
Michael then looked at Jackson, other than Amara he was the only one who was not scared of his presence, he intrigued him, "You? Are you interested in joining us?"

Till now Wyatt and his wife were happy that Amara showed interest in the mafia and their sons will not be forced to join the gang. Since Michael came, these two were worried as they are the ones who had two sons and the mafia always prefers having men in their gang. They were scared thinking their sons would be forced into joining the Russo gang but with Amara volunteering they were glad but when Michael asked Jackson this question, these two again panicked. Earlier seeing Michael's warning to Avery these two decided to keep quiet.

"Why does it matter? Isn't Amara already interested in joining you?" Jackson asked comfortably leaning on the sofa, he had no fear in his eyes.

"It matters, if you two are interested then I would make you go through some tests to decide who amongst you two is the best and then decide on the leader." Michael patiently answered him.

"I am not interested. Amara is the best bet; she won't disappoint you." Jackson had a very strong aura and his words seemed like a command.

"Fine, if you ever change your mind, let me know, the Russo gang will always have a place for you."

"Thank you but I would never change my mind."

Michael then turned to Amara and said, "I am glad you want to join us but you still need to go through some physical tests."

"That won't be a problem"

Looking at Amara's physique, Michael knew it won't be a problem and said, "We need to leave today itself; will that be fine with you?"

"I'll be more than happy"

Grandma then spoke up, "Brother, please, Amara is just a child, she doesn't know what she wants. Please spare her brother, don't take her away from here."

Amara got annoyed with her grandma's pleas so before Michael could say anything, she stepped towards her grandma and said, "Grandma you ran away from your home because you didn't like that lifestyle, I want to go away from here because I too don't like your lifestyle. If you can decide for yourself grandma then why can't I decide for myself. I feel suffocated living with you all, I want to go and please don't stop me, this is the least you can do for me."

"Amara if you really decided to join mafia and are going to step out of this house, then we will break all our relations with you. We don't want to be associated with a gangster and the underworld. If you really decide to leave with this man then you need to forget that we are your family and you should never show us your face or meet us in the future. From this day, we would believe we only had one daughter and you never existed for us, we will never acknowledge you and even for this world you were never our daughter." Avery said hoping that his harsh words might change Amara's decision.

Surprisingly, hearing his words instead of feeling pain, Amara felt glad and really liked the idea of leaving her family for good. She looked at her father and said, "I accept all your terms and conditions, from today onwards Amara Brown is dead or was never born, from now on I am Amara Russo."

Michael felt a feeling of pride in his heart when Amara declared this as he thought Avery's words might change her decision, he was impressed of how Amara was not someone who can be emotionally blackmailed and thought he got the perfect heir to his gang.

He asked Amara to pack her luggage and all the necessary things. Amara happily went to her room to pack all her stuff. Michael went out to the lawn area to smoke a cigarette.

Other family members helplessly stood in their spots confused as to what to do. Jackson stepped out and approached Michael.

"Great uncle, congratulations on finding your heir."

"When you contacted me, I thought you were the one interested in joining us, I didn't expect things to turn this way."

"I am not interested in mafia or my family business, I have other dreams but I know my sister and I always felt she was not at the right place, she belonged to your world and not here. My family hid this truth from all of us, I once came across a box kept in the store room and found out about our mafia roots and after digging deeper, I got to know about you and your activities. I thought you are the only person who can take my sister where she belongs to."

"I don't think it is only because of your love for your sister you asked me to come here. My experience is more than your age, I can clearly see through people and know when they have any ulterior motives."

"So, what ulterior motive do I have?"

"I am not able to figure that out"

Jackson chuckled and said, "I am glad you are not able to. It is none of your business great uncle, you got your heir and I got what I want, it is not your concern to know what I want."


Jackson and Michael entered the living room, Jackson casually went and sat on the sofa. Amara came with one suitcase, Michael thought she might bring more luggage but she only brought one suitcase and a laptop bag.

She went to Amelia and gave her a tight hug and kissed her on the cheek, Amelia was crying as Amara was leaving forever and she felt helpless.

"Amelia, although we might never meet again but don't worry, I'll always remember you and you will always be there in my heart."

"Amara, I'll too…I'll too will r..remember you fore..ever but please d..don't say we might n…never meet again; it h..hurts." Amelia cried more loudly. Amara patted her on the head and gave her a long kiss on the cheek and she then went to Jackson and Grayson, hugged them and bid them goodbye.

Before leaving she once turned back and saw her family, her grandma was crying, her grandpa was consoling her. Her aunt and uncle seemed happy. Grayson and Amelia were crying, Jackson looked neutral with an expressionless face. Her parents looked angry and helpless. She waved her hand at them as a goodbye and left with Michael and his bodyguards.