Last Kiss

Aaron was wearing a casual white shirt and black pants; he kept his look simple.

Amara wanted to compliment him as he was looking handsome but she controlled herself as that would only give him hopes about them.

Aaron chose a SUV and the two headed to the Eiffel Tower.

After travelling for a few minutes, they reached their destination.

They were now standing in front of the tallest tower in France which was over 1,000 feet tall.

The goldish brown tower which is made of steel and wrought iron weirdly looked very attractive to Amara.

She is not a romantic person and definitely not an admirer of such buildings but she really loved standing in front of the symbol of love with Aaron, the love of her life.

She admired the beauty in front of her and turned her face only to see Aaron looking at her, she then realized he had been watching her since they came to see the tower.