Prove It

Amara ignored him and continued walking.

The new guy then held her wrist and pulled her towards him, she didn't expect him to do so, she couldn't get a hold of herself and she fell forward in his arms and felt warmth coming from his body, for a moment she wished to stay longer.

He smiled and slowly whispered in her eyes, "Liking the warmth?"

She regained her composure and quickly pushed him away, "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Look down first, the place where you were about to step on."

When Amara looked down, she saw vomit and immediately stepped back, making a disgusted face.

"Yeah, someone vomited on the road and you were about to step on it so I pulled you back."

"Thank you" Amara just blurted it out.

"Please can I join you?" he again begged.

"We can't randomly hire anyone." She finally rejected him.

"I am not just anyone" The new guy answered back.

"Oh really?" Amara crossed her hands in front of her chest and seriously asked.


"Prove it"

The new guy smiled and attacked Jim who was standing behind him, Jim was startled as he didn't expect to get attacked suddenly.

In five moves, the new guy defeated Jim.

"Is this enough?" the new guy asked Amara.

Amara looked at Jim who was lying on the ground and was whining in pain.

"No, it is not."

Then the new guy fought with Carl and defeated him in seven moves. Carl too was lying next to Jim on the ground.

The wounds were not visible but the new guy hurt them in a way that the wounds won't appear on the surface but the pain would still be there, his style of attack was proof enough that he is not an ordinary man.

"If you are this good, why would you shout scared when I was attacking the owner?"

"I just wanted to drag your attention towards me, I was hiding in that place for so long but none of you were able to discover me, so I decided I'll appear myself and save you the trouble."

Amara figured it out the first time the new guy dodged Jim's attack, Jim was well trained and it was not easy for any random person to dodge it, only someone who has been very well trained can dodge and attack Jim so it was obvious that he was not scare of them and rather shouted to gain their attention.

Amara called Dan and asked him for his advice.

Dan more or less understood the situation as he had been listening to everything that happened inside using the microphones they had and he himself saw this new guy defeating Jim and Carl, the two best fighters of his team, he was really interested in giving a chance to this guy.