Savoring The Taste

Amara was waiting for him with closed eyes to kiss her but there was no response so after a minute she opened her eyes and looked at him in anger.

He understood why she was angry, he smiled at her and continued lovingly stroking her hair, "Please Amara, sleep." 

"No, I want to kiss you" She rejected his suggestion.

He helplessly shook his head and decided to close his eyes so he kept his eyes closed and was pretending to sleep, he thought this is the only way to make her fall asleep, so he too pretended to be sleeping, if he is awake then she would never sleep.

But he underestimated Amara, she pulled his cheeks to wake him up but he didn't respond to her then she ran her fingers across his face and this time too he didn't react.

After few minutes of troubling him and not getting any reaction from him, Amara leaned closer to him and licked his lips.

Aaron abruptly opened his eyes and looked at her in shock.