
Aveline was buried within the warmth of her father's burly arms, his strength no longer crushing her as she hugged back. She noticed quite quickly that her own strength could easily hurt her father now, so she kept it in check.

When she finally pulled back, she looked both of her parents in the eyes as she asked an important question.

"Where are they?"

Nilly seemed sad as she began to explain.

"I don't know if you have found out how long it's been, but a few of the girls you care for have returned home. Some with hope, others with a crushing sadness. Sylvra has to take care of her kingdom, effectively becoming the Queen. Wesrey, well she holds immense hope. She went home to train with her father. Anya, as well as two girls that I don't believe I met, went back to this kingdoms castle. Anya didn't let go of her hope for even a second."

Thorin picked up where she left off.

"Milyara and her brother went home as well. Milyara seemed to be determined to grow stronger while waiting for your return. Nora and Lenora... they don't believe you'll return, but they are here. Kaley, Enna, Victri and Kyra are here as well. Eneli should be able to get out of bed now that you're here. She was mad at you, although Bella assuaged that when she appeared. Naname seems to have vanished though. No one knows where she went off to."

Aveline tilted her head.

'Is my harem really this big? I can't even check my system properly. It's been bugging out ever since I entered the dungeon.'

"Ugh. Now I've gotta track them all down to apologize! My lips are gonna be sore."

Aveline traced her lips, thinking of all of the apology kisses she was planning to administer.

"So uh, how long was I-"


From behind her, Aveline felt a great force sweep her off her feet. The beautiful gold eyes she often thought of gleamed into her sight as she swiveled around and hugged Kyra tight. Aveline's parents turned away, giving her a great opportunity. Aveline kissed Kyra softly, a tear sliding down her cheek. When she pulled back, Kyra was blushing. Her eyes were trained on Aveline's parents.

"I'm sorry I've been gone so long. I missed you so much!"

Aveline hugged her tight, noticing Hana watching from nearby. She lunged, hugging Aveline and Kyra by their waists.

"Big Sis, is this one of the other Big Sisters I have?"

Aveline patted her head, then introduced her to Kyra. Instantly taking a liking to her, Kyra hugged Hana. She even thanked her for staying with Aveline during all of her struggles in the dungeon.

Aveline could feel the warmth in her heart surge as she felt the love from those she missed begin to surround her. She was told to wait for the others to come to her, although she planned to go see those that didn't believe hard enough.

Before long, Eneli was beside her. Her facade fully gone as she hugged onto Aveline, her tears streaming down her face.

"You big idiot! Not only was a sick the ENTIRE time you were gone, I missed your stupid face and your... ugh. I missed you, so much! Don't even try to apologize! I forgive you, just don't make me worry so much ever again!"

Eneli was wrapped around Aveline, while Kyra sat on her other side. Little Hana was sitting in Kyra's lap.

When Enna finally entered, Aveline instantly darted for her. She lifted both arms, checking every inch. She even lifted her skirt and lowered her stockings. With a happy sigh, she pulled Enna into her arms. Enna was bluing madly, though her thighs were clamping shut tightly.

"A-Aveline... I know why you did that, but warn me next time. I'll be sure to carry extra panties."

Aveline noticed how weak her legs had gotten, so she helped her sit down before she lifted her chin.

"I'm glad you didn't do anything you'd regret. Your scars are healing nicely too."

Aveline kissed Enna, her lips being soft as she wanted to show how much she cherished her. When she backed up, Enna had tears in her eyes.

"You deserve to come home, without the fear that someone you love is gone. I chose to stop hurting myself, although... my mind still has incredibly horrid thoughts towards those that dare wish you harm. Fufufu. I'll tear them all apart, then come to you for a hug and a kiss."

Her eyes gleamed sadistically as she held her cheeks. Aveline tapped her nose, releasing her from her crazed desires.

"Love you too, silly."

Not long after, Victri entered. She was trembling as she laughed herself into Aveline's arms, her small frame covered by the hug Aveline gave her. She sobbed heavily as she beat on Aveline's chest.

"Hey, look at me. Look into my eyes."

Victri looked up, her eyes swollen and red. The light blue barely noticeable within the bloodshot streaks.

"You poor thing. You're strong, but you can't fight your emotions. Smile for me. I need to see that charming smile I adore."

Victri frowned, then pulled away from Aveline. She wiped her eyes, then lunged back into Aveline's arms. She kissed her hard, trying to imprint her lips shape deep into Aveline's mind. Aveline held her tight, kissing back. She could feel fresh tears touch her cheek, coming from Victri. When they finally parted, Victri glared at Aveline.

"You... you're not allowed to leave my side. Not right now. *sniffle* I need you to stay close to me. Please?"

Aveline nodded, hugging the beautiful girl as the doors opened again.

'Why are they coming one by one?'

Aveline raised her head, noticing an elf that she didn't fully recognize. After a moment her eyes burst wide.


She parted from Victri, quickly reaching Bella's side. She began to check her body, similar to Enna. Bella didn't seem too bothered, but she stopped Aveline with a hand on her shoulder.

"The teleportation left no marks. I'm fine. I thought you might be shocked by my ears, but this was... rather nice. To see you worry for me, even after I was ported out of that dungeon a year ago."

Aveline coughed, inhaling the air wrong.

"A year?"


December 12th, Year of the Dark Bone Wraith

Dear Diary,

I've made it home. I... I missed my 18th birthday. I left everyone alone for so long. I need to make this right. I'll show them how much I love them all! I'll bring my loved ones back to my side, although... should they say no... what do I do then?