Russo Gang

Hearing this the adults who were aware of the truth still felt chills pass through their body and youngsters were surprised as they didn't know their grandma was from a mafia family, except for Jackson who had an idea of this.

Amara got excited knowing that she had mafia roots.

Ignoring the worried expressions on their faces, Michael continued, "I dedicated my entire life to mafia and leading my gang, I never got married and was not interested in having a family of my own but now my time is near and I can die anytime, I want Russo's blood to lead the gang after my death. So, I came here to my dear sister who has four grandchildren, they are all Russo's blood, I want one of them to join our Mafia family."

Hearing this everyone was shaken, Amara was the only one who got excited, Jackson was neutral, except for these two everyone got scared. Grayson loved action movies but when faced with a real-life similar situation, he got really scared.

Grandma gathered all the courage and then she finally spoke and this time she looked angrier than scary, "No brother, I ran away from home because I wanted to stay away from your dirty world, I'll not allow my grandchildren to enter that world ever. I am sorry we reject your proposal and you may leave."

Amara felt bad hearing her grandma, she was interested in joining the mafia and her grandma straightaway rejected it. She decided to still voice her opinion and let great uncle know she was interested but before she could speak, Michael said, "Bria, you should be ashamed of yourself. You didn't do anything for our family and rather ran away from our home with this car driver. You only brought shame to our family and for the first time you got a chance to do something for us and you are still rejecting it."

All four grandchildren were surprised to know their grandfather was a car driver in the past.

"I hate your mafia world brother and don't you dare insult my husband, we came to London and started our own Real Estate business and we are doing well for ourselves. Neither me nor anyone from my family want to be associated with your dirty business."

"Dare you call it a dirty business again, this business what gave you a comfortable lifestyle before you ran away, how could you insult it. Let me tell you Bria, I never meddled into your family before because of the love I had for my sister but not anymore, if you don't agree to this then at this moment, I'll kill every single member of your family and destroy the existence of Browns."

Grandpa got scared and immediately begged Michael, "Please elder brother, don't kill my children. My grandchildren are not interested in joining the mafia, then what is the point in forcing them to join you. Even if they join you because of this pressure, they won't perform well as a mafia leader and would anyway bring disgrace to the gang. So, can you please reconsider your decision?"

Before Michael could say anything, a soft voice interrupted him.

"I want to join the Russo Gang"

Everyone looked at the source of voice. Amara without any fright, daringly stood up from her seat and went to Michael and stood in front of him, she confidently said, "I am good with Martial Arts and Shooting, will that be enough? If not, I can learn more, I want to join your mafia and dedicate my life to it."

Avery shouted at his daughter, "Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what a mafia is? It is not something fun, it involves killing and harming people, aren't you ashamed wanting to be a part of something so sinful? I am not allowing it; I forbid you from joining them."

Hearing Avery's words Michael coldly looked at him, seeing Michael staring at him in anger, Avery shivered.

"We protect people, businessmen like you hire us to do their work. We don't see our work as sinful, our work is respectful, if we don't exist then this world would have been destroyed way back, we keep things in check. Next time think before you talk or insult my line of work, next time if you are ignorant with your words, the bullet would go directly through your head and you would be lying on the ground dead even before you complete your sentence."

Michael's cold warning in his chilly voice scared everyone in the family and to soothe the situation, grandpa quickly apologised, "Sorry brother, my son is an idiot, he doesn't know what he is saying, his daughter wants to join mafia so he got more scared and said all of these things, please don't take him seriously and forgive him."

Michael then looked at Amara ignoring his sister, his cold eyes turned gentle and chilly voice became soothing, "Are you sure you want to join mafia? If you join us you can never leave the gang again and might have to give up on marriage, children and your dreams. Mafia would be your dream and the people in your gang would be your children, you can't have a life outside the mafia. Are you willing to give up on all of these and join us?"

Amara thought for a while and then smiled at Michael, no one in the family ever saw Amara smiling as she was always cold and unapproachable and never mingled with them, she used to find it annoying if anyone laughs loudly. Seeing that smile on her face, it was evident for her family that whatever she is going to say won't be something good for sure.

"All these things you just mentioned, I am not interested in them. I find my family very annoying and when I was young I decided I would never have a family of my own and would lead my life alone without any baggage. As a child I was always more interested in fighting and shooting. I fought with my parents to join Martial Arts instead of Piano classes, today I realized why I had a strong inclination towards these things instead of other so-called normal things. I always thought I was a misfit for this family as I never fell into their definition of normal, I have no attachment to my parents, I love them but they only annoy me. Today, I realized it was all because I had mafia roots and I feel more connected with your world. I don't want a life outside mafia, I vow my loyalty to mafia, I really want to be a part of your world."

Michael was impressed with her attitude and was glad for his decision to visit Bria and her family.