The Bustling Collection (2)

Warning! This chapter has adult-restricted contents such as the use of vulgar languages, violence, intercourse, and might even show the portrayal of harmful activities. Continue at your own risk.


Young Mirae had encountered many people that she had classified them into four types: the good people with good hearts, the good people with rotten hearts, the people defined as bad yet carries uprightness in their hearts, and the last ones bathed with pure evil and rotten from their skin to their bones.

But it was still early to classify which type this man belonged to.

For now, Young Mirae would put him into her type of man she was looking for.

'Kya, that's smooth, I'm embarrassed!' she squealed inwardly.

Young Mirae found herself peeking at the man leaning on the two stacked cargoes. Admiring his visual, she could not help but mumble, "I want his eyes. It's like chocolates, I kind of want to eat them."

"Excuse me, my what?"

"Huh, your what?"

"...Could you return to cleaning this mess? Refrain from being distracted."

'Refrain from being distracted, he said,' Young Mirae recited to her head, mimicking him while she was mouthing the words.

How would she not when a good-looking man stood in the corner while watching what she was doing? Gah, even her hand would not stop tucking her hair into her ear.

Flustered, when she became aware of it, she lowered her hand from her ear and suppressed the temptation of tucking a lock of her hair again. Pushing her lower lip forward, she railed, "Why are you still here, anyway?"

"I'm watching you do your job."

"Aw, you should have told me earlier. That you're here to see me."

"Sorry to spoil you, woman, but no," was another vehement rejection from him.

"Hmph, he didn't have to be so stingy," she uttered obliviously what she had in mind. Why won't he just be honest to himself?

"Anyway, where are the two idiots tailing you?"

Scanning around, she had not seen those mindless pieces of shits — um, what she meant was the troublemakers. Certainly, she had not seen a soul of them.

"What? I'm only asking. Don't answer if you don't want to. You are free to," inferred Young Mirae as the man was gawking at her in silence.

"I suspended them," was his frugal answer.

"Isn't that great?"

Hearing this news simply made her evening. If it would be Young Mirae, she would not only suspend them but would also kick them out of her team. On top of them being loud, they were crudely stupid as well.

If it was Young Mirae who implied that those two were stupid, alas, they were undoubtedly idiotic.

That being said, while she was in the middle of digging for the valuable items, the door which led to the other warehouse barged open. It showed Nam Hiah who appeared to be running short of breath from rushing.

Standing from her heels, Young Mirae called, "Hey, welcome back! Why are you running—"

"Sunhi, watch out!"

Nam Hiah's face displayed terror with her hand stretching forward in desperation. Young Mirae shot her a questionable look before her ears caught the roaring of the engine that was approaching their direction.

Within the turn of her gaze, the arched window played the sequenced frames that were taking place in slow motion. In the coordinating moment, a flash flickered strongly that it blinded her sight. Something was coming, and it was advancing at an alarming speed.

'Fuck, I stared at it!'

Her heeled boots snapped wildly as she reminded herself that she needed to run from what was appearing. She launched in the opposite direction and jumped after dragging someone through the process.

A crash followed by a boom; the debris flew throughout the place from the concrete wall knocked by the truck from the outside.

Young Mirae squeezed her body above the person she pulled. Hiding behind the cargoes was a good move, as it helped them block the stones flying when they attempted to approach their way.

A minute after the collision, she lifted her torso and looked down at her companion. She stared back at her now favorite rich chocolate eyes before demanding, "Why aren't you thanking me? I just saved you."

Shooting a grin at the man, she watched his eyes flickered before it became dim. After a second of matching her gaze, she heard him thundered, "Tsk, get the fuck off me!"

The man pushed her away, but Young Mirae slumped her body over his. While she was temptingly squeezing herself to him, she raised her chin and pressed her lips close to his ear. "Let's enjoy it while we're here."

However, when she was thinking of trailing her fingers on his cheek, the man shoved her off roughly. Eventually, she ended up crumpling to the cold concrete floor.


"The fuck, woman! What's your deal?"

Astonished while she was staring in the air, her lips parted in disbelief. Did he just push her away? She, Young Mirae, of all people? How could this man refuse a pretty lady?

When she was in university in Singapore, many men would ask her to accompany her home. They would fight one another just to know who could invite her for dinner. And here, back home in Korea, it had been a long time since Young Mirae hit on a man.

Yet now that she tried...she experienced shame and rejection for the first time!

Flaring at him with a scowl as her eyebrows drew together, Young Mirae cried out, "Harsh, you're too rough! You don't even know who I am!"

"Then who are you?"

"I'm Young—"

Oh no, that was dangerous. If she failed to contain herself, her true identity could have slipped from her tongue a moment there. Darn it, and this was because her first rejection swayed her emotions.

Screening her clumsy mistake with a stiff snicker, Young Mirae pushed her hand forward and introduced herself.

"I'm Baek Sunhi, he-he. Nice to meet you again, handsome."