he tried to move further away.

"I can't use magic, but these boss rooms were made for my marks!"

Explosive white fire coated her body as she lunged again, this time into the air. Tossing her axe, thus surprising the oni, his shoulder was cleaved through. He was stuck against the wall as Aveline bursted from the air. She flipped midair, slamming her leg down on the head of the axe. The oni's eyes began to fade as his body was split in two. A dark smile spread across Aveline's face.

"You were nothing more then a challenge. The rest... well they won't be any harder!"

She laughed, her Draconian form fading as she descended towards the next floor.

"If I'm to get stronger using the marks, then how will I use the power of wind?"

Her thoughts carried her forward as she walked into the darkness.


"Huh? What? Where is Aveline? What was that light?"

Bella looked around, her whereabouts completely unfamiliar. Dropping to her knees, she closed her eyes and began to feel the wind. She allowed it to flow and form around her, lifting her hair as pointed ears began to show.

"On my elven blood, I beg of thee. Wind Spirits, show me my path. Return me to whence I came."

Soft wind rustled through the air, forming something akin to a wind thread that tugged on Bella. Her eyes opened as she got to her feet.

"Thank you."

She followed, her image as a delinquent fully deteriorating as her elven beauty began to bloom.


"So she's been trapped?"

"Sire, I have warned you countless times! Do not tempt her! That girl will become something you cannot handle!"

The king waved his hand, a menacing aura flowing towards the outspoken man.

"Fall before me. You are no longer worth my time. She is but a child, given the blessing of a spirit I will kill."

The outspoken man fell to his knees. He glared up at the king, finally speaking one last time.

"She is not blessed by a single spirit, you daft bastard. Heh. My own blessing may as well be hers!"

A mark on the man's leg began to glow, suddenly vanishing.

"By my will, Aveline Synclair shall receive the blessing. The Avionian Champion's Mark shall be hers. All seven blessings, one Champion!"

His eyes became lightless as the king had an ounce of fear finally reach his brow.

"Seven? She only misses the eighth... but that's from my own race. The owner would never relinquish it!"