Amara Russo

She panicked and thought he left, anxiously she ran out the room only to see him cooking breakfast.

She sighed in relief when she saw him there.

His back was facing her so he had no idea she is already up.

"When are you leaving?" Amara asked him startling him.

"Oh, you already woke up." He commented checking the time.

"Hmm, I need to leave in two hours" she informed him.

"I'll leave with you."

"When is your flight?"

Aaron smiled and brought breakfast to the table, "It will be whenever I want."

Amara raised her eyebrows at him, "Yesterday mom went back home in a public plane and left the private plane here for me."

"Wow, this orphan is so rich" She taunted him.

"Why are you not eating the breakfast?" Aaron asked her ignoring her taunt as she didn't even touch the spoon.

Amara hesitatingly answered, "I didn't brush yet." She quickly ran to her room, he laughed at her antics.