Estranged Lovers

Having been sent towards the best places to find her last three loved ones, that are still in the Academy, Aveline leaned against the wall that led into the room nearby. She could hear Lenora and Nora talking.

"Lady Lenora, should we even be doing this here?"

"Heh. What'll they do if we get caught? I've trained myself to the extremes lately. I'm probably the strongest being here! Even stronger then The Valkyrie!"

"But, are you stronger then-"

"Shut it. Do not mention her name. She is gone, never to return. The pain she has caused, it's too much. She left us behind."

Aveline heard a heavy crash, nearly springing towards the noise, when a pair of glasses caught her eyes. The small girl was looking up at Aveline, her dark brown eyes filled with shock. Before she could speak, Aveline stepped forward in and attempt to kiss her. In part to silence her, but mostly because she missed everyone so much. Her lips never met their mark as a hand held her back.

"No. You've been gone for too long. You don't have that right, not anymore. I'm stronger then you could have ever made me. I taught myself incredible magic that could make your head spin!"

There was a strange gleam in her eyes as Aveline stepped back, tears beginning to bud at the corners of her eyes. She clenched her fists.

"Do you think... do you think I didn't try to return? What the hell did you think I was doing?! Running off because it was easier?! No! I was fucking kidnapped. I was trapped for the last year, thinking of nothing but the reunions with the girls I fell in love with! The people I cherish more then anything."

Seven symbols began to shine across her body. The eighth beginning to illuminate.

"I fought. I fought and I bled. I felt my body break down countless times, just to be rebuilt for these damn marks that are across my body!"

In a flash of speed, Aveline spun around and slammed her first against the wall. The unassuming strike suddenly cracked a large section of the wall, going straight through six meters of concrete and causing it to crumble. Nora and Lenora were watching, their eyes filled with complex emotions. They both were sweating heavily, their bodies garbed in training attire.

Aveline glared at the ground, tears spilling forth.

"I'm not..."

A pair of wings slowly grew from her back.

"...even human anymore."

Her azure eyes changed, a dark light filling them as her lips curved upwards. Kaley stepped back, her eyes filled with fear. Her hands began to coalesce with a bright blue wisp of magic, but Aveline stepped close. She grabbed her hand, her smile fading.

"No. Don't-"

Her voice cut off as a wisp of shadow came from nearby. A hand shot forth, smacking against her extended palm. More tears fell.

"So, I've gone and lost three of the girls I cherished. It was never supposed to be like this."

She looked up, the dark light fading as if it were an illusion.

"Screw it, I'm better off just breaking things."

She glanced towards Lenora.

"So tell me. Do you have any intention of returning to my side?"

She instantly felt the annoying buzz as Lenora spoke.

"Of course not! You abandoned us, you disappeared without even a letter!"

The buzzing stopped.

"I tried so hard to find you, my heart tearing apart as I dreaded the worst. I learned of that cave..."

The tears in Lenora's eyes began to fall, her strong appearance breaking as if she were just another little girl. Aveline grabbed her hands, scars blistering them. Lenora didn't resist.


A new, ferocious, light gleamed in Aveline's eyes. She released the hand, taking Lenora's chin instead.

"Why would I abandon someone I promised myself to? All three of you are mine, whether you wish to believe me any longer or not."

Lenora suddenly realized that Aveline was trembling as she held her. By sheer instinct her arms wound themselves around her waist as her head leaned on her shoulder.

"You... are hurting. I'm sorry, I failed to protect the one I love most."

Even Kaley could feel her tremble as their hands were still touching. She looked up, then gripped Aveline's hand tight.

"My new teacher sucks. I can't compare what I've learned, nor can I do anything more then struggle. Who would have guessed... that massive boulder would reflect magic."

She blushed wildly as she shifted her hands up to Aveline's arm, hiding the burns. She hugged her arm, pressing it firmly between her soft mounds of flesh.

'So I tremble a little and they become kittens desiring attention? These idiots... did they really hurt themselves to get me back? They never believed I abandoned them, did they? They tricked their own minds...'

Aveline looked over at Nora, the only one to not move this entire time. She frowned, her eyes looking at the somewhat sexy sportswear her muscular lover was wearing.

"I heard a crash..."

Her eyes narrowed on the massive gouge in the ground. It seemed to originate from Nora.

"It was... m-me."

Aveline's eyes locked on Nora's, causing her legs to grow weak. Nora slipped to the floor, hugging herself.

"My whole family was lost once. I focused so hard to get stronger, to forget everything! Now you're here, now you're back. I thought..."

Aveline saw the tears in Nora's eyes, her passion in her voice causing Aveline to sigh.

"You've all grown stronger. To think, you came to this when I vanished. How many hours... how many nights did you all cry?"

Aveline's eyes filled with greater tears, barely holding herself back from falling to the floor. Nora finally made her way over, leaning her forehead against Aveline's.

"We worked hard because we knew you. The pain we felt, it scared us all. The bonds we shared, they felt so feeble until we put our bodies to work. So Aveline, don't blame yourself for what happened. None of us would ever see you as some sort of monster that abandons her loved ones."

Aveline shook slightly, her lovers all close and tight. She looked up at Nora, a soft kiss. She turned to Lenora, another soft kiss. Her eyes fell to Kaley, one more soft kiss. The girls made their way back to their room, reuniting themselves with the other group. After many explanations, the warmth and love erupted from that group of beauties.

'Now I need to travel the world to retrieve what's mine.'


(A.N. I have finally gotten a patron that subbed enough for a shout-out!)

Thank you JScott!