Shameless Family

Just then Grayson arrived there and he too was surprised to see Aaron and Amara.

"Aaron, long time no see" Grayson excitedly hugged him.

Amara recollected Jackson once telling her Grayson developed a crush on Aaron, so she glared at her younger brother.

"Amara" Grayson happily stepped towards her but paused in his footsteps when he saw her glaring at him.

'Fuck, did I do something wrong?' He wondered to himself.

"Grayson, I need to talk to you in alone" Amara, who had been polite and gentle until now suddenly turned cold.

Her family was already surprised to see her being nice and obedient but when she just turned cold, they again got confused.

Right now, she looked like that old, stubborn Amara.

Grayson shivered in fear and looked at Aaron asking him what happened to her.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders as he genuinely had no idea why Amara was angry.

Nevertheless, Grayson followed her to the lawn outside.