Can We Be Together?

"Joshua, these feelings are new, I am sure you too will get over me, just like I will get over you in the next few days."

'My feelings are not new; I have been in love with you for seven years' He wanted to say these words but the truth will only complicate their situation so he did not.

"My feelings are not new." He decided to share the partial truth if not the entire.


"I have been in love with you since the moment I met you." He answered her honestly but she misunderstood the moment they met to be was when they met for the mission in the Vulcano Island.

"I am sorry Joshua but I am sure you will get over me."

"Really? How can you be so sure?"

"I am not the kind of woman men would fall head over heels for. See, how I am inconsiderate for your feelings and took a decision that would favour me. I am selfish and cold."