Masquerade Party

"I am really sorry for the trouble you had to go through."

"Don't worry it was really fun."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, it was fun drinking with you, that's it."

"Oh okay."

"Amara just freshen up, have a good bath and come out, there is breakfast ready for you. After eating it, you will feel better." He gave her some instructions which she agreed to follow, then she saw him and his eyes looked strained.

"Thank you so much for your help and you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Why would you ask so?" Every word of her was now startling him.

"You don't look good; it seems like you didn't sleep well."

"There is no reason, it is just that I didn't feel sleepy."

"Okay, before we start working on this Angelo mission, rest well, I am not sure when else we will get time again."

"Sure, thanks for being so considerate."

Amara just smiled at him and went to have a bath.