"Aaron, wouldn't it be weird if I come and stay with you? Your family might feel awkward" Amara hesitatingly asked him.

Aaron chuckled at her question, "I have a penthouse in London, I am taking you there. We would be staying alone, away from everyone."

He tried to imply something but Amara ignored it.

"Okay, I'll soon find a job and once I have enough money, I'll move out" Amara announced.

Aaron was not surprised as he knew her well and was expecting something like this.

"Hmm, okay" He didn't insist she stay and for now he agreed with her.

Amara was surprised he immediately agreed but she was glad he did.

Their accounts were all blocked so for now, Amara doesn't have access to the money she earned while being in mafia.

Mostly, she won't get her money back as those accounts were all illegal and are not under her name.

They were as good as gone.

'Need to find a job' she decided.