Just A Physical Reaction

"Thank you so much uncle, after coming back home I realized I forgot to send samples."

"No worries dear, this is a normal routine for us, so we naturally think like this."


"You take rest dear, after these forensics work is done, I'll head to the hospital."

"Sure, uncle"

Amara lost her appetite so she didn't have dinner that night and kept thinking what should she do next.

Amelia went and slept with her mom that night as Amara requested her to leave her alone as she wanted some space.

Late at night, after making some important calls Amara messaged Joshua and asked him to meet her in her room.

Joshua was not able to fall asleep so he was still awake, when he received a message from Amara to come and meet her, he was surprised, he wondered what would happen after this meeting but nevertheless he went to her room.